]> iEval git - fdkaac.git/blob - src/main.c
New upstream version 1.0.0
[fdkaac.git] / src / main.c
1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 2013 nu774
3 * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in COPYING
4 */
6 # include "config.h"
7 #endif
9 # include <stdint.h>
10 #endif
12 # include <inttypes.h>
13 #elif defined(_MSC_VER)
14 # define SCNd64 "I64d"
15 #endif
16 #include <stdio.h>
17 #include <stdlib.h>
18 #include <string.h>
19 #include <ctype.h>
20 #include <locale.h>
21 #include <errno.h>
22 #include <sys/stat.h>
23 #include <getopt.h>
25 #include <unistd.h>
26 #endif
28 #include <signal.h>
29 #endif
30 #ifdef _WIN32
31 #include <io.h>
32 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
33 #include <windows.h>
34 #endif
35 #include "compat.h"
36 #include "pcm_reader.h"
37 #include "aacenc.h"
38 #include "m4af.h"
39 #include "progress.h"
40 #include "version.h"
41 #include "metadata.h"
43 #define PROGNAME "fdkaac"
45 static volatile int g_interrupted = 0;
48 static void signal_handler(int signum)
49 {
50 g_interrupted = 1;
51 }
52 static void handle_signals(void)
53 {
54 int i, sigs[] = { SIGINT, SIGHUP, SIGTERM };
55 for (i = 0; i < sizeof(sigs)/sizeof(sigs[0]); ++i) {
56 struct sigaction sa;
57 memset(&sa, 0, sizeof sa);
58 sa.sa_handler = signal_handler;
59 sa.sa_flags |= SA_RESTART;
60 sigaction(sigs[i], &sa, 0);
61 }
62 }
63 #elif defined(_WIN32)
64 static BOOL WINAPI signal_handler(DWORD type)
65 {
66 g_interrupted = 1;
67 return TRUE;
68 }
70 static void handle_signals(void)
71 {
72 SetConsoleCtrlHandler(signal_handler, TRUE);
73 }
74 #else
75 static void handle_signals(void)
76 {
77 }
78 #endif
80 static
81 int read_callback(void *cookie, void *data, uint32_t size)
82 {
83 size_t rc = fread(data, 1, size, (FILE*)cookie);
84 return ferror((FILE*)cookie) ? -1 : (int)rc;
85 }
87 static
88 int write_callback(void *cookie, const void *data, uint32_t size)
89 {
90 size_t rc = fwrite(data, 1, size, (FILE*)cookie);
91 return ferror((FILE*)cookie) ? -1 : (int)rc;
92 }
94 static
95 int seek_callback(void *cookie, int64_t off, int whence)
96 {
97 return fseeko((FILE*)cookie, off, whence);
98 }
100 static
101 int64_t tell_callback(void *cookie)
102 {
103 return ftello((FILE*)cookie);
104 }
106 static
107 void usage(void)
108 {
109 printf(
110 PROGNAME " %s\n"
111 "Usage: " PROGNAME " [options] input_file\n"
112 "Options:\n"
113 " -h, --help Print this help message\n"
114 " -p, --profile <n> Profile (audio object type)\n"
115 " 2: MPEG-4 AAC LC (default)\n"
116 " 5: MPEG-4 HE-AAC (SBR)\n"
117 " 29: MPEG-4 HE-AAC v2 (SBR+PS)\n"
118 " 23: MPEG-4 AAC LD\n"
119 " 39: MPEG-4 AAC ELD\n"
120 " -b, --bitrate <n> Bitrate in bits per seconds (for CBR)\n"
121 " -m, --bitrate-mode <n> Bitrate configuration\n"
122 " 0: CBR (default)\n"
123 " 1-5: VBR\n"
124 " (VBR mode is not officially supported, and\n"
125 " works only on a certain combination of\n"
126 " parameter settings, sample rate, and\n"
127 " channel configuration)\n"
128 " -w, --bandwidth <n> Frequency bandwidth in Hz (AAC LC only)\n"
129 " -a, --afterburner <n> Afterburner\n"
130 " 0: Off\n"
131 " 1: On(default)\n"
132 " -L, --lowdelay-sbr <-1|0|1> Configure SBR activity on AAC ELD\n"
