sub _blessdocs {
my ($self, $docsref) = @_;
- map { Zeal::Document->new(+{%$_, docset => $self}) } @$docsref;
+ map {
+ my %hash = (%$_, docset => $self);
+ ($hash{path}, $hash{anchor}) = split /#/s, $hash{path};
+ Zeal::Document->new(\%hash);
+ } @$docsref;
sub fetch {
our $VERSION = '0.000_002';
use parent qw/Class::Accessor::Fast/;
-__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw/id name type path docset/);
+__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw/id name type path anchor docset/);
sub fetch {
my ($self) = @_;
F<docset_root/Contents/Resources/Documents/>. This can also be a HTTP
+=item $doc->B<anchor>
+The URL anchor/fragment identifier of this document.
=item $doc->B<fetch>
The HTML content of this document, retrieved from the file system or