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+We are a group of coders of all ages, passionate about problem solving and algorithms. Together, we created MindCoding, an online platform where anyone can learn algorithms and test their skills. Join us, teach yourself new things and have fun!
+Our website provides a problem list with an online evaluation system, which means you'll find out on the spot if your solution is correct. We support a wide rande of programming languages, allowing all programers to participate, regardless of their technical background. <b>Read from stdin and print to stdout.</b>
+If you take part in our coding competition (which we strongly recommend!) don't forget to check out our standings and see how well you did compared to your friends.
+Put your mind to work and code!
+<h2>How to use the website</h2>
+First you need to create an account. For this click the Account button in the navbar.<br>
+When you want to do an action that needs an account you will be required to log in. <br>
+To submit a problem you can either paste your code into the text area for the corresponding problem or browse for the source.<br>
+To take part in a contest, you don't need to register to a particular one, you just need to access its page after the contest starts.
+Here are some examples for how to submit:<br>
+<a href="http://ideone.com/58mgdC">C</a><br>
+<a href="http://ideone.com/gH3zg1">C++</a><br>
+<a href="http://ideone.com/N7TkzK">Java</a><br>
+<a href="http://ideone.com/dQgwIT">Pascal</a><br>
+<a href="http://ideone.com/gSKAGU">Perl</a><br>
+<a href="http://ideone.com/3H6NmV">Python</a><br>
+Mind Coding wants to gather the students passionate of Computer Science, regardless of age and background and offer them the chance to collaborate. Contestants will have the opportunity to get in touch with Cluj-Napoca’s employers, and also to scrutinize the facilities of studying at “Babes-Bolyai” University. During the online round, the students may establish contact with employers through banners and sponsored problems. At the final round, officials of universities and companies from Cluj will hold presentations and will directly communicate with students. Mind Coding endeavors to reward the elite of Computer Science’s students and attract them to Cluj-Napoca in the near future. Furthermore, Mind Coding wants to create a large community of enthusiastic students, attempting to establish strong connection between Romanian peers.
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+About / Help
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+<h2 id="standings">Standings</h2>
+<table border class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
+<thead><tr><th>Rank<th>Name<th>Final 1<th>Final 2<th>Total
+<tbody><tr><td>1<td>Alex Velea <td>451<td>683<td>1134
+<tr><td>2<td>Rares Buhai <td>502<td>431<td>933
+<tr><td>3<td>Patcas Csaba <td>175<td>287<td>462
+<tr><td>4<td>Mircea Popoveniuc <td>0<td>361<td>361
+<tr><td>5<td>Mărcuș Romulus George <td>254<td>0<td>254
+<tr><td>6<td>Onesim Robert Ioan <td>48<td>147<td>195
+<tr><td>7<td>Vlad Duta <td>92<td>70<td>162
+<tr><td>8<td>Alghisi Alessandro <td>150<td>0<td>150
+<tr><td>9<td>Adrian Craciun <td>90<td>0<td>90
+<tr><td>10<td>Dan Alexandru <td>89<td>0<td>89
+<tr><td>11<td>Stefan Negrus <td>88<td>0<td>88
+<tr><td>12<td>Alex Cociorva <td>83<td>0<td>83
+<tr><td>13<td>Nechita Sebastian <td>74<td>0<td>74
+<tr><td>14<td>Plop Teodor <td>62<td>0<td>62
+<tr><td>15<td>Bucevschi Alexandru <td>54<td>0<td>54
+<tr><td>16<td>Costin Bianca <td>0<td>0<td>0
+<tr><td>17<td>Dit Dragos-Daniel <td>0<td>0<td>0
+<tr><td>18<td>Emanuel Truta <td>0<td>0<td>0
+<tr><td>19<td>Kis Levente Lorand <td>0<td>0<td>0
+<tr><td>20<td>Paffy Sandor<td>0<td>0<td>0
+<div id="participants" class="row">
+<div class="col-md-4">
+<li>Rares Buhai
+<li>Mihai Popa
+<li>Mugurel Ionut Andreica
+<li>Vlad Duta
+<li>Romulus George Marcus
+<li>Mihai Nitu
+<li>Catalin Stefan Tiseanu
+<li>Adrian Craciun
+<li>Mihai Gheorghe
+<li>Alex Cociorva
+<li>Mircea Popoveniuc
+<li>Stefan Negrus
+<li>Teodor Ionescu
+<li>Alexandru Dan
+<li>Teodor Plop
+<div class="col-md-4">
+<h2>Waiting list</h2>
+<li>Onesim Robert Ioan
+<li>Buleandra Cristian
+<li>Ioan Vlad Petcu
+<li>Andrei Stanciu
+<li>Nathan Wildenberg
+<li>Alexandru Bucevschi
+<li>Andrei Gogonea
+<li>Felix Puscasu
+<li>Matei Paun
+<li>Gedit Ciorabai
+<div class="col-md-4">
+<h2>Qualified (Cluj)</h2>
+<li>Alex Velea
+<li>Csaba Patcas
+<li>Vasile Lup
+<li>Emanuel Truta
+<li>Sergiu Cosmin Nistor
+<li>Dragos Crisan
+<li>Bianca Costin
+<li>Tudor Octavian Pocola
+<li>Dragos-Daniel Dit
+<li>Sandor Pallfy
+<li>Alessandro Alghisi
+<li>Levente Lorand Kis
+<li>Sebastian Nechita
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+Final Round Participants
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+<div class="well">\r
