]> iEval git - gruntmaster-page.git/blame_incremental - a/about.en
Merge branch 'master' into newmc
[gruntmaster-page.git] / a / about.en
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1We are a group of coders of all ages, passionate about problem solving and algorithms. Together, we created MindCoding, an online platform where anyone can learn algorithms and test their skills. Join us, teach yourself new things and have fun!
3Our website provides a problem list with an online evaluation system, which means you&#39ll find out on the spot if your solution is correct. We support a wide rande of programming languages, allowing all programers to participate, regardless of their technical background. <b>Read from stdin and print to stdout.</b>
5If you take part in our coding competition (which we strongly recommend!) don&#39t forget to check out our standings and see how well you did compared to your friends.
7Put your mind to work and code!
9<h2>How to use the website</h2>
10First you need to create an account. For this click the Account button in the navbar.<br>
11When you want to do an action that needs an account you will be required to log in. <br>
12To submit a problem you can either paste your code into the text area for the corresponding problem or browse for the source.<br>
13To take part in a contest, you don't need to register to a particular one, you just need to access its page after the contest starts.
15Here are <a href="/sol/aplusb">example solutions</a> for the A+B problem in all languages.
18Mind Coding wants to gather the students passionate of Computer Science, regardless of age and background and offer them the chance to collaborate. Contestants will have the opportunity to get in touch with Cluj-Napoca’s employers, and also to scrutinize the facilities of studying at “Babes-Bolyai” University. During the online round, the students may establish contact with employers through banners and sponsored problems. At the final round, officials of universities and companies from Cluj will hold presentations and will directly communicate with students. Mind Coding endeavors to reward the elite of Computer Science’s students and attract them to Cluj-Napoca in the near future. Furthermore, Mind Coding wants to create a large community of enthusiastic students, attempting to establish strong connection between Romanian peers.
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