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2# Seccomp Library Python Bindings
4# Copyright (c) 2012,2013 Red Hat <pmoore@redhat.com>
5# Author: Paul Moore <paul@paul-moore.com>
9# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
10# under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
11# published by the Free Software Foundation.
13# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
14# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
15# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
16# for more details.
18# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
19# along with this library; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
22""" Python bindings for the libseccomp library
24The libseccomp library provides and easy to use, platform independent,
25interface to the Linux Kernel's syscall filtering mechanism: seccomp. The
26libseccomp API is designed to abstract away the underlying BPF based
27syscall filter language and present a more conventional function-call
28based filtering interface that should be familiar to, and easily adopted
29by application developers.
31Filter action values:
32 KILL - kill the process
33 ALLOW - allow the syscall to execute
34 TRAP - a SIGSYS signal will be thrown
35 ERRNO(x) - syscall will return (x)
36 TRACE(x) - if the process is being traced, (x) will be returned to the
37 tracing process via PTRACE_EVENT_SECCOMP and the
40Argument comparison values (see the Arg class):
42 NE - arg != datum_a
43 LT - arg < datum_a
44 LE - arg <= datum_a
45 EQ - arg == datum_a
46 GT - arg > datum_a
47 GE - arg >= datum_a
48 MASKED_EQ - (arg & datum_b) == datum_a
53 import sys
54 from seccomp import *
56 # create a filter object with a default KILL action
57 f = SyscallFilter(defaction=KILL)
59 # add syscall filter rules to allow certain syscalls
60 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "open")
61 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "close")
62 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "read", Arg(0, EQ, sys.stdin))
63 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "write", Arg(0, EQ, sys.stdout))
64 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "write", Arg(0, EQ, sys.stderr))
65 f.add_rule(ALLOW, "rt_sigreturn")
67 # load the filter into the kernel
68 f.load()
70__author__ = 'Paul Moore <paul@paul-moore.com>'
71__date__ = "7 January 2013"
73from libc.stdint cimport uint32_t
74import errno
76cimport libseccomp
78KILL = libseccomp.SCMP_ACT_KILL
79TRAP = libseccomp.SCMP_ACT_TRAP
80ALLOW = libseccomp.SCMP_ACT_ALLOW
81def ERRNO(int errno):
82 """The action ERRNO(x) means that the syscall will return (x).
83 To conform to Linux syscall calling conventions, the syscall return
84 value should almost always be a negative number.
85 """
86 return libseccomp.SCMP_ACT_ERRNO(errno)
87def TRACE(int value):
88 """The action TRACE(x) means that, if the process is being traced, (x)
89 will be returned to the tracing process via PTRACE_EVENT_SECCOMP
90 and the PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG option.
91 """
92 return libseccomp.SCMP_ACT_TRACE(value)
94NE = libseccomp.SCMP_CMP_NE
95LT = libseccomp.SCMP_CMP_LT
96LE = libseccomp.SCMP_CMP_LE
97EQ = libseccomp.SCMP_CMP_EQ
98GE = libseccomp.SCMP_CMP_GE
99GT = libseccomp.SCMP_CMP_GT
102def system_arch():
103 """ Return the system architecture value.
105 Description:
106 Returns the native system architecture value.
107 """
108 return libseccomp.seccomp_arch_native()
110def resolve_syscall(arch, syscall):
111 """ Resolve the syscall.
113 Arguments:
114 arch - the architecture value, e.g. Arch.*
115 syscall - the syscall name or number
117 Description:
118 Resolve an architecture's syscall name to the correct number or the
119 syscall number to the correct name.
120 """
121 cdef char *ret_str
123 if isinstance(syscall, basestring):
124 return libseccomp.seccomp_syscall_resolve_name_rewrite(arch, syscall)
125 elif isinstance(syscall, int):
126 ret_str = libseccomp.seccomp_syscall_resolve_num_arch(arch, syscall)
127 if ret_str is NULL:
128 raise ValueError('Unknown syscall %d on arch %d' % (syscall, arch))
129 else:
130 return ret_str
131 else:
132 raise TypeError("Syscall must either be an int or str type")
134cdef class Arch:
135 """ Python object representing the SyscallFilter architecture values.
