#!/usr/bin/perl -wT -CSDA use v5.14; use App::MusicExpo; App::MusicExpo->run; __END__ =head1 NAME musicexpo - script which generates a HTML table of music tags =head1 SYNOPSIS # Creates a table with the songs a.mp3 and b.flac using the default template and without caching. The download links point to /music/a.mp3 and /music/b.mp3 musicexpo a.mp3 b.flac # Caches to 'cache.db', and the download links point to /download/a.flac, /download/b.flac, /download/c.flac musicexpo --cache 'cache.db' --prefix /download/ my/music/a.flac my/music/b.flac othermusic/c.flac # Caches into /tmp/musicexpocache and uses directory/file.tmpl as template musicexpo --cache /tmp/musicexpocache --template directory/file.tmpl my-music/*.mp3 =head1 DESCRIPTION musicexpo creates a HTML table from a list of songs. The default template looks like: | Title | Artist | Album | Genre | Track | Year | Type | |---------+---------+-----------------+---------+-------+------+------| | Cellule | Silence | L'autre endroit | Electro | 01/09 | 2005 | FLAC | where the title is a download link. If you have multiple files with the same basename (such as C and C), they will be treated as two versions of the same file, so a row will be created with two download links, one for each format. =head1 OPTIONS =over =item B<--template> I