use Redis;
use Sub::Name qw/subname/;
+our $VERSION = '5999.000_001';
our $contest;
my $redis = Redis->new;
my $pubsub = Redis->new;
sub cp { defined $contest ? "contest.$contest." : '' }
-sub multi () { MULTI }
-sub rexec () { EXEC }
sub problems () { SMEMBERS cp . 'problem' }
sub contests () { SMEMBERS cp . 'contest' }
sub users () { SMEMBERS cp . 'user' }
grep { $_ =~ /^[a-zA-Z]/ and exists &$_ } keys %{__PACKAGE__ . '::'};
+=encoding utf-8
+=head1 NAME
+Gruntmaster::Data - Gruntmaster 6000 Online Judge -- database interface and tools
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ for my $problem (problems) {
+ say "Problem name: " . problem_name $problem;
+ say "Problem level: " . problem_level $problem;
+ ...
+ }
+Gruntmaster::Data is the Redis interface used by the Gruntmaster 6000 Online Judge. It exports many functions for talking to the database. All functions are exported by default.
+The current contest is selected by setting the C<< $Gruntmaster::Data::contest >> variable.
+ local $Gruntmaster::Data::contest = 'mycontest';
+ say 'There are' . jobcard . ' jobs in my contest';
+=head2 Redis
+Gruntmaster::Data exports some functions for talking directly to the Redis server. These functions should not normally be used, except for B<MULTI>, B<EXEC>, B<PUBLISH>, B<SUBSCRIBE> and B<WAIT_FOR_MESSAGES>.
+=head2 Problems
+=item B<problems>
+Returns a list of problems in the current contest.
+=item B<problem_meta> I<$problem>
+Returns a problem's meta.
+=item B<set_problem_meta> I<$problem>, I<$meta>
+Sets a problem's meta.
+=item B<problem_name> I<$problem>
+Returns a problem's name.
+=item B<set_problem_name> I<$problem>, I<$name>
+Sets a problem's name.
+=item B<problem_level> I<$problem>
+Returns a problem's level. The levels are beginner, easy, medium, hard.
+=item B<set_problem_level> I<$problem>, I<$level>
+Sets a problem's level. The levels are beginner, easy, medium, hard.
+=item B<problem_statement> I<$problem>
+Returns a problem's statement.
+=item B<set_problem_statement> I<$problem>, I<$statement>
+Sets a problem's statement.
+=item B<problem_owner> I<$problem>
+Returns a problem's owner.
+=item B<set_problem_owner> I<$problem>, I<$owner>
+Sets a problem's owner.
+=item B<problem_author> I<$problem>
+Returns a problem's author.
+=item B<set_problem_author> I<$problem>, I<$author>
+Sets a problem's author.
+=item B<get_open> I<$problem>, I<$user>
+Returns the time when I<$user> opened I<$problem>.
+=item B<mark_open> I<$problem>, I<$user>
+Sets the time when I<$user> opened I<$problem> to the current time. Does nothing if I<$user> has already opened I<$problem>.
+=item B<insert_problem> I<$id>, I<$key> => I<$value>, ...
+Inserts a problem with id I<$id> and the given initial configuration. Does nothing if a problem with id I<$id> already exists. Returns true if the problem was added, false otherwise.
+=item B<edit_problem> I<$id>, I<$key> => I<$value>, ...
+Updates the configuration of a problem. The values of the given keys are updated. All other keys/values are left intact.
+=item B<remove_problem> I<$id>
+Removes a problem.
+=head2 Contests
+B<<< WARNING: these functions only work correctly when C<< $Gruntmaster::Data::contest >> is undef >>>
+=item B<contests>
+Returns a list of contests.
+=item B<contest_start> I<$contest>
+Returns a contest's start time.
+=item B<set_contest_start> I<$contest>, I<$start>
+Sets a contest's start time.
+=item B<contest_end> I<$contest>
+Returns a contest's end time.
+=item B<set_contest_end> I<$contest>, I<$end>
+Sets a contest's end time.
+=item B<contest_name> I<$contest>
+Returns a contest's name.
+=item B<set_contest_name> I<$contest>, I<$name>
+Sets a contest's name.
+=item B<contest_owner> I<$contest>
+Returns a contest's owner.
+=item B<set_contest_owner> I<$contest>, I<$owner>
+Sets a contest's owner.
+=item B<insert_contest> I<$id>, I<$key> => I<$value>, ...
+Inserts a contest with id I<$id> and the given initial configuration. Does nothing if a contest with id I<$id> already exists. Returns true if the contest was added, false otherwise.
+=item B<edit_contest> I<$id>, I<$key> => I<$value>, ...
+Updates the configuration of a contest. The values of the given keys are updated. All other keys/values are left intact.