137 Data values:
138 NATIVE - the native architecture
139 X86 - 32-bit x86
140 X86_64 - 64-bit x86
141 X32 - 64-bit x86 using the x32 ABI
142 ARM - ARM
143 AARCH64 - 64-bit ARM
145 MIPS64 - MIPS 64-bit ABI
146 MIPS64N32 - MIPS N32 ABI
147 MIPSEL - MIPS little endian O32 ABI
148 MIPSEL64 - MIPS little endian 64-bit ABI
149 MIPSEL64N32 - MIPS little endian N32 ABI
150 PPC64 - 64-bit PowerPC
151 PPC - 32-bit PowerPC
152 """
154 cdef int _token
156 NATIVE = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_NATIVE
157 X86 = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_X86
158 X86_64 = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_X86_64
159 X32 = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_X32
160 ARM = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_ARM
161 AARCH64 = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_AARCH64
162 MIPS = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_MIPS
163 MIPS64 = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_MIPS64
164 MIPS64N32 = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_MIPS64N32
165 MIPSEL = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_MIPSEL
166 MIPSEL64 = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_MIPSEL64
167 MIPSEL64N32 = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_MIPSEL64N32
168 PPC = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_PPC
169 PPC64 = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_PPC64
170 PPC64LE = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_PPC64LE
171 S390 = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_S390
172 S390X = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_S390X
174 def __cinit__(self, arch=libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_NATIVE):
175 """ Initialize the architecture object.
177 Arguments:
178 arch - the architecture name or token value
180 Description:
181 Create an architecture object using the given name or token value.
182 """
183 if isinstance(arch, int):
184 if arch == libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_NATIVE:
185 self._token = libseccomp.seccomp_arch_native()
186 elif arch == libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_X86:
187 self._token = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_X86
188 elif arch == libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_X86_64:
189 self._token = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_X86_64
190 elif arch == libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_X32:
191 self._token = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_X32
192 elif arch == libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_ARM:
193 self._token = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_ARM
194 elif arch == libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_AARCH64:
195 self._token = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_AARCH64
196 elif arch == libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_MIPS:
197 self._token = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_MIPS
198 elif arch == libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_MIPS64:
199 self._token = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_MIPS64
200 elif arch == libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_MIPS64N32:
201 self._token = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_MIPS64N32
202 elif arch == libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_MIPSEL:
203 self._token = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_MIPSEL
204 elif arch == libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_MIPSEL64:
205 self._token = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_MIPSEL64
206 elif arch == libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_MIPSEL64N32:
207 self._token = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_MIPSEL64N32
208 elif arch == libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_PPC:
209 self._token = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_PPC
210 elif arch == libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_PPC64:
211 self._token = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_PPC64
212 elif arch == libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_PPC64LE:
213 self._token = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_PPC64LE
214 elif arch == libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_S390:
215 self._token = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_S390
216 elif arch == libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_S390X:
217 self._token = libseccomp.SCMP_ARCH_S390X
218 else:
219 self._token = 0;
220 elif isinstance(arch, basestring):
221 self._token = libseccomp.seccomp_arch_resolve_name(arch)
222 else:
223 raise TypeError("Architecture must be an int or str type")
224 if self._token == 0:
225 raise ValueError("Invalid architecture")
227 def __int__(self):
228 """ Convert the architecture object to a token value.
230 Description:
231 Convert the architecture object to an integer representing the
232 architecture's token value.
233 """
234 return self._token
236cdef class Attr:
237 """ Python object representing the SyscallFilter attributes.
239 Data values:
240 ACT_DEFAULT - the filter's default action
241 ACT_BADARCH - the filter's bad architecture action
242 CTL_NNP - the filter's "no new privileges" flag
243 CTL_NNP - the filter's thread sync flag
244 """
247 CTL_NNP = libseccomp.SCMP_FLTATR_CTL_NNP
250cdef class Arg:
251 """ Python object representing a SyscallFilter syscall argument.
252 """
253 cdef libseccomp.scmp_arg_cmp _arg
255 def __cinit__(self, arg, op, datum_a, datum_b = 0):
256 """ Initialize the argument comparison.
258 Arguments:
259 arg - the argument number, starting at 0
260 op - the argument comparison operator, e.g. {NE,LT,LE,...}
261 datum_a - argument value
262 datum_b - argument value, only valid when op == MASKED_EQ
264 Description:
265 Create an argument comparison object for use with SyscallFilter.
266 """
267 self._arg.arg = arg
268 self._arg.op = op
269 self._arg.datum_a = datum_a
270 self._arg.datum_b = datum_b
272 cdef libseccomp.scmp_arg_cmp to_c(self):
273 """ Convert the object into a C structure.