133 " -1: Use ELD SBR auto configurator\n"
134 " 0: Disable SBR on ELD (default)\n"
135 " 1: Enable SBR on ELD\n"
136 " -s, --sbr-ratio <0|1|2> Controls activation of downsampled SBR\n"
137 " 0: Use lib default (default)\n"
138 " 1: downsampled SBR (default for ELD+SBR)\n"
139 " 2: dual-rate SBR (default for HE-AAC)\n"
140 " -f, --transport-format <n> Transport format\n"
141 " 0: RAW (default, muxed into M4A)\n"
142 " 1: ADIF\n"
143 " 2: ADTS\n"
144 " 6: LATM MCP=1\n"
145 " 7: LATM MCP=0\n"
146 " 10: LOAS/LATM (LATM within LOAS)\n"
147 " -C, --adts-crc-check Add CRC protection on ADTS header\n"
148 " -h, --header-period <n> StreamMuxConfig/PCE repetition period in\n"
149 " transport layer\n"
150 "\n"
151 " -o <filename> Output filename\n"
152 " -G, --gapless-mode <n> Encoder delay signaling for gapless playback\n"
153 " 0: iTunSMPB (default)\n"
154 " 1: ISO standard (edts + sgpd)\n"
155 " 2: Both\n"
156 " --include-sbr-delay Count SBR decoder delay in encoder delay\n"
157 " This is not iTunes compatible, but is default\n"
158 " behavior of FDK library.\n"
159 " -I, --ignorelength Ignore length of WAV header\n"
160 " -S, --silent Don't print progress messages\n"
161 " --moov-before-mdat Place moov box before mdat box on m4a output\n"
162 "\n"
163 "Options for raw (headerless) input:\n"
164 " -R, --raw Treat input as raw (by default WAV is\n"
165 " assumed)\n"
166 " --raw-channels <n> Number of channels (default: 2)\n"
167 " --raw-rate <n> Sample rate (default: 44100)\n"
168 " --raw-format <spec> Sample format, default is \"S16L\".\n"
169 " Spec is as follows:\n"
170 " 1st char: S(igned)|U(nsigned)|F(loat)\n"
171 " 2nd part: bits per channel\n"
172 " Last char: L(ittle)|B(ig)\n"
173 " Last char can be omitted, in which case L is\n"
174 " assumed. Spec is case insensitive, therefore\n"
175 " \"u16b\" is same as \"U16B\".\n"
176 "\n"
177 "Tagging options:\n"
178 " --title <string>\n"
179 " --artist <string>\n"
180 " --album <string>\n"
181 " --genre <string>\n"
182 " --date <string>\n"
183 " --composer <string>\n"
184 " --grouping <string>\n"
185 " --comment <string>\n"
186 " --album-artist <string>\n"
187 " --track <number[/total]>\n"
188 " --disk <number[/total]>\n"
189 " --tempo <n>\n"
190 " --tag <fcc>:<value> Set iTunes predefined tag with four char code.\n"
191 " --tag-from-file <fcc>:<filename>\n"
192 " Same as above, but value is read from file.\n"
193 " --long-tag <name>:<value> Set arbitrary tag as iTunes custom metadata.\n"
194 " --tag-from-json <filename[?dot_notation]>\n"
195 " Read tags from JSON. By default, tags are\n"
196 " assumed to be direct children of the root\n"
197 " object(dictionary).\n"
198 " Optionally, position of the dictionary\n"
199 " that contains tags can be specified with\n"
200 " dotted notation.\n"
201 " Example:\n"
202 " --tag-from-json /path/to/json?format.tags\n"
203 , fdkaac_version);
204 }
206 typedef struct aacenc_param_ex_t {
209 char *input_filename;
210 FILE *input_fp;
211 char *output_filename;
212 FILE *output_fp;
213 unsigned gapless_mode;
214 unsigned include_sbr_delay;
215 unsigned ignore_length;
216 int silent;
217 int moov_before_mdat;
219 int is_raw;