+ <h2>Quick Start Guide:</h2>\r
+ <ul>\r
+ <li>First of all you need to <b>create an account</b>. For this, click the <b>Account</b> button in the navbar.\r
+ When you want to do an action that needs an account you will be requiered to log in. <i>For example see last step in the Submitting part.</i></li>\r
+ <li>In order to <b>take part in a contest</b> <u>you don't need to register to a particular one</u>. You just need to <b>access its page</b> after the contest starts.</li>\r
+ <li>To <b>submit a solution</b> you can either paste your code into the text area for the corresponding problem or browse for the source. In what follows you can see all the steps for submitting: </li>\r
+ </ul>\r
+ <div style="clear: both; display:block; position:relative; float: left; width: 600px">\r
+ <h3>STEP 1: Choosing a problem from the list</h3>\r
+ <img alt="" height="272" src="/static/guide/1.png" width="400" style="float: left; margin:2px 10px">\r
+ <br><p>In order to choose a problem click the <b>Problems</b> button from the \r
+ navbar. </p>\r
+ <p>Then <b>click on</b> the problem you want to solve.\r
+ <br><i>For example let's choose <b>A+B</b> problem.</i> </p>\r
+ </div>\r
+ <div style="clear: both; display:block; position:relative; float: left">\r
+ <h3>STEP 2: Starting to fill the form</h3>\r
+ <img alt="" height="272" src="/static/guide/2.png" width="400" style="float: left; margin:2px 10px">\r
+ <br>\r
+ <p> From now on we focus on <b>Submit solution</b> area. </p>\r
+ <p> Here we can find the form to be filled in order to upload a solution to any given problem.</p>\r
+ </div>\r
+ <div style="clear: both; display:block; position:relative; float: left">\r
+ <h3>STEP 3: Solution source code</h3>\r
+ <table style="margin-left:10px; text-align:center">\r
+ <tr>\r
+ <td style="width:200px"><b>1st Option</b> - Upload the source file<br>\r
+ <img alt="" height="192" src="/static/guide/3.png" width="350" style="margin:2px 10px"><br>\r
+ Go to <b>Choose file</b> button from <b>File</b> area and then choose the source file.\r
+ </td>\r
+ <td> or </td>\r
+ <td style="width:200px"><b>2nd Option</b> - Paste the code<br>\r
+ <img alt="" height="340" src="/static/guide/3.2.png" width="250" style="margin:2px 10px">\r
+ </td>\r
+ </tr>\r
+ </table>\r
+ <i>Here are some examples for how to submit:</i>\r
+ <ul>\r
+ <li><a href="http://ideone.com/58mgdC" target="_blank">C</a></li>\r
+ <li><a href="http://ideone.com/gH3zg1" target="_blank">C++</a></li>\r
+ <li><a href="http://ideone.com/N7TkzK" target="_blank">Java</a></li>\r
+ <li><a href="http://ideone.com/dQgwIT" target="_blank">Pascal</a></li>\r
+ <li><a href="http://ideone.com/gSKAGU" target="_blank">Perl</a></li>\r
+ <li><a href="http://ideone.com/3H6NmV" target="_blank">Python</a></li>\r
+ </ul>\r
+ </div>\r
+ <div style="clear: both; display:block; position:relative; float: left">\r
+ <h3>STEP 4: Selecting the file format</h3>\r
+ <img alt="" height="270" src="/static/guide/4.png" width="250" style="float: left; margin:2px 10px">\r
+ <p> After uploading the source code we have to choose the format \r
+ corresponding to the code we provided as solution.</p>\r
+ </div>\r
+ <div style="clear: both; display:block; position:relative; float: left">\r
+ <h3>...and SUBMIT</h3>\r
+ <img alt="" height="260" src="/static/guide/5.png" width="250" style="float: left; margin:2px 10px">\r
+ <p>Click the <b>Submit job</b> button and wait for the results.</p> <p>You will be redirected \r
+ to <b>Job log</b> page where you can see the results. </p>\r
+ </div>\r
+ <div style="clear:both"> </div>\r
+ <h3>Good luck!</h3>\r
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+Quick start guide
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+<div class="well">
+<h2>Online qualification round schedule for 2015</h2>
+<li>Round 1: 12th of February 2015
+<li>Round 2: 26th of February 2015
+<li>Round 3: 12th of March 2015
+<li>Round 4: 26th of March 2015
+<p>Each round will begin at 19:00 EET and will last one hour and a
+half (90 minutes)<br> For any questions contact us on
+<a href="http://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=%23mindcoding">#mindcoding</a>
+Read our <a href="guide">quick-start guide</a>
+<div class="well">
+<h2>MindCoding Competition — The Second Edition</h2>
+<p>We are excited to announce the return of MindCoding, the fun but
+still challenging programming competition! It doesn't matter if you
+have a job, you're in college or still in school, what really matters
+is that you're passionate about problem solving.
+<p>Join our community and have the opportunity to learn new things and
+make a name for yourself! Are you passionate about a certain
+technology? Do you need a team in order to work on a project?
+MindCoding will help you make new friends who share your interests.