275 Description:
276 Helper function which should only be used internally by
277 SyscallFilter objects and exists for the sole purpose of making it
278 easier to deal with the varadic functions of the libseccomp API,
279 e.g. seccomp_rule_add().
280 """
281 return self._arg
283cdef class SyscallFilter:
284 """ Python object representing a seccomp syscall filter. """
285 cdef int _defaction
286 cdef libseccomp.scmp_filter_ctx _ctx
288 def __cinit__(self, int defaction):
289 self._ctx = libseccomp.seccomp_init(defaction)
290 if self._ctx == NULL:
291 raise RuntimeError("Library error")
292 _defaction = defaction
294 def __init__(self, defaction):
295 """ Initialize the filter state
297 Arguments:
298 defaction - the default filter action
300 Description:
301 Initializes the seccomp filter state to the defaults.
302 """
304 def __dealloc__(self):
305 """ Destroys the filter state and releases any resources.
307 Description:
308 Destroys the seccomp filter state and releases any resources
309 associated with the filter state. This function does not affect
310 any seccomp filters already loaded into the kernel.
311 """
312 if self._ctx != NULL:
313 libseccomp.seccomp_release(self._ctx)
315 def reset(self, int defaction = -1):
316 """ Reset the filter state.
318 Arguments:
319 defaction - the default filter action
321 Description:
322 Resets the seccomp filter state to an initial default state, if a
323 default filter action is not specified in the reset call the
324 original action will be reused. This function does not affect any
325 seccomp filters alread loaded into the kernel.
326 """
327 if defaction == -1:
328 defaction = self._defaction
329 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_reset(self._ctx, defaction)
330 if rc == -errno.EINVAL:
331 raise ValueError("Invalid action")
332 if rc != 0:
333 raise RuntimeError(str.format("Library error (errno = {0})", rc))
334 _defaction = defaction
336 def merge(self, SyscallFilter filter):
337 """ Merge two existing SyscallFilter objects.
339 Arguments:
340 filter - a valid SyscallFilter object
342 Description:
343 Merges a valid SyscallFilter object with the current SyscallFilter
344 object; the passed filter object will be reset on success. In
345 order to successfully merge two seccomp filters they must have the
346 same attribute values and not share any of the same architectures.
347 """
348 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_merge(self._ctx, filter._ctx)
349 if rc != 0:
350 raise RuntimeError(str.format("Library error (errno = {0})", rc))
351 filter._ctx = NULL
352 filter = SyscallFilter(filter._defaction)
354 def exist_arch(self, arch):
355 """ Check if the seccomp filter contains a given architecture.
357 Arguments:
358 arch - the architecture value, e.g. Arch.*
360 Description:
361 Test to see if a given architecture is included in the filter.
362 Return True is the architecture exists, False if it does not
363 exist.
364 """
365 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_arch_exist(self._ctx, arch)
366 if rc == 0:
367 return True
368 elif rc == -errno.EEXIST:
369 return False
370 elif rc == -errno.EINVAL:
371 raise ValueError("Invalid architecture")
372 else:
373 raise RuntimeError(str.format("Library error (errno = {0})", rc))
375 def add_arch(self, arch):
376 """ Add an architecture to the filter.
378 Arguments:
379 arch - the architecture value, e.g. Arch.*
381 Description:
382 Add the given architecture to the filter. Any new rules added
383 after this method returns successfully will be added to this new
384 architecture, but any existing rules will not be added to the new
385 architecture.
386 """
387 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_arch_add(self._ctx, arch)
388 if rc == -errno.EINVAL:
389 raise ValueError("Invalid architecture")
390 elif rc != 0:
391 raise RuntimeError(str.format("Library error (errno = {0})", rc))
393 def remove_arch(self, arch):
394 """ Remove an architecture from the filter.
396 Arguments:
397 arch - the architecture value, e.g. Arch.*
399 Description:
400 Remove the given architecture from the filter. The filter must
401 always contain at least one architecture, so if only one
402 architecture exists in the filter this method will fail.
403 """
404 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_arch_remove(self._ctx, arch)
405 if rc == -errno.EINVAL:
406 raise ValueError("Invalid architecture")
407 elif rc != 0:
408 raise RuntimeError(str.format("Library error (errno = {0})", rc))
410 def load(self):
411 """ Load the filter into the Linux Kernel.
413 Description:
414 Load the current filter into the Linux Kernel. As soon as the
415 method returns the filter will be active and enforcing.
416 """
417 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_load(self._ctx)
418 if rc != 0:
419 raise RuntimeError(str.format("Library error (errno = {0})", rc))
421 def get_attr(self, attr):
422 """ Get an attribute value from the filter.
