--- /dev/null
+POE-Component-IRC-Plugin-Seen version 0.001
+POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Seen is a PoCo-IRC plugin that remembers what each person around it did last.
+When somebody sends him a private message of the form 'seen NICKNAME' or somebody says 'botnick: seen NICKNAME' in a channel with the bot, the plugin answers with the last action NICKNAME did.
+To install this module type the following:
+ perl Makefile.PL
+ make
+ make test
+ make install
+This module requires these other modules and libraries:
+* POE::Component::IRC
+* IRC::Utils
+Copyright (C) 2013 by Marius Gavrilescu
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.14.2 or,
+at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
--- /dev/null
+package POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Seen;
+our $VERSION = 0.001;
+use v5.14;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use DB_File;
+use IRC::Utils qw/lc_irc parse_user/;
+use POE::Component::IRC::Plugin qw/PCI_EAT_NONE PCI_EAT_PLUGIN/;
+sub new{
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self = { @_ };
+ $self->{dbobj} = tie my %db, DB_File => $self->{filename};
+ $self->{db} = \%db;
+ bless $self, $class
+sub log_event {
+ my ($self, $nick, $event) = @_;
+ my $time = localtime;
+ $self->{db}->{$nick} = "$time $event";
+ $self->{dbobj}->sync;
+sub seen {
+ my ($self, $irc, $nick, $to, $from) = @_;
+ if (exists $self->{db}->{$nick}) {
+ $irc->yield(privmsg => $to => "I last saw $nick $self->{db}->{$nick}")
+ } else {
+ $irc->yield(privmsg => $to => "I haven't seen $nick")
+ }
+sub PCI_register {
+ my ($self, $irc) = @_;
+ $irc->plugin_register($self, SERVER => qw/ctcp_action join part public msg/);
+ 1
+sub PCI_unregister { 1 }
+sub S_ctcp_action {
+ my ($self, $irc, $rfullname, $rchannels, $rmessage) = @_;
+ my $nick = parse_user $$rfullname;
+ log_event $self, $nick => "on $$rchannels->[0] doing: * $$rmessage"
+sub S_public {
+ my ($self, $irc, $rfullname, $rchannels, $rmessage) = @_;
+ my $nick = parse_user $$rfullname;
+ my $mynick = $irc->nick_name;
+ seen $self, $irc, $1, $$rchannels->[0], $nick if $$rmessage =~ /^(?:$mynick [,:])?\s*seen\s+([^ ]+)/x;
+ log_event $self, $nick => "on $$rchannels->[0] saying $$rmessage"
+sub S_join {
+ my ($self, $irc, $rfullname, $rchannel) = @_;
+ my $nick = parse_user $$rfullname;
+ log_event $self, $nick => "joining $$rchannel"
+sub S_part {
+ my ($self, $irc, $rfullname, $rchannel, $rmessage) = @_;
+ my $nick = parse_user $$rfullname;
+ my $msg = $$rmessage ? " with message '$$rmessage'" : '';
+ log_event $self, $nick => "parting $$rchannel$msg"
+sub S_msg {
+ my ($self, $irc, $rfullname, $rtargets, $rmessage) = @_;
+ my $nick = parse_user $$rfullname;
+ seen $self, $irc, $$rmessage, $$rtargets->[0], $nick if $$rmessage =~ /^seen\s+([^ ]+)/
+=head1 NAME
+POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Seen - PoCo-IRC plugin that remembers seeing people
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Seen;
+ my $irc = POE::Component::IRC->spawn;
+ $irc->plugin_add(Seen => POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Seen->new(filename => 'mycache.db'));
+POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Seen is a PoCo-IRC plugin that remembers what each person around it did last.
+When somebody sends him a private message of the form 'seen NICKNAME' or somebody says 'botnick: seen NICKNAME' in a channel with the bot, the plugin answers with the last action NICKNAME did.
+=head1 METHODS
+=item B<new>([I<filename> => value])
+Creates a new plugin object suitable for L<POE::Component::IRC>'s C<plugin_add> method.
+Takes one optional argument, C<filename>, the name of the file to store the plugin's state in. If C<undef> or not given, it keeps the state in memory.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Marius Gavrilescu C<< <marius@ieval.ro> >>
+Copyright (C) 2013 by Marius Gavrilescu
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.14.2 or,
+at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
--- /dev/null
+use v5.14;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 8;
+use Test::MockObject;
+BEGIN { *CORE::GLOBAL::localtime = sub { 'now' } }
+BEGIN { use_ok('POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Seen') };
+# Variable setup
+my $last_msg;
+my $mockirc = Test::MockObject->new;
+$mockirc->mock(yield => sub { $last_msg = $_[3] if $_[1] eq 'privmsg'})->set_always(nick_name => 'bot');
+my $self = POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Seen->new;
+my $channels = [ '#chan' ];
+my $rmgv = \'mgv!marius@ieval.ro';
+# Sub setup
+sub runtest{
+ my ($message, $expect, $comment) = @_;
+ undef $last_msg;
+ $self->S_public($mockirc, $rmgv, \$channels, \$message);
+ is($last_msg, $expect, $comment)
+runtest 'something', undef, 'initialize';
+runtest 'bot: seen mgv', 'I last saw mgv now on #chan saying something', 'public';
+$self->S_ctcp_action($mockirc, $rmgv, \$channels, \'sleeping');
+runtest 'bot: seen mgv', 'I last saw mgv now on #chan doing: * sleeping', 'ctcp_action';
+$self->S_join($mockirc, $rmgv, \'#chan');
+runtest 'bot: seen mgv', 'I last saw mgv now joining #chan', 'join';
+$self->S_part($mockirc, $rmgv, \'#chan', \'');
+runtest 'bot: seen mgv', 'I last saw mgv now parting #chan', 'part without message';
+$self->S_part($mockirc, $rmgv, \'#chan', \'buh-bye');
+runtest 'bot: seen mgv', "I last saw mgv now parting #chan with message 'buh-bye'", 'part with message';
+runtest 'bot: seen asd', "I haven't seen asd", "haven't seen";