+<p>The first online round is Thursday, the 12th of February. We hope
+you'll join us!
+<p>You will have to solve 4 algorithmic problems of varying difficulty
+levels, and they will be scored based on their level and your problem
+solving speed. In order for a solution to be considered correct, it
+must pass all of our tests. We strongly recommend getting used to our
+platform by solving a few warm-up challenges.
+<p>Good luck and have fun!
+<div class="well">
+<h2>MindCoding Final Round</h2>
+Read the <a href="/fin">standings</a>, the <a href="/fin#participants">list of participants</a> and the rules (<a href="https://www.facebook.com/notes/mindcoding/regulament-runda-finala/483266961802900">Part 1</a> and <a href="https://www.facebook.com/notes/mindcoding/regulament-organizare-cazare-conditii-runda-finala-11-13-aprilie-2014/483630131766583">Part 2</a>).
+<div class="well">
+<h2>MindCoding National Competition - First Edition</h2>
+<p>We are happy to announce the launch of MindCoding, our fun and challenging national programming competition! It doesn't matter if you have a job, you're a student or you're still in school, what really matters is your passion for problem solving.
+Join our community and have the opportunity to learn new things and make a name of yourself! Are you passionate about a certain technology? Do you need a team for working on a project? MindCoding will help you make new friends who share your interests.
+The first online round is this Thursday, on the 30th of January. We hope you'll join us!
+You will have to solve 4 algorithmic problems of various difficulty levels, and they will be scored based on their level and your problem solving speed. In order for a solution to be considered correct, it must pass all of our tests. We strongly recommend getting used to our platform by solving a few warm-up <a href="/pb/">challenges</a>.
+Good luck and have fun!
-Gruntmaster 6000
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+<h3>MindCoding - Rules</h3>
+<li>Each round will consist of 4 algorithmic problems.
+<li>Your final score will be calculated by adding your scores for all the problems in the round.
+<li>After submitting a solution it will be evaluated on a few pretests and you will be able to see your result for that given test set.
+<li>At the end of a round, the solution will be evaluated on a set of tests. If it doesn’t output the correct answer for all the tests or it exceeds our memory/time limit for at least one test, it will be scored with 0 points.
+<li>Each problem will have a maximum score between 1000 and 100, depending on it’s difficulty.
+<li>The maximum score you can obtain on a problem decreases as time passes after you’ve read it.
+<li>In order to decide whether your solution is correct, only your last uploaded source file will be taken into consideration.
+<li>If the contestant wishes to resend a solution for a problem, the problem’s maximum score will decrease by 10%.
+<li>Each problem will have a minimum score under which the score can not decrease, no matter how many solutions a contstant submits.
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+<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
+<thead><tr><th>Nr<th>User<th>Round 2<th>Round 3<th>Round 4<th>Total
+<tr><td>1<td><a href="/us/raresbuhai">Rares Buhai</a><td>555<td>1436<td>771<td>2762
+<tr><td>2<td><a href="/us/mihaipopa12">Mihai Popa</a><td>1100<td>1223<td>270<td>2593
+<tr><td>3<td><a href="/us/geniucos">Oncescu Costin Andrei</a><td>417<td>814<td>514<td>1745
+<tr><td>4<td><a href="/us/mugurelionut">Mugurel Ionut Andreica</a><td>396<td>1262<td>-<td>1658
+<tr><td>5<td><a href="/us/alex_velea">Alex Velea</a><td>67<td>409<td>686<td>1162
+<tr><td>6<td><a href="/us/cosminrusu">Cosmin Rusu</a><td>30<td>171<td>897<td>1098
+<tr><td>7<td><a href="/us/vman">Vlad Duta</a><td>139<td>456<td>266<td>861
+<tr><td>8<td><a href="/us/PlayLikeNeverB4">Mărcuș Romulus George</a><td>558<td>302<td>-<td>860
+<tr><td>9<td><a href="/us/onisimnecula">Necula Onisim</a><td>-<td>-<td>845<td>845