220 unsigned raw_channels;
221 unsigned raw_rate;
222 const char *raw_format;
224 aacenc_tag_store_t tags;
225 aacenc_tag_store_t source_tags;
226 aacenc_translate_generic_text_tag_ctx_t source_tag_ctx;
228 char *json_filename;
229 } aacenc_param_ex_t;
231 static
232 int parse_options(int argc, char **argv, aacenc_param_ex_t *params)
233 {
234 int ch;
235 int n;
237 #define OPT_INCLUDE_SBR_DELAY M4AF_FOURCC('s','d','l','y')
238 #define OPT_MOOV_BEFORE_MDAT M4AF_FOURCC('m','o','o','v')
239 #define OPT_RAW_CHANNELS M4AF_FOURCC('r','c','h','n')
240 #define OPT_RAW_RATE M4AF_FOURCC('r','r','a','t')
241 #define OPT_RAW_FORMAT M4AF_FOURCC('r','f','m','t')
242 #define OPT_SHORT_TAG M4AF_FOURCC('s','t','a','g')
243 #define OPT_SHORT_TAG_FILE M4AF_FOURCC('s','t','g','f')
244 #define OPT_LONG_TAG M4AF_FOURCC('l','t','a','g')
245 #define OPT_TAG_FROM_JSON M4AF_FOURCC('t','f','j','s')
247 static struct option long_options[] = {
248 { "help", no_argument, 0, 'h' },
249 { "profile", required_argument, 0, 'p' },
250 { "bitrate", required_argument, 0, 'b' },
251 { "bitrate-mode", required_argument, 0, 'm' },
252 { "bandwidth", required_argument, 0, 'w' },
253 { "afterburner", required_argument, 0, 'a' },
254 { "lowdelay-sbr", required_argument, 0, 'L' },
255 { "sbr-ratio", required_argument, 0, 's' },
256 { "transport-format", required_argument, 0, 'f' },
257 { "adts-crc-check", no_argument, 0, 'C' },
258 { "header-period", required_argument, 0, 'P' },
260 { "gapless-mode", required_argument, 0, 'G' },
261 { "include-sbr-delay", no_argument, 0, OPT_INCLUDE_SBR_DELAY },
262 { "ignorelength", no_argument, 0, 'I' },
263 { "silent", no_argument, 0, 'S' },
264 { "moov-before-mdat", no_argument, 0, OPT_MOOV_BEFORE_MDAT },
266 { "raw", no_argument, 0, 'R' },
267 { "raw-channels", required_argument, 0, OPT_RAW_CHANNELS },
268 { "raw-rate", required_argument, 0, OPT_RAW_RATE },
269 { "raw-format", required_argument, 0, OPT_RAW_FORMAT },
271 { "title", required_argument, 0, M4AF_TAG_TITLE },
272 { "artist", required_argument, 0, M4AF_TAG_ARTIST },
273 { "album", required_argument, 0, M4AF_TAG_ALBUM },
274 { "genre", required_argument, 0, M4AF_TAG_GENRE },
275 { "date", required_argument, 0, M4AF_TAG_DATE },
276 { "composer", required_argument, 0, M4AF_TAG_COMPOSER },
277 { "grouping", required_argument, 0, M4AF_TAG_GROUPING },
278 { "comment", required_argument, 0, M4AF_TAG_COMMENT },
279 { "album-artist", required_argument, 0, M4AF_TAG_ALBUM_ARTIST },
280 { "track", required_argument, 0, M4AF_TAG_TRACK },
281 { "disk", required_argument, 0, M4AF_TAG_DISK },
282 { "tempo", required_argument, 0, M4AF_TAG_TEMPO },
283 { "tag", required_argument, 0, OPT_SHORT_TAG },
284 { "tag-from-file", required_argument, 0, OPT_SHORT_TAG_FILE },
285 { "long-tag", required_argument, 0, OPT_LONG_TAG },
286 { "tag-from-json", required_argument, 0, OPT_TAG_FROM_JSON },
287 { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
288 };
289 params->afterburner = 1;
291 aacenc_getmainargs(&argc, &argv);
292 while ((ch = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hp:b:m:w:a:L:s:f:CP:G:Io:SR",
293 long_options, 0)) != EOF) {
294 switch (ch) {
295 case 'h':
296 return usage(), -1;
297 case 'p':
