]> iEval git - gruntmaster-page.git/blob - app.psgi
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[gruntmaster-page.git] / app.psgi
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 use v5.14;
4 use Apache2::Authen::Passphrase qw/pwcheck/;
5 use Apache2::AuthzCaps qw/hascaps/;
6 use Gruntmaster::Data;
7 use Plack::App::Gruntmaster;
8 use Plack::Builder;
9 use Plack::Request;
10 use Digest::SHA qw/sha256/;
11 use Log::Log4perl;
13 use constant ACCESSLOG_FORMAT => '%{X-Forwarded-For}i|%h %u "%r" %>s %b "%{Referer}i" "%{User-agent}i"';
14 use constant CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY => q,default-src 'none'; script-src 'self' www.google-analytics.com; style-src 'self'; img-src 'self' www.google-analytics.com; connect-src 'self',;
16 $Apache2::AuthzCaps::rootdir = $Apache2::Authen::Passphrase::rootdir;
17 my $word = qr,(\w+),a;
19 sub debug {
20 local $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth = $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth + 1;
21 $_[0]->{'psgix.logger'}->({qw/level debug message/ => $_[1]})
22 }
24 sub some_auth_required {
25 my $r = Plack::Request->new($_[0]);
26 return 1 if $_[0]->{'gruntmaster.reqadmin'} || $r->path eq '/action/passwd' || $r->path =~ m,/pb/$word/submit$,;
27 return 1 if $r->path =~ m,^/ct/$word/pb/$word, && time < contest_end $1;
28 0
29 }
31 sub admin_required {
32 local $_ = $_[0];
33 return 1 if m,^/pb/$word, && problem_private $1;
34 return 1 if m,^/log/(?:job|src)/$word, && job_private $1;
35 return 1 if m,^/ct/$word/(?:pb|log), && time < contest_start $1;
36 return 1 if m,^/ct/$word/log/src, && time < contest_end $1;
37 0
38 }
40 sub require_admin {
41 my $app = $_[0];
42 sub {
43 local *__ANON__ = "require_admin_middleware";
44 my $env = $_[0];
45 my $r = Plack::Request->new($env);
46 $env->{'gruntmaster.reqadmin'} = 1 if admin_required $r->path;
47 $app->($env)
48 }
49 }
51 my %authen_cache;
53 sub authenticate {
54 my ($user, $pass, $env) = @_;
55 my $cache_key = sha256 "$user:$pass";
56 my $time = $authen_cache{$cache_key} // 0;
57 if ($time >= time - 300) {
58 return 1;
59 } else {
60 delete $authen_cache{$cache_key};
61 }
63 return unless eval {
64 pwcheck $user, $pass;
65 1
66 };
67 $authen_cache{$cache_key} = time;
69 return if $env->{'gruntmaster.reqadmin'} && !hascaps $user, 'gmadm';
70 1
71 }
73 Log::Log4perl->init('log.conf');
74 my $access_logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger('access');
76 builder {
77 enable_if { $_[0]->{PATH_INFO} eq '/ok' } sub { sub{ [200, [], []] }};
78 enable 'AccessLog', format => ACCESSLOG_FORMAT, logger => sub { $access_logger->info(@_) };
79 enable 'ContentLength';
80 enable Header => set => ['Content-Security-Policy', CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY];
81 enable_if { $_[0]->{PATH_INFO} =~ qr,^/static/,} Header => set => ['Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=604800'];
82 enable 'Static', path => qr,^/static/,;
83 enable 'Log4perl', category => 'plack';
84 enable \&require_admin;
85 enable_if \&some_auth_required, 'Auth::Basic', authenticator => \&authenticate, realm => 'Gruntmaster 6000';
86 Plack::App::Gruntmaster->to_app
87 }
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