+<tr><td>10<td><a href="/us/SleepyOverlord">Patcas Csaba</a><td>232<td>208<td>395<td>835
+<tr><td>11<td><a href="/us/Mikester95">Mihai Nitu</a><td>163<td>493<td>158<td>814
+<tr><td>12<td><a href="/us/Zeus">Catalin Stefan Tiseanu</a><td>-<td>595<td>193<td>788
+<tr><td>13<td><a href="/us/deneo">Adrian Craciun</a><td>78<td>447<td>196<td>721
+<tr><td>14<td><a href="/us/lockmihai">Mihai Gheorghe</a><td>96<td>98<td>440<td>634
+<tr><td>15<td><a href="/us/Al3ks1002">Alex Cociorva</a><td>156<td>199<td>208<td>563
+<tr><td>16<td><a href="/us/mirceadino">Mircea Popoveniuc</a><td>92<td>75<td>381<td>548
+<tr><td>17<td><a href="/us/Duxar">Stefan Negrus</a><td>111<td>173<td>229<td>513
+<tr><td>18<td><a href="/us/teoionescu">Ionescu Teodor</a><td>82<td>169<td>206<td>457
+<tr><td>19<td><a href="/us/danalex97">Dan Alexandru</a><td>-<td>-<td>415<td>415
+<tr><td>20<td><a href="/us/teodor94">Plop Teodor</a><td>-<td>-<td>414<td>414
+<tr><td>21<td><a href="/us/vasilup">Lup Vasile</a><td>-<td>207<td>184<td>391
+<tr><td>22<td><a href="/us/lyonrobert">Onesim Robert Ioan</a><td>74<td>84<td>202<td>360
+<tr><td>23<td><a href="/us/manutruta">Emanuel Truta</a><td>81<td>94<td>144<td>319
+<tr><td>24<td><a href="/us/Cristy">Cristian Buleandra</a><td>0<td>212<td>106<td>318
+<tr><td>25<td><a href="/us/JohnPeter">Petcu Ioan Vlad</a><td>215<td>77<td>-<td>292
+<tr><td>26<td><a href="/us/nafets">stefan x</a><td>32<td>92<td>168<td>292
+<tr><td>27<td><a href="/us/assa98">Andrei Stanciu</a><td>-<td>-<td>262<td>262
+<tr><td>28<td><a href="/us/thewildnath">Nathan Wildenberg</a><td>68<td>-<td>191<td>259
+<tr><td>29<td><a href="/us/alex_bucevschi">Bucevschi Alexandru</a><td>-<td>96<td>158<td>254
+<tr><td>30<td><a href="/us/Declin">Gogonea Andrei</a><td>0<td>95<td>156<td>251
+<tr><td>31<td><a href="/us/RpdStrike">Puscasu Felix</a><td>30<td>91<td>128<td>249
+<tr><td>32<td><a href="/us/lol76">Lolus</a><td>-<td>243<td>-<td>243
+<tr><td>33<td><a href="/us/paunmatei7">Paun Matei</a><td>-<td>96<td>140<td>236
+<tr><td>34<td><a href="/us/gedica">Ciorabai Gedit</a><td>30<td>78<td>124<td>232
+<tr><td>35<td><a href="/us/AlexValeanu">Alexandru Valeanu</a><td>-<td>212<td>-<td>212
+<tr><td>36<td><a href="/us/stanandrei">Andrei Stan</a><td>30<td>0<td>182<td>212
+<tr><td>37<td><a href="/us/jackal02">jackal02</a><td>42<td>93<td>68<td>203
+<tr><td>38<td><a href="/us/zikade">Irimia Rares</a><td>0<td>85<td>110<td>195
+<tr><td>39<td><a href="/us/sergiu_nistor">Nistor Sergiu Cosmin</a><td>0<td>95<td>79<td>174
+<tr><td>40<td><a href="/us/vload">Stefanescu Vlad</a><td>74<td>79<td>-<td>153
+<tr><td>41<td><a href="/us/vld7">Cîmpeanu Vlăduț Alexandru</a><td>-<td>-<td>152<td>152
+<tr><td>42<td><a href="/us/cbanu_96">Banu Cristian</a><td>-<td>0<td>144<td>144
+<tr><td>43<td><a href="/us/raztaap">Albu Cristian</a><td>49<td>0<td>93<td>142
+<tr><td>44<td><a href="/us/Mihai22e">Mihai Enache</a><td>-<td>-<td>139<td>139
+<tr><td>45<td><a href="/us/smallOne">Adina Mateescu </a><td>0<td>91<td>32<td>123
+<tr><td>46<td><a href="/us/tudy23">Gergely Tudor</a><td>30<td>0<td>87<td>117
+<tr><td>47<td><a href="/us/dragoscri">Crisan Dragos</a><td>30<td>84<td>0<td>114
+<tr><td>48<td><a href="/us/Ducu">Radu Seteanu</a><td>-<td>35<td>75<td>110
+<tr><td>49<td><a href="/us/tuddy60">Bazac Tudor</a><td>105<td>-<td>-<td>105
+<tr><td>50<td><a href="/us/o_mic">Costin Bianca</a><td>0<td>96<td>-<td>96
+<tr><td>51<td><a href="/us/Mac">Alexandru Cosmin Mihai</a><td>-<td>95<td>-<td>95
+<tr><td>52<td><a href="/us/cosmin79">Cosmin Andrei Carabet</a><td>-<td>95<td>-<td>95
+<tr><td>53<td><a href="/us/torckyop">Suciu Victor</a><td>-<td>94<td>-<td>94
+<tr><td>54<td><a href="/us/gabibadea">Gabriel Badea</a><td>-<td>93<td>0<td>93
+<tr><td>55<td><a href="/us/tudyoctav99">Pocola Tudor Octavian</a><td>-<td>90<td>-<td>90
+<tr><td>56<td><a href="/us/ditzdragos">Dit Dragos-Daniel</a><td>0<td>83<td>-<td>83
+<tr><td>57<td><a href="/us/SpiriFlaviu">Berbecariu Flaviu</a><td>0<td>-<td>76<td>76
+<tr><td>58<td><a href="/us/Sanko">Palffy Sandor</a><td>75<td>-<td>-<td>75
+<tr><td>59<td><a href="/us/paul_diac">Paul Diac</a><td>72<td>-<td>-<td>72