298 if (sscanf(optarg, "%u", &n) != 1) {
299 fprintf(stderr, "invalid arg for profile\n");
300 return -1;
301 }
302 params->profile = n;
303 break;
304 case 'b':
305 if (sscanf(optarg, "%u", &n) != 1) {
306 fprintf(stderr, "invalid arg for bitrate\n");
307 return -1;
308 }
309 params->bitrate = n;
310 break;
311 case 'm':
312 if (sscanf(optarg, "%u", &n) != 1 || n > 5) {
313 fprintf(stderr, "invalid arg for bitrate-mode\n");
314 return -1;
315 }
316 params->bitrate_mode = n;
317 break;
318 case 'w':
319 if (sscanf(optarg, "%u", &n) != 1) {
320 fprintf(stderr, "invalid arg for bandwidth\n");
321 return -1;
322 }
323 params->bandwidth = n;
324 break;
325 case 'a':
326 if (sscanf(optarg, "%u", &n) != 1 || n > 1) {
327 fprintf(stderr, "invalid arg for afterburner\n");
328 return -1;
329 }
330 params->afterburner = n;
331 break;
332 case 'L':
333 if (sscanf(optarg, "%d", &n) != 1 || n < -1 || n > 1) {
334 fprintf(stderr, "invalid arg for lowdelay-sbr\n");
335 return -1;
336 }
337 params->lowdelay_sbr = n;
338 break;
339 case 's':
340 if (sscanf(optarg, "%u", &n) != 1 || n > 2) {
341 fprintf(stderr, "invalid arg for sbr-ratio\n");
342 return -1;
343 }
344 params->sbr_ratio = n;
345 break;
346 case 'f':
347 if (sscanf(optarg, "%u", &n) != 1) {
348 fprintf(stderr, "invalid arg for transport-format\n");
349 return -1;
350 }
351 params->transport_format = n;
352 break;
353 case 'C':
354 params->adts_crc_check = 1;
355 break;
356 case 'P':
357 if (sscanf(optarg, "%u", &n) != 1) {
358 fprintf(stderr, "invalid arg for header-period\n");
359 return -1;
360 }
361 params->header_period = n;
362 break;
363 case 'o':
364 params->output_filename = optarg;
365 break;
366 case 'G':
367 if (sscanf(optarg, "%u", &n) != 1 || n > 2) {
368 fprintf(stderr, "invalid arg for gapless-mode\n");
369 return -1;
370 }
371 params->gapless_mode = n;
372 break;
374 params->include_sbr_delay = 1;
375 break;
376 case 'I':
377 params->ignore_length = 1;
378 break;
379 case 'S':
380 params->silent = 1;
381 break;
383 params->moov_before_mdat = 1;
384 break;
385 case 'R':
386 params->is_raw = 1;
387 break;
389 if (sscanf(optarg, "%u", &n) != 1) {
390 fprintf(stderr, "invalid arg for raw-channels\n");
391 return -1;
392 }
393 params->raw_channels = n;
394 break;
395 case OPT_RAW_RATE:
396 if (sscanf(optarg, "%u", &n) != 1) {
397 fprintf(stderr, "invalid arg for raw-rate\n");
398 return -1;
399 }
400 params->raw_rate = n;
401 break;
402 case OPT_RAW_FORMAT:
403 params->raw_format = optarg;
404 break;
405 case M4AF_TAG_TITLE:
406 case M4AF_TAG_ARTIST:
407 case M4AF_TAG_ALBUM:
408 case M4AF_TAG_GENRE:
409 case M4AF_TAG_DATE:
412 case M4AF_TAG_COMMENT:
414 case M4AF_TAG_TRACK:
415 case M4AF_TAG_DISK:
416 case M4AF_TAG_TEMPO:
417 aacenc_add_tag_to_store(&params->tags, ch, 0, optarg,
418 strlen(optarg), 0);
419 break;
420 case OPT_SHORT_TAG:
422 case OPT_LONG_TAG:
423 {
424 char *val;
425 size_t klen;
426 unsigned fcc = M4AF_FOURCC('-','-','-','-');
428 if ((val = strchr(optarg, ':')) == 0) {
429 fprintf(stderr, "invalid arg for tag\n");
430 return -1;
431 }
432 *val++ = '\0';
433 if (ch == OPT_SHORT_TAG || ch == OPT_SHORT_TAG_FILE) {
434 /*
435 * take care of U+00A9(COPYRIGHT SIGN).