+=item B<remove_contest> I<$id>
+Removes a contest.
+=head2 Jobs
+=item B<jobcard>
+Returns the number of jobs in the database.
+=item B<job_results> I<$job>
+Returns an array of job results. Each element corresponds to a test and is a hashref with keys B<id> (test number), B<result> (result code, see L<Gruntmaster::Daemon::Constants>), B<result_text> (result description) and B<time> (time taken).
+=item B<set_job_results> I<$job>, I<$results>
+Sets a job's results.
+=item B<job_inmeta> I<$job>
+Returns a job's meta.
+=item B<set_job_inmeta> I<$job>, I<$meta>
+Sets a job's meta.
+=item B<job_daemon> I<$job>
+Returns the hostname:pid of the daemon which ran this job.
+=item B<set_job_daemon> I<$job>, I<$hostname_and_pid>
+If the job has no associated daemon, it sets the daemon and returns true. Otherwise it returns false without setting the daemon.
+=item B<job_date> I<$job>
+Returns a job's submit date.
+=item B<set_job_date> I<$job>, I<$date>
+Sets a job's submit date.
+=item B<job_errors> I<$job>
+Returns a job's compile errors.
+=item B<set_job_errors> I<$job>, I<$errors>
+Sets a job's compile errors.
+=item B<job_extension> I<$job>
+Returns a job's file name extension (e.g. "cpp", "pl", "java").
+=item B<set_job_extension> I<$job>, I<$extension>
+Sets a job's file name extension.
+=item B<job_filesize> I<$job>
+Returns a job's source file size, in bytes.
+=item B<set_job_filesize> I<$job>, I<$filesize>
+Sets a job's source file size, in bytes.
+=item B<job_private> I<$job>
+Returns the value of a job's private flag.
+=item B<set_job_private> I<$job>, I<$private>
+Sets the value of a job's private flag.
+=item B<job_problem> I<$job>
+Returns a job's problem.
+=item B<set_job_problem> I<$job>, I<$problem>
+Sets a job's problem.
+=item B<job_result> I<$job>
+Returns a job's result code. Possible result codes are described in L<Gruntmaster::Daemon::Constants>
+=item B<set_job_result> I<$job>, I<$result>
+Sets a job's result code.
+=item B<job_result_text> I<$job>
+Returns a job's result text.
+=item B<set_job_result_text> I<$job>, I<$result_text>
+Sets a job's result text.
+=item B<job_user> I<$job>
+Returns the user who submitted a job.
+=item B<set_job_user> I<$job>, I<$user>
+Sets the suer who submitted a job.
+=item B<clean_job> I<$job>
+Removes a job's daemon, result code, result text and result array.
+=item B<push_job> I<$key> => I<$value>, ...
+Inserts a job with a given initial configuration. Returns the id of the newly-added job.
+=item B<edit_job> I<$id>, I<$key> => I<$value>, ...
+Updates the configuration of a job. The values of the given keys are updated. All other keys/values are left intact.
+=item B<remove_job> I<$id>
+Removes a job.
+=head2 Users
+B<<< WARNING: these functions only work correctly when C<< $Gruntmaster::Data::contest >> is undef >>>
+=item B<users>
+Returns a list of users.
+=item B<user_name> I<$user>
+Returns a user's full name.
+=item B<set_user_name> I<$user>, I<$name>
+Sets a user's full name.
+=item B<user_email> I<$user>
+Returns a user's email address.
+=item B<set_user_email> I<$user>, I<$email>
+Sets a user's email address.
+=item B<user_town> I<$user>
+Returns a user's town.
+=item B<set_user_town> I<$user>, I<$town>
+Sets a user's town.
+=item B<user_university> I<$user>
+Returns a user's university/highschool/place of work/etc.
+=item B<set_user_university> I<$user>, I<$university>
+Sets a user's university, highschool/place of work/etc.
+=item B<user_level> I<$user>
+Returns a user's current level of study. One of 'Highschool', 'Undergraduate', 'Master', 'Doctorate' or 'Other'.
+=item B<set_user_level> I<$user>, I<$level>
+Sets a user's current level of study.
+=item B<insert_user> I<$id>, I<$key> => I<$value>, ...
+Inserts a user with id I<$id> and the given initial configuration. Does nothing if a user with id I<$id> already exists. Returns true if the user was added, false otherwise.
+=item B<edit_user> I<$id>, I<$key> => I<$value>, ...
+Updates the configuration of a user. The values of the given keys are updated. All other keys/values are left intact.
+=item B<remove_user> I<$id>
+Removes a user.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Marius Gavrilescu E<lt>marius@ieval.roE<gt>
+Copyright (C) 2014 by Marius Gavrilescu
+This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.