+<tr><td>60<td><a href="/us/vladb">Vlad Badelita</a><td>-<td>72<td>-<td>72
+<tr><td>61<td><a href="/us/calin13">Calin Nicolau</a><td>-<td>71<td>-<td>71
+<tr><td>62<td><a href="/us/VTR">Luncasu Victor</a><td>67<td>-<td>-<td>67
+<tr><td>63<td><a href="/us/heracle">Radu Muntean</a><td>67<td>-<td>-<td>67
+<tr><td>64<td><a href="/us/tacboss">Tran Bach Nguyen</a><td>67<td>-<td>-<td>67
+<tr><td>65<td><a href="/us/daryne77">Teudan Adina</a><td>0<td>-<td>64<td>64
+<tr><td>66<td><a href="/us/vdorastie">Vlad Negru</a><td>64<td>-<td>-<td>64
+<tr><td>67<td><a href="/us/Rusu">Rusu Iulian - Daniel</a><td>61<td>0<td>0<td>61
+<tr><td>68<td><a href="/us/Pas">Paslaru Tudor</a><td>30<td>30<td>0<td>60
+<tr><td>69<td><a href="/us/mathboy">Dragoș Alin Rotaru</a><td>57<td>-<td>-<td>57
+<tr><td>70<td><a href="/us/mapa">Maria Pandele</a><td>55<td>-<td>-<td>55
+<tr><td>71<td><a href="/us/alexalghisi">Alghisi Alessandro</a><td>53<td>-<td>-<td>53
+<tr><td>72<td><a href="/us/tibi9876">Marin Tiberiu</a><td>52<td>-<td>0<td>52
+<tr><td>73<td><a href="/us/dr_personality">Eftime Andrei Horatiu</a><td>45<td>-<td>-<td>45
+<tr><td>74<td><a href="/us/FIIAurelian">Hreapca Aurelian</a><td>30<td>-<td>-<td>30
+<tr><td>75<td><a href="/us/Robert29">Tilica Robert</a><td>30<td>-<td>-<td>30
+<tr><td>76<td><a href="/us/clau1">clau</a><td>-<td>30<td>-<td>30
+<tr><td>77<td><a href="/us/dragangabriel">Dragan Andrei Gabriel</a><td>30<td>-<td>-<td>30
+<tr><td>78<td><a href="/us/kis3lori">Kis Levente Lorand</a><td>30<td>-<td>-<td>30
+<tr><td>79<td><a href="/us/mititelul_cristian">Mititelu Cristian</a><td>30<td>-<td>-<td>30
+<tr><td>80<td><a href="/us/sebinechita">Nechita Sebastian</a><td>30<td>-<td>-<td>30
+<tr><td>81<td><a href="/us/thesilverhand13">Florea Toma Eduard</a><td>30<td>-<td>-<td>30
+<tr><td>82<td><a href="/us/AAA22AAA">AAA22AAA</a><td>0<td>0<td>-<td>0
+<tr><td>83<td><a href="/us/Catalin287">Moldovan Catalin</a><td>0<td>-<td>-<td>0
+<tr><td>84<td><a href="/us/Catlinv">Sbera Catalin</a><td>0<td>-<td>-<td>0
+<tr><td>85<td><a href="/us/Checiu_Eliza99">Checiu Eliza Alexandra</a><td>0<td>-<td>-<td>0
+<tr><td>86<td><a href="/us/Cipri321">Ciprian Marin</a><td>-<td>-<td>0<td>0
+<tr><td>87<td><a href="/us/Luca_Vlasceanu">Luca Vlasceanu</a><td>0<td>-<td>-<td>0
+<tr><td>88<td><a href="/us/Matt">Celea Matei</a><td>0<td>-<td>-<td>0
+<tr><td>89<td><a href="/us/MesesanPaul">MesesanPaul</a><td>0<td>0<td>-<td>0
+<tr><td>90<td><a href="/us/MihaiZs">Zsisku Mihai</a><td>0<td>-<td>-<td>0
+<tr><td>91<td><a href="/us/Octa">Octavian Duiu</a><td>-<td>0<td>-<td>0
+<tr><td>92<td><a href="/us/OmerC">Omer Cerrahoglu</a><td>-<td>-<td>0<td>0
+<tr><td>93<td><a href="/us/PetruCotrut">Cotrut Petru</a><td>0<td>-<td>-<td>0
+<tr><td>94<td><a href="/us/RRomaniuc">Romaniuc Radu Andrei</a><td>0<td>-<td>-<td>0
+<tr><td>95<td><a href="/us/SanzianaTudose">Sanziana Tudose</a><td>0<td>-<td>-<td>0
+<tr><td>96<td><a href="/us/Sergiu">Sergiu P.</a><td>0<td>-<td>-<td>0
+<tr><td>97<td><a href="/us/SilverShift35">Deniz Ozguluk</a><td>0<td>-<td>-<td>0
+<tr><td>98<td><a href="/us/SniperFire360">Luca Ignatescu</a><td>0<td>-<td>-<td>0
+<tr><td>99<td><a href="/us/VirgilMunteanuPetru">Munteanu Virgil Petru</a><td>0<td>-<td>-<td>0
+<tr><td>100<td><a href="/us/YoChinezu">Weng Mihai Alexandru</a><td>0<td>-<td>-<td>0
+<tr><td>101<td><a href="/us/apollo11">Zaharia Horia</a><td>0<td>-<td>-<td>0
+<tr><td>102<td><a href="/us/beny10">Bia Beniamin</a><td>0<td>0<td>-<td>0
+<tr><td>103<td><a href="/us/blasterz">Mircea Dima</a><td>0<td>-<td>-<td>0
+<tr><td>104<td><a href="/us/denisa_checiu23">Checiu Denisa Georgiana</a><td>0<td>-<td>-<td>0
+<tr><td>105<td><a href="/us/gamamen">Muntean Cătălin</a><td>0<td>-<td>-<td>0
+<tr><td>106<td><a href="/us/gerd">Gergely David</a><td>0<td>-<td>-<td>0
+<tr><td>107<td><a href="/us/hascsi">Iulia Hascsi</a><td>-<td>0<td>-<td>0
+<tr><td>108<td><a href="/us/livand">liviu</a><td>0<td>-<td>-<td>0
+<tr><td>109<td><a href="/us/mcipri321">ciprian marin</a><td>-<td>0<td>-<td>0
+<tr><td>110<td><a href="/us/never_mind">Zlatea_Cezar</a><td>0<td>-<td>-<td>0