424 Arguments:
425 attr - the attribute, e.g. Attr.*
427 Description:
428 Lookup the given attribute in the filter and return the
429 attribute's value to the caller.
430 """
431 cdef uint32_t value = 0
432 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_attr_get(self._ctx,
433 attr, <uint32_t *>&value)
434 if rc == -errno.EINVAL:
435 raise ValueError("Invalid attribute")
436 elif rc != 0:
437 raise RuntimeError(str.format("Library error (errno = {0})", rc))
438 return value
440 def set_attr(self, attr, int value):
441 """ Set a filter attribute.
443 Arguments:
444 attr - the attribute, e.g. Attr.*
445 value - the attribute value
447 Description:
448 Lookup the given attribute in the filter and assign it the given
449 value.
450 """
451 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_attr_set(self._ctx, attr, value)
452 if rc == -errno.EINVAL:
453 raise ValueError("Invalid attribute")
454 elif rc != 0:
455 raise RuntimeError(str.format("Library error (errno = {0})", rc))
457 def syscall_priority(self, syscall, int priority):
458 """ Set the filter priority of a syscall.
460 Arguments:
461 syscall - the syscall name or number
462 priority - the priority of the syscall
464 Description:
465 Set the filter priority of the given syscall. A syscall with a
466 higher priority will have less overhead in the generated filter
467 code which is loaded into the system. Priority values can range
468 from 0 to 255 inclusive.
469 """
470 if priority < 0 or priority > 255:
471 raise ValueError("Syscall priority must be between 0 and 255")
472 if isinstance(syscall, str):
473 syscall_str = syscall.encode()
474 syscall_num = libseccomp.seccomp_syscall_resolve_name(syscall_str)
475 elif isinstance(syscall, int):
476 syscall_num = syscall
477 else:
478 raise TypeError("Syscall must either be an int or str type")
479 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_syscall_priority(self._ctx,
480 syscall_num, priority)
481 if rc != 0:
482 raise RuntimeError(str.format("Library error (errno = {0})", rc))
484 def add_rule(self, int action, syscall, *args):
485 """ Add a new rule to filter.
487 Arguments:
488 action - the rule action: KILL, TRAP, ERRNO(), TRACE(), or ALLOW
489 syscall - the syscall name or number
490 args - variable number of Arg objects
492 Description:
493 Add a new rule to the filter, matching on the given syscall and an
494 optional list of argument comparisons. If the rule is triggered
495 the given action will be taken by the kernel. In order for the
496 rule to trigger, the syscall as well as each argument comparison
497 must be true.
499 In the case where the specific rule is not valid on a specific
500 architecture, e.g. socket() on 32-bit x86, this method rewrites
501 the rule to the best possible match. If you don't want this fule
502 rewriting to take place use add_rule_exactly().
503 """
504 cdef libseccomp.scmp_arg_cmp c_arg[6]
505 if isinstance(syscall, str):
506 syscall_str = syscall.encode()
507 syscall_num = libseccomp.seccomp_syscall_resolve_name(syscall_str)
508 elif isinstance(syscall, int):
509 syscall_num = syscall
510 else:
511 raise TypeError("Syscall must either be an int or str type")
512 """ NOTE: the code below exists solely to deal with the varadic
513 nature of seccomp_rule_add() function and the inability of Cython
514 to handle this automatically """
515 if len(args) > 6:
516 raise RuntimeError("Maximum number of arguments exceeded")
517 cdef Arg arg
518 for i, arg in enumerate(args):
519 c_arg[i] = arg.to_c()
520 if len(args) == 0:
521 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_rule_add(self._ctx, action, syscall_num, 0)
522 elif len(args) == 1:
523 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_rule_add(self._ctx, action, syscall_num,
524 len(args),
525 c_arg[0])
526 elif len(args) == 2:
527 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_rule_add(self._ctx, action, syscall_num,
528 len(args),
529 c_arg[0],
530 c_arg[1])
531 elif len(args) == 3:
532 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_rule_add(self._ctx, action, syscall_num,
533 len(args),
534 c_arg[0],
535 c_arg[1],
536 c_arg[2])
537 elif len(args) == 4:
538 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_rule_add(self._ctx, action, syscall_num,
539 len(args),
540 c_arg[0],
541 c_arg[1],
542 c_arg[2],
543 c_arg[3])
544 elif len(args) == 5:
545 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_rule_add(self._ctx, action, syscall_num,
546 len(args),
547 c_arg[0],
548 c_arg[1],
549 c_arg[2],
550 c_arg[3],
551 c_arg[4])
552 elif len(args) == 6:
553 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_rule_add(self._ctx, action, syscall_num,
554 len(args),
555 c_arg[0],
556 c_arg[1],
557 c_arg[2],
558 c_arg[3],
559 c_arg[4],
560 c_arg[5])
561 else:
562 raise RuntimeError("Maximum number of arguments exceeded")
563 if rc != 0:
564 raise RuntimeError(str.format("Library error (errno = {0})", rc))
566 def add_rule_exactly(self, int action, syscall, *args):
567 """ Add a new rule to filter.