436 * 1) if length of fcc is 3, we prepend '\xa9'.
437 * 2) U+00A9 becomes "\xc2\xa9" in UTF-8. Therefore
438 * we remove first '\xc2'.
439 */
440 if (optarg[0] == '\xc2')
441 ++optarg;
442 if ((klen = strlen(optarg))== 3)
443 fcc = 0xa9;
444 else if (klen != 4) {
445 fprintf(stderr, "invalid arg for tag\n");
446 return -1;
447 }
448 for (; *optarg; ++optarg)
449 fcc = ((fcc << 8) | (*optarg & 0xff));
450 }
451 aacenc_add_tag_to_store(&params->tags, fcc, optarg,
452 val, strlen(val),
453 ch == OPT_SHORT_TAG_FILE);
454 }
455 break;
457 params->json_filename = optarg;
458 break;
459 default:
460 return usage(), -1;
461 }
462 }
463 if (argc == optind)
464 return usage(), -1;
466 if (!params->bitrate && !params->bitrate_mode) {
467 fprintf(stderr, "bitrate or bitrate-mode is mandatory\n");
468 return -1;
469 }
470 if (params->output_filename && !strcmp(params->output_filename, "-") &&
471 !params->transport_format) {
472 fprintf(stderr, "stdout streaming is not available on M4A output\n");
473 return -1;
474 }
475 if (params->bitrate && params->bitrate < 10000)
476 params->bitrate *= 1000;
478 if (params->is_raw) {
479 if (!params->raw_channels)
480 params->raw_channels = 2;
481 if (!params->raw_rate)
482 params->raw_rate = 44100;
483 if (!params->raw_format)
484 params->raw_format = "S16L";
485 }
486 params->input_filename = argv[optind];
487 return 0;
488 };
490 static
491 int write_sample(FILE *ofp, m4af_ctx_t *m4af, aacenc_frame_t *frame)
492 {
493 if (!m4af) {
494 fwrite(frame->data, 1, frame->size, ofp);
495 if (ferror(ofp)) {
496 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: fwrite(): %s\n", strerror(errno));
497 return -1;
498 }
499 } else if (m4af_write_sample(m4af, 0, frame->data, frame->size, 0) < 0) {
500 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: failed to write m4a sample\n");
501 return -1;
502 }
503 return 0;
504 }
506 static int do_smart_padding(int profile)
507 {
508 return profile == 2 || profile == 5 || profile == 29;
509 }
511 static
512 int encode(aacenc_param_ex_t *params, pcm_reader_t *reader,
513 HANDLE_AACENCODER encoder, uint32_t frame_length,
514 m4af_ctx_t *m4af)
515 {
516 int16_t *ibuf = 0, *ip;
517 aacenc_frame_t obuf[2] = {{ 0 }}, *obp;
518 unsigned flip = 0;
519 int nread = 1;
520 int rc = -1;
521 int remaining, consumed;
522 int frames_written = 0, encoded = 0;
523 aacenc_progress_t progress = { 0 };
524 const pcm_sample_description_t *fmt = pcm_get_format(reader);
525 const int is_padding = do_smart_padding(params->profile);
527 ibuf = malloc(frame_length * fmt->bytes_per_frame);
528 aacenc_progress_init(&progress, pcm_get_length(reader), fmt->sample_rate);
530 for (;;) {
531 if (g_interrupted)
532 nread = 0;
533 if (nread > 0) {
534 if ((nread = pcm_read_frames(reader, ibuf, frame_length)) < 0) {
535 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: read failed\n");
536 goto END;
537 }
538 if (!params->silent)
539 aacenc_progress_update(&progress, pcm_get_position(reader),
540 fmt->sample_rate * 2);
541 }
542 ip = ibuf;
543 remaining = nread;
544 do {
545 obp = &obuf[flip];
546 consumed = aac_encode_frame(encoder, fmt, ip, remaining, obp);
547 if (consumed < 0) goto END;
548 if (consumed == 0 && obp->size == 0) goto DONE;
549 if (obp->size == 0) break;
551 remaining -= consumed;
552 ip += consumed * fmt->channels_per_frame;
553 if (is_padding) {
554 /*
555 * As we pad 1 frame at beginning and ending by our extrapolator,
556 * we want to drop them.