+<tr><td>111<td><a href="/us/onisimnecula12">Necula Onisim</a><td>-<td>0<td>-<td>0
+<tr><td>112<td><a href="/us/otniel">Mercea Otniel Bogdan</a><td>0<td>-<td>-<td>0
+<tr><td>113<td><a href="/us/span7a">Ungurasu Razvan</a><td>0<td>-<td>-<td>0
+<tr><td>114<td><a href="/us/tudy">Tudose Vlad</a><td>0<td>-<td>-<td>0
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+MindCoding Standings
\ No newline at end of file
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+<div class="row">
+<div class="col-md-3">
+<h2>Petru Tiberiu<br>Trimbitas</h2>
+<b>Project manager</b>
+<div class="col-md-3">
+<b>Lead Programmer</b>
+<div class="col-md-3">
+<b>Marketing & PR Manager<br>Problemsetter</b>
+<div class="col-md-3">
--- /dev/null
+Testing is an important step of writing programs of any kind. In algorithm contests, bugs cost time and points, so they must be avoided. There are two strategies you can use in order to avoid bugs: detecting them in an already-written program and writing programs without them.
+The most common method to finding bugs in a program is by testing it. The most common way of testing during an algorithm contest is by writing two other separate programs: one that solves the problem in a very simple way (generally a brute-force solution), and one that generates a random test. Then you can repeatedly generate a test, run the two programs on the test, and compare the outputs. If they are different, there is a bug in one of the programs.
+Since you don't have to submit these two extra programs, you have a wider choice of tools than those that are allowed for the final solutions. For example in the ACM-ICPC you may only use C, C++, Java, and in the IOI C, C++, Pascal, but all Linux computers have Perl and Python interpreters.
+We'll use <a href="http://mindcoding.ro/pb/maxsquare">MaxSquare</a> as an example problem. A possible generator is:
+<span class="perl-hl lin"> 1 </span><span class="perl-hl slc">#!/usr/bin/perl -w</span>
+<span class="perl-hl lin"> 2 </span><span class="perl-hl kwa">use</span> v5<span class="perl-hl opt">.</span>14<span class="perl-hl opt">;</span>
+<span class="perl-hl lin"> 3 </span>
+<span class="perl-hl lin"> 4 </span><span class="perl-hl kwc">my</span> <span class="perl-hl kwb">$n</span> <span class="perl-hl opt">=</span> <span class="perl-hl num">1</span> <span class="perl-hl opt">+</span> <span class="perl-hl kwc">int rand</span> <span class="perl-hl num">50</span><span class="perl-hl opt">;</span>
+<span class="perl-hl lin"> 5 </span><span class="perl-hl kwc">say</span> <span class="perl-hl kwb">$n</span><span class="perl-hl opt">;</span>
+<span class="perl-hl lin"> 6 </span><span class="perl-hl kwa">for</span> <span class="perl-hl kwc">my</span> <span class="perl-hl kwb">$i</span> <span class="perl-hl opt">(</span><span class="perl-hl num">1</span> <span class="perl-hl opt">..</span> <span class="perl-hl kwb">$n</span><span class="perl-hl opt">) {</span>
+<span class="perl-hl lin"> 7 </span> <span class="perl-hl kwa">for</span> <span class="perl-hl kwc">my</span> <span class="perl-hl kwb">$j</span> <span class="perl-hl opt">(</span><span class="perl-hl num">1</span> <span class="perl-hl opt">..</span> <span class="perl-hl kwb">$n</span><span class="perl-hl opt">) {</span>
+<span class="perl-hl lin"> 8 </span> <span class="perl-hl kwc">print</span> <span class="perl-hl num">100</span> <span class="perl-hl opt">-</span> <span class="perl-hl kwc">int rand</span> <span class="perl-hl num">200</span><span class="perl-hl opt">,</span> <span class="perl-hl str">' '</span><span class="perl-hl opt">;</span>
+<span class="perl-hl lin"> 9 </span> <span class="perl-hl opt">}</span>
+<span class="perl-hl lin"> 10 </span> <span class="perl-hl kwc">say</span> <span class="perl-hl str">''</span><span class="perl-hl opt">;</span>
+<span class="perl-hl lin"> 11 </span><span class="perl-hl opt">}</span>
+We'll now need a script to run the tests. Assume that the two programs are written in C++ and named 'prog1.cpp' and 'prog2.cpp', and that the generator is named 'gen'.