569 Arguments:
570 action - the rule action: KILL, TRAP, ERRNO(), TRACE(), or ALLOW
571 syscall - the syscall name or number
572 args - variable number of Arg objects
574 Description:
575 Add a new rule to the filter, matching on the given syscall and an
576 optional list of argument comparisons. If the rule is triggered
577 the given action will be taken by the kernel. In order for the
578 rule to trigger, the syscall as well as each argument comparison
579 must be true.
581 This method attempts to add the filter rule exactly as specified
582 which can cause problems on certain architectures, e.g. socket()
583 on 32-bit x86. For a architecture independent version of this
584 method use add_rule().
585 """
586 cdef libseccomp.scmp_arg_cmp c_arg[6]
587 if isinstance(syscall, str):
588 syscall_str = syscall.encode()
589 syscall_num = libseccomp.seccomp_syscall_resolve_name(syscall_str)
590 elif isinstance(syscall, int):
591 syscall_num = syscall
592 else:
593 raise TypeError("Syscall must either be an int or str type")
594 """ NOTE: the code below exists solely to deal with the varadic
595 nature of seccomp_rule_add_exact() function and the inability of
596 Cython to handle this automatically """
597 if len(args) > 6:
598 raise RuntimeError("Maximum number of arguments exceeded")
599 cdef Arg arg
600 for i, arg in enumerate(args):
601 c_arg[i] = arg.to_c()
602 if len(args) == 0:
603 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_rule_add_exact(self._ctx, action,
604 syscall_num, 0)
605 elif len(args) == 1:
606 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_rule_add_exact(self._ctx, action,
607 syscall_num, len(args),
608 c_arg[0])
609 elif len(args) == 2:
610 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_rule_add_exact(self._ctx, action,
611 syscall_num, len(args),
612 c_arg[0],
613 c_arg[1])
614 elif len(args) == 3:
615 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_rule_add_exact(self._ctx, action,
616 syscall_num, len(args),
617 c_arg[0],
618 c_arg[1],
619 c_arg[2])
620 elif len(args) == 4:
621 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_rule_add_exact(self._ctx, action,
622 syscall_num, len(args),
623 c_arg[0],
624 c_arg[1],
625 c_arg[2],
626 c_arg[3])
627 elif len(args) == 5:
628 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_rule_add_exact(self._ctx, action,
629 syscall_num, len(args),
630 c_arg[0],
631 c_arg[1],
632 c_arg[2],
633 c_arg[3],
634 c_arg[4])
635 elif len(args) == 6:
636 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_rule_add_exact(self._ctx, action,
637 syscall_num, len(args),
638 c_arg[0],
639 c_arg[1],
640 c_arg[2],
641 c_arg[3],
642 c_arg[4],
643 c_arg[5])
644 else:
645 raise RuntimeError("Maximum number of arguments exceeded")
646 if rc != 0:
647 raise RuntimeError(str.format("Library error (errno = {0})", rc))
649 def export_pfc(self, file):
650 """ Export the filter in PFC format.
652 Arguments:
653 file - the output file
655 Description:
656 Output the filter in Pseudo Filter Code (PFC) to the given file.
657 The output is functionally equivalent to the BPF based filter
658 which is loaded into the Linux Kernel.
659 """
660 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_export_pfc(self._ctx, file.fileno())
661 if rc != 0:
662 raise RuntimeError(str.format("Library error (errno = {0})", rc))
664 def export_bpf(self, file):
665 """ Export the filter in BPF format.
667 Arguments:
668 file - the output file
670 Output the filter in Berkley Packet Filter (BPF) to the given
671 file. The output is identical to what is loaded into the
672 Linux Kernel.
673 """
674 rc = libseccomp.seccomp_export_bpf(self._ctx, file.fileno())
675 if rc != 0:
676 raise RuntimeError(str.format("Library error (errno = {0})", rc))
678# kate: syntax python;
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