# I am trying to run this code:
$t1 = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content ( $html ) ;
my $found= $t1->look_down(id => 'findme');
warn "blessed as: $found";
bless $found, 'HTML::Element::Library';
warn "blessed as: $found";
my @found = $found->position;
warn "@found";
# But I get this error (it is part of a test suite):
blessed as: HTML::Element=HASH(0x81632d8) at t/position.t line 31.
blessed as: HTML::Element::Library=HASH(0x81632d8) at t/position.t line 33.
Can't locate object method "addr" via package "HTML::Element" at /home/terry/perl/hax/HTML-Element-Library/blib/lib/HTML/Element/Library.pm line 66.
# What I don't understand is why it says it can't locate the method "addr"
# in package HTML::Element when the method was reblessed as
# HTML::Element::Library and sub addr is right here in the package
# HTML::Element::Library