+<span class="perl-hl lin"> 1 </span><span class="perl-hl slc">#!/usr/bin/perl -w</span>
+<span class="perl-hl lin"> 2 </span><span class="perl-hl kwa">use</span> v5<span class="perl-hl opt">.</span>14<span class="perl-hl opt">;</span>
+<span class="perl-hl lin"> 3 </span>
+<span class="perl-hl lin"> 4 </span><span class="perl-hl kwc">system</span> <span class="perl-hl str">'make prog1 prog2'</span><span class="perl-hl opt">;</span>
+<span class="perl-hl lin"> 5 </span><span class="perl-hl kwa">for</span> <span class="perl-hl opt">(</span><span class="perl-hl num">1</span> <span class="perl-hl opt">..</span> <span class="perl-hl num">1000</span><span class="perl-hl opt">) {</span>
+<span class="perl-hl lin"> 6 </span> <span class="perl-hl kwc">system</span> <span class="perl-hl str">'./gen > input'</span><span class="perl-hl opt">;</span>
+<span class="perl-hl lin"> 7 </span> <span class="perl-hl kwc">system</span> <span class="perl-hl str">'./prog1 < input > output1'</span><span class="perl-hl opt">;</span>
+<span class="perl-hl lin"> 8 </span> <span class="perl-hl kwc">system</span> <span class="perl-hl str">'./prog2 < input > output2'</span><span class="perl-hl opt">;</span>
+<span class="perl-hl lin"> 9 </span> <span class="perl-hl kwc">die</span> <span class="perl-hl str">"The outputs are different!</span><span class="perl-hl esc">\n</span><span class="perl-hl str">"</span> <span class="perl-hl kwa">if</span> <span class="perl-hl kwc">system</span> <span class="perl-hl str">'diff -q output1 output2'</span><span class="perl-hl opt">;</span>
+<span class="perl-hl lin"> 10 </span><span class="perl-hl opt">}</span>
+If the two programs produce different outputs for a test, the script dies with an error, allowing the user to inspect the input and outputs, find the bug, and fix it.
+You can also do this in other languages, such as C++. For example: <!-- The following program compares the programs <code>ok.cpp</code> and <code>brute.cpp</code>, using <code>gen.cpp</code> as a generator. -->
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 1 </span><span class="cpp-hl ppc">#include <iostream></span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 2 </span><span class="cpp-hl ppc">#include <cstdlib></span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 3 </span><span class="cpp-hl ppc">#include <ctime></span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 4 </span><span class="cpp-hl kwa">using namespace</span> std<span class="cpp-hl opt">;</span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 5 </span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 6 </span><span class="cpp-hl kwb">int</span> <span class="cpp-hl kwd">rnd</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">(</span><span class="cpp-hl kwb">int</span> a<span class="cpp-hl opt">,</span> <span class="cpp-hl kwb">int</span> b<span class="cpp-hl opt">) {</span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 7 </span> <span class="cpp-hl kwa">return</span> a <span class="cpp-hl opt">+</span> <span class="cpp-hl kwd">rand</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">() % (</span>b <span class="cpp-hl opt">-</span> a<span class="cpp-hl opt">);</span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 8 </span><span class="cpp-hl opt">}</span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 9 </span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 10 </span><span class="cpp-hl kwb">int</span> <span class="cpp-hl kwd">main</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">() {</span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 11 </span> <span class="cpp-hl kwd">srand</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">(</span><span class="cpp-hl kwd">time</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">(</span>NULL<span class="cpp-hl opt">));</span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 12 </span> <span class="cpp-hl kwb">int</span> n <span class="cpp-hl opt">=</span> <span class="cpp-hl kwd">rnd</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">(</span><span class="cpp-hl num">1</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">,</span> <span class="cpp-hl num">100</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">);</span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 13 </span> cout <span class="cpp-hl opt"><<</span> n <span class="cpp-hl opt"><<</span> <span class="cpp-hl str">'</span><span class="cpp-hl esc">\n</span><span class="cpp-hl str">'</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">;</span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 14 </span> <span class="cpp-hl kwa">for</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">(</span><span class="cpp-hl kwb">int</span> i<span class="cpp-hl opt">=</span><span class="cpp-hl num">0</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">;</span> i<span class="cpp-hl opt"><</span>n<span class="cpp-hl opt">; ++</span>i<span class="cpp-hl opt">) {</span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 15 </span> <span class="cpp-hl kwa">for</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">(</span><span class="cpp-hl kwb">int</span> j<span class="cpp-hl opt">=</span><span class="cpp-hl num">0</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">;</span> j<span class="cpp-hl opt"><</span>n<span class="cpp-hl opt">; ++</span>j<span class="cpp-hl opt">)</span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 16 </span> cout <span class="cpp-hl opt"><<</span> <span class="cpp-hl kwd">rnd</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">(-</span><span class="cpp-hl num">100</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">,</span> <span class="cpp-hl num">100</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">) <<</span> <span class="cpp-hl str">' '</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">;</span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 17 </span> cout <span class="cpp-hl opt"><<</span> <span class="cpp-hl str">'</span><span class="cpp-hl esc">\n</span><span class="cpp-hl str">'</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">;</span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 18 </span> <span class="cpp-hl opt">}</span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 19 </span> <span class="cpp-hl kwa">return</span> <span class="cpp-hl num">0</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">;</span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 20 </span><span class="cpp-hl opt">}</span>