557 * We delay output by 1 frame by double buffering, and discard
558 * second frame and final frame from the encoder.
559 * Since sbr_header is included in the first frame (in case of
560 * SBR), we cannot discard first frame. So we pick second instead.
561 */
562 flip ^= 1;
563 ++encoded;
564 if (encoded == 1 || encoded == 3)
565 continue;
566 }
567 if (write_sample(params->output_fp, m4af, &obuf[flip]) < 0)
568 goto END;
569 ++frames_written;
570 } while (remaining > 0);
571 }
572 DONE:
573 /*
574 * When interrupted, we haven't pulled out last extrapolated frames
575 * from the reader. Therefore, we have to write the final outcome.
576 */
577 if (g_interrupted) {
578 if (write_sample(params->output_fp, m4af, &obp[flip^1]) < 0)
579 goto END;
580 ++frames_written;
581 }
582 if (!params->silent)
583 aacenc_progress_finish(&progress, pcm_get_position(reader));
584 rc = frames_written;
585 END:
586 if (ibuf) free(ibuf);
587 if (obuf[0].data) free(obuf[0].data);
588 if (obuf[1].data) free(obuf[1].data);
589 return rc;
590 }
592 static
593 void put_tool_tag(m4af_ctx_t *m4af, const aacenc_param_ex_t *params,
595 {
596 char tool_info[256];
597 char *p = tool_info;
598 LIB_INFO lib_info;
600 p += sprintf(p, PROGNAME " %s, ", fdkaac_version);
601 aacenc_get_lib_info(&lib_info);
602 p += sprintf(p, "libfdk-aac %s, ", lib_info.versionStr);
603 if (params->bitrate_mode)
604 sprintf(p, "VBR mode %d", params->bitrate_mode);
605 else
606 sprintf(p, "CBR %dkbps",
607 aacEncoder_GetParam(encoder, AACENC_BITRATE) / 1000);
609 m4af_add_itmf_string_tag(m4af, M4AF_TAG_TOOL, tool_info);
610 }
612 static
613 int finalize_m4a(m4af_ctx_t *m4af, const aacenc_param_ex_t *params,
615 {
616 unsigned i;
617 aacenc_tag_entry_t *tag;
619 tag = params->source_tags.tag_table;
620 for (i = 0; i < params->source_tags.tag_count; ++i, ++tag)
621 aacenc_write_tag_entry(m4af, tag);
623 if (params->json_filename)
624 aacenc_write_tags_from_json(m4af, params->json_filename);
626 tag = params->tags.tag_table;
627 for (i = 0; i < params->tags.tag_count; ++i, ++tag)
628 aacenc_write_tag_entry(m4af, tag);
630 put_tool_tag(m4af, params, encoder);
632 if (m4af_finalize(m4af, params->moov_before_mdat) < 0) {
633 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: failed to finalize m4a\n");
634 return -1;
635 }
636 return 0;
637 }
639 static
640 char *generate_output_filename(const char *filename, const char *ext)
641 {
642 char *p = 0;
643 size_t ext_len = strlen(ext);
645 if (strcmp(filename, "-") == 0) {
646 p = malloc(ext_len + 6);
647 sprintf(p, "stdin%s", ext);
648 } else {
649 const char *base = aacenc_basename(filename);
650 size_t ilen = strlen(base);
651 const char *ext_org = strrchr(base, '.');
652 if (ext_org) ilen = ext_org - base;
653 p = malloc(ilen + ext_len + 1);
654 sprintf(p, "%.*s%s", (int)ilen, base, ext);
655 }
656 return p;
657 }
659 static
660 int parse_raw_spec(const char *spec, pcm_sample_description_t *desc)
661 {
662 unsigned bits;
663 unsigned char c_type, c_endian = 'L';
664 int type;
666 if (sscanf(spec, "%c%u%c", &c_type, &bits, &c_endian) < 2)
667 return -1;
668 c_type = toupper(c_type);
669 c_endian = toupper(c_endian);
671 if (c_type == 'S')
672 type = 1;
673 else if (c_type == 'U')
674 type = 2;
675 else if (c_type == 'F')
676 type = 4;
677 else
678 return -1;
680 if (c_endian == 'B')
681 type |= 8;
682 else if (c_endian != 'L')
683 return -1;