+Test runner:
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 1 </span><span class="cpp-hl ppc">#include <iostream></span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 2 </span><span class="cpp-hl ppc">#include <cstdlib></span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 3 </span><span class="cpp-hl ppc">#define TESTS 1000</span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 4 </span><span class="cpp-hl kwa">using namespace</span> std<span class="cpp-hl opt">;</span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 5 </span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 6 </span><span class="cpp-hl kwb">int</span> <span class="cpp-hl kwd">main</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">() {</span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 7 </span> <span class="cpp-hl kwd">system</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">(</span><span class="cpp-hl str">"g++ -o gen gen.cpp"</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">);</span><span class="cpp-hl slc">//compile the files, the executable file will be named gen</span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 8 </span> <span class="cpp-hl kwd">system</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">(</span><span class="cpp-hl str">"g++ -o brute brute.cpp"</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">);</span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 9 </span> <span class="cpp-hl kwd">system</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">(</span><span class="cpp-hl str">"g++ -o ok ok.cpp"</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">);</span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 10 </span> <span class="cpp-hl kwa">for</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">(</span><span class="cpp-hl kwb">int</span> i<span class="cpp-hl opt">=</span><span class="cpp-hl num">0</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">;</span> i<span class="cpp-hl opt"><</span>TESTS<span class="cpp-hl opt">; ++</span>i<span class="cpp-hl opt">) {</span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 11 </span> <span class="cpp-hl kwd">system</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">(</span><span class="cpp-hl str">"./gen > input"</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">);</span><span class="cpp-hl slc">//redirects the stdout of the program gen to the file named input</span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 12 </span> <span class="cpp-hl kwd">system</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">(</span><span class="cpp-hl str">"./brute < input > bout"</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">);</span><span class="cpp-hl slc">//redirects the file input to stdin and stdout to bout</span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 13 </span> <span class="cpp-hl kwd">system</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">(</span><span class="cpp-hl str">"./ok <input > oout"</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">);</span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 14 </span> <span class="cpp-hl kwa">if</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">(</span><span class="cpp-hl kwd">system</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">(</span><span class="cpp-hl str">"diff -q bout oout"</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">)) {</span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 15 </span> cout<span class="cpp-hl opt"><<</span><span class="cpp-hl str">"Outputs differ"</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">;</span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 16 </span> <span class="cpp-hl kwa">return</span> <span class="cpp-hl num">0</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">;</span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 17 </span> <span class="cpp-hl opt">}</span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 18 </span> <span class="cpp-hl opt">}</span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 19 </span> <span class="cpp-hl kwa">return</span> <span class="cpp-hl num">0</span><span class="cpp-hl opt">;</span>
+<span class="cpp-hl lin"> 20 </span><span class="cpp-hl opt">}</span>
\ No newline at end of file
use constant AUTH_TIMEOUT => 5 * 60;
use constant ACCESSLOG_FORMAT => '%{X-Forwarded-For}i|%h %u "%r" %>s %b "%{Referer}i" "%{User-agent}i"';
-use constant CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY => q,default-src 'none'; script-src 'self' www.google-analytics.com; style-src 'self'; img-src 'self'; connect-src 'self',;
+use constant CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY => q,default-src 'none'; script-src 'self' www.google-analytics.com; style-src 'self'; img-src 'self' www.google-analytics.com; connect-src 'self',;
our $db //= Gruntmaster::Data->connect($ENV{GRUNTMASTER_DSN} // 'dbi:Pg:');
--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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sub (/ed/:contest) {
forbid contest->is_running;
- response ed => 'Editorial of ' . contest->name, db->problem_list(contest => $_{contest}, solution => 1);
+ my $pblist = db->problem_list(contest => $_{contest}, solution => 1);
+ response ed => 'Editorial of ' . contest->name, {%$pblist, editorial => contest->editorial};
sub (/login) {
sub process_skel {
my ($tree, %args) = @_;
+ $tree->fid('logo')->replace_with(literal scalar read_file "mclogo.svg");
title => $args{title},
content => literal $args{meat});
sub process_ct_entry {
my ($tree, %args) = @_;
$_->edit_href (sub {s/contest_id/$args{id}/}) for $tree->find('a');
+ $tree->fid('editorial')->detach unless $args{finished};
$tree->fid('links')->detach unless $args{started};
my $status = ($args{time} < $args{start} ? 'starts' : 'ends');
$tree->fclass('timer')->attr('data-stop', $status eq 'ends' ? $args{stop} : $args{start});
sub process_ed {
my ($tree, %args) = @_;
+ $tree->content_handler(editorial => literal $args{editorial});
my $iter = sub {
my ($data, $div) = @_;
$div->set_child_content(class => 'value', $data->{value});
--- /dev/null
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-Dilmom: Why don't you call your product the Gruntmaster 6000?<br>
-Dilbert: What kind of product do you see when you imagine a Gruntmaster 6000?<br>
-Dilmom: Well, it's a stripped-down version of the Gruntmaster 9000, of course. But it's software-upgradeable.
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