685 if (c_type == 'F' && bits != 32 && bits != 64)
686 return -1;
687 if (c_type != 'F' && (bits < 8 || bits > 32))
688 return -1;
690 desc->sample_type = type;
691 desc->bits_per_channel = bits;
692 return 0;
693 }
695 static pcm_io_vtbl_t pcm_io_vtbl = {
696 read_callback, seek_callback, tell_callback
697 };
698 static pcm_io_vtbl_t pcm_io_vtbl_noseek = { read_callback, 0, tell_callback };
700 static
701 pcm_reader_t *open_input(aacenc_param_ex_t *params)
702 {
703 pcm_io_context_t io = { 0 };
704 pcm_reader_t *reader = 0;
706 if ((params->input_fp = aacenc_fopen(params->input_filename, "rb")) == 0) {
707 aacenc_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s: %s\n", params->input_filename,
708 strerror(errno));
709 goto FAIL;
710 }
711 io.cookie = params->input_fp;
712 if (aacenc_seekable(params->input_fp))
713 io.vtbl = &pcm_io_vtbl;
714 else
715 io.vtbl = &pcm_io_vtbl_noseek;
717 if (params->is_raw) {
718 int bytes_per_channel;
719 pcm_sample_description_t desc = { 0 };
720 if (parse_raw_spec(params->raw_format, &desc) < 0) {
721 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid raw-format spec\n");
722 goto FAIL;
723 }
724 desc.sample_rate = params->raw_rate;
725 desc.channels_per_frame = params->raw_channels;
726 bytes_per_channel = (desc.bits_per_channel + 7) / 8;
727 desc.bytes_per_frame = params->raw_channels * bytes_per_channel;
728 if ((reader = raw_open(&io, &desc)) == 0) {
729 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: failed to open raw input\n");
730 goto FAIL;
731 }
732 } else {
733 int c;
734 ungetc(c = getc(params->input_fp), params->input_fp);
736 switch (c) {
737 case 'R':
738 if ((reader = wav_open(&io, params->ignore_length)) == 0) {
739 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: broken / unsupported input file\n");
740 goto FAIL;
741 }
742 break;
743 case 'c':
744 params->source_tag_ctx.add = aacenc_add_tag_entry_to_store;
745 params->source_tag_ctx.add_ctx = &params->source_tags;
746 if ((reader = caf_open(&io,
747 aacenc_translate_generic_text_tag,
748 &params->source_tag_ctx)) == 0) {
749 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: broken / unsupported input file\n");
750 goto FAIL;
751 }
752 break;
753 default:
754 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unsupported input file\n");
755 goto FAIL;
756 }
757 }
758 reader = pcm_open_native_converter(reader);
759 if (reader && PCM_IS_FLOAT(pcm_get_format(reader)))
760 reader = limiter_open(reader);
761 if (reader && (reader = pcm_open_sint16_converter(reader)) != 0) {
762 if (do_smart_padding(params->profile))
763 reader = extrapolater_open(reader);
764 }
765 return reader;
766 FAIL:
767 return 0;
768 }
770 int main(int argc, char **argv)
771 {
772 static m4af_io_callbacks_t m4af_io = {
773 read_callback, write_callback, seek_callback, tell_callback
774 };
775 aacenc_param_ex_t params = { 0 };
777 int result = 2;
778 char *output_filename = 0;
779 pcm_reader_t *reader = 0;
780 HANDLE_AACENCODER encoder = 0;
781 AACENC_InfoStruct aacinfo = { 0 };
782 m4af_ctx_t *m4af = 0;
783 const pcm_sample_description_t *sample_format;
784 int frame_count = 0;
785 int sbr_mode = 0;
786 unsigned scale_shift = 0;
788 setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "");
789 setbuf(stderr, 0);
791 if (parse_options(argc, argv, &params) < 0)
792 return 1;
794 if ((reader = open_input(&params)) == 0)
795 goto END;
797 sample_format = pcm_get_format(reader);
799 sbr_mode = aacenc_is_sbr_active((aacenc_param_t*)&params);
800 if (sbr_mode && !aacenc_is_sbr_ratio_available()) {
801 fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Only dual-rate SBR is available "
802 "for this version\n");
803 params.sbr_ratio = 2;
804 }
805 scale_shift = aacenc_is_dual_rate_sbr((aacenc_param_t*)&params);
806 params.sbr_signaling = 0;
807 if (sbr_mode) {
808 if (params.transport_format == TT_MP4_LOAS || !scale_shift)
809 params.sbr_signaling = 2;
810 if (params.transport_format == TT_MP4_RAW &&
811 aacenc_is_explicit_bw_compatible_sbr_signaling_available())
812 params.sbr_signaling = 1;
813 }
814 if (aacenc_init(&encoder, (aacenc_param_t*)&params, sample_format,
815 &aacinfo) < 0)
816 goto END;
818 if (!params.output_filename) {
819 const char *ext = params.transport_format ? ".aac" : ".m4a";
820 output_filename = generate_output_filename(params.input_filename, ext);
821 params.output_filename = output_filename;
822 }
824 if ((params.output_fp = aacenc_fopen(params.output_filename, "wb+")) == 0) {
825 aacenc_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s: %s\n", params.output_filename,
826 strerror(errno));
827 goto END;
828 }
829 handle_signals();
831 if (!params.transport_format) {
832 uint32_t scale;
833 unsigned framelen = aacinfo.frameLength;
834 scale = sample_format->sample_rate >> scale_shift;
835 if ((m4af = m4af_create(M4AF_CODEC_MP4A, scale, &m4af_io,
836 params.output_fp)) < 0)
837 goto END;
838 m4af_set_num_channels(m4af, 0, sample_format->channels_per_frame);
839 m4af_set_fixed_frame_duration(m4af, 0, framelen >> scale_shift);
840 if (aacenc_is_explicit_bw_compatible_sbr_signaling_available())
841 m4af_set_decoder_specific_info(m4af, 0,
842 aacinfo.confBuf, aacinfo.confSize);
843 else {
844 uint8_t mp4asc[32];
845 uint32_t ascsize = sizeof(mp4asc);
846 aacenc_mp4asc((aacenc_param_t*)&params, aacinfo.confBuf,
847 aacinfo.confSize, mp4asc, &ascsize);
848 m4af_set_decoder_specific_info(m4af, 0, mp4asc, ascsize);
849 }
850 m4af_set_vbr_mode(m4af, 0, params.bitrate_mode);
851 m4af_set_priming_mode(m4af, params.gapless_mode + 1);
852 m4af_begin_write(m4af);
853 }
854 frame_count = encode(&params, reader, encoder, aacinfo.frameLength, m4af);
855 if (frame_count < 0)
856 goto END;
857 if (m4af) {
858 uint32_t padding;
859 #if AACENCODER_LIB_VL0 < 4
860 uint32_t delay = aacinfo.encoderDelay;
861 if (sbr_mode && params.profile != AOT_ER_AAC_ELD
862 && !params.include_sbr_delay)
863 delay -= 481 << scale_shift;
864 #else
865 uint32_t delay = params.include_sbr_delay ? aacinfo.nDelay
866 : aacinfo.nDelayCore;
867 #endif
868 int64_t frames_read = pcm_get_position(reader);
870 padding = frame_count * aacinfo.frameLength - frames_read - delay;
871 m4af_set_priming(m4af, 0, delay >> scale_shift, padding >> scale_shift);
872 if (finalize_m4a(m4af, &params, encoder) < 0)
873 goto END;
874 }
875 result = 0;
876 END:
877 if (reader) pcm_teardown(&reader);
878 if (params.input_fp) fclose(params.input_fp);
879 if (m4af) m4af_teardown(&m4af);
880 if (params.output_fp) fclose(params.output_fp);
881 if (encoder) aacEncClose(&encoder);
882 if (output_filename) free(output_filename);
883 if (params.tags.tag_table)
884 aacenc_free_tag_store(&params.tags);
885 if (params.source_tags.tag_table)
886 aacenc_free_tag_store(&params.source_tags);
888 return result;
889 }
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