--- /dev/null
+package WebService::Vichan;
+use 5.014000;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use parent qw/Exporter/;
+use HTTP::Tiny;
+use Hash::Inflator;
+use JSON::MaybeXS;
+use Time::HiRes qw/time sleep/;
+our $VERSION = '0.001';
+our %cache;
+our $last_request = 0;
+our $ht = HTTP::Tiny->new(
+ agent => 'WebService-Vichan/'.$VERSION,
+ verify_SSL => 1
+use constant +{
+ API_4CHAN => 'https://a.4cdn.org',
+ API_8CHAN => 'https://8ch.net',
+our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( all => \@EXPORT_OK );
+sub new {
+ my ($class, $url) = @_;
+ bless { url => $url }, $class
+sub do_request {
+ my ($url, $cached_result, $cached_timestamp) = @_;
+ my %options;
+ if ($cached_timestamp) {
+ $options{headers}{'If-Modified-Since'} = $cached_timestamp
+ }
+ my $time_since_last_request = time - $last_request;
+ sleep 1 - $time_since_last_request if $time_since_last_request < 1;
+ my $result = $ht->get($url, \%options);
+ $last_request = time;
+ if ($result->{status} == 304) {
+ [$cached_result, $cached_timestamp]
+ } elsif (!$result->{success}) {
+ my $diestr = sprintf "Error requesting %s: %s\n", $url, $result->{reason};
+ die $diestr unless $result->{success};
+ } else {
+ [$result->{content}, $last_request]
+ }
+sub requestf {
+ my ($self, $format, @args) = @_;
+ my $what = sprintf $format, @args;
+ my $url = $self->{url} . '/' . $what;
+ my $result = $cache{$url};
+ if (!defined $result) {
+ $cache{$url} = do_request $url
+ } elsif (time - $result->[1] > 10) {
+ $cache{$url} = do_request $url, @$result
+ }
+ decode_json $cache{$url}->[0]
+sub boards {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $result = $self->requestf('boards.json');
+ $result = $result->{boards} if ref $result eq 'HASH';
+ my @results = map {
+ $_->{board} //= $_->{uri};
+ Hash::Inflator->new($_)
+ } @$result;
+ wantarray ? @results : \@results;
+sub threads {
+ my ($self, $board) = @_;
+ $board = $board->{board} if ref $board;
+ my $result = $self->requestf('%s/threads.json', $board);
+ my @pages = map { Hash::Inflator->new($_) } @$result;
+ wantarray ? @pages : \@pages
+sub threads_flat {
+ my @pages = shift->threads(@_);
+ my @flat = map { @{$_->{threads}} } @pages;
+ wantarray ? @flat : \@flat
+sub catalog {
+ my ($self, $board) = @_;
+ $board = $board->{board} if ref $board;
+ my $result = $self->requestf('%s/catalog.json', $board);
+ my @pages = map { Hash::Inflator->new($_) } @$result;
+ wantarray ? @pages : \@pages
+sub catalog_flat {
+ my @pages = shift->catalog(@_);
+ my @flat = map { @{$_->{threads}} } @pages;
+ wantarray ? @flat : \@flat
+sub thread {
+ my ($self, $board, $threadno, $is_4chan) = @_;
+ $board = $board->{board} if ref $board;
+ $threadno = $threadno->{no} if ref $threadno;
+ $is_4chan //= (index $self->{url}, '4cdn.org') >= 0;
+ my $res_or_thread = $is_4chan ? 'thread' : 'res';
+ my $result =
+ $self->requestf('%s/%s/%s.json', $board, $res_or_thread, $threadno);
+ my @posts = map { Hash::Inflator->new($_) } @{$result->{posts}};
+ wantarray ? @posts : \@posts
+=encoding utf-8
+=head1 NAME
+WebService::Vichan - API client for 4chan and vichan-based imageboards
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use WebService::Vichan qw/:all/;
+ my $chan = WebService::Vichan->new(API_4CHAN);
+ my @boards = $chan->boards;
+ say 'Boards on 4chan: ', join ', ', map { $_->board } @boards;
+ my @all_pages_of_wsg = $chan->threads('wsg');
+ my @wsg = @{$all_pages_of_wsg[0]->threads};
+ say 'IDs of threads on the first page of /wsg/: ', join ', ', map { $_->no } @wsg;
+ my @all_threads_of_g = $chan->threads_flat('g');
+ my @posts_in_23rd_thread = $chan->thread('g', $all_threads_of_g[22]);
+ printf "There are %d posts in the 23rd thread of /g/\n", scalar @posts_in_23rd_thread;
+ my $the_post = $posts_in_23rd_thread[1];
+ say 'HTML of the 2nd post in the 23rd thread of /g/: ', $the_post->com;
+This is an api client for 4chan.org and imageboards that use vichan
+(such as 8ch.net). It offers the following methods:
+Note: functions that ordinarily return lists will return arrayrefs if
+called in scalar context.
+=item WebService::Vichan->B<new>(I<$url>)
+Creates a new WebService::Vichan object with the given base URL.
+Two constants are exported on request by this module: C<API_4CHAN> and
+C<API_8CHAN>, which represent the base URLs for 4chan.org and 8ch.net.
+=item $chan->B<boards>
+Returns a list of available boards. These are blessed
+imageboard-dependent hashrefs which should at least have the methods
+C<board> (returning the board code as a string) and C<title>.
+=item $chan->B<threads>(I<$board>)
+Takes a board object (or a board code as a string) and returns a list
+of pages of thread OPs. Each page is a blessed hashref with methods
+C<page> (the index of the page) and C<threads> (an arrayref of thread
+OPs on that page). Each thread OP is a blessed hashref which has at
+least the methods C<no> (the thread number) and C<last_modified>.
+=item $chan->B<threads_flat>(I<$board>)
+Same as B<threads> but page information is dropped. Returns a list of
+thread OPs as described above.
+=item $chan->B<catalog>(I<$board>)
+Same as B<threads>, but much more information is returned about each
+thread OP.
+=item $chan->B<catalog_flat>(I<$board>)
+Same as B<threads_flat>, but much more information is returned about each thread OP.
+=item $chan->B<thread>(I<$board>, I<$threadno>, [I<$is_4chan>])
+Takes a board object (or a board code as a string), a thread OP object
+(or a thread number) and an optional boolean indicating whether to use
+4chan logic for the request (by default 4chan logic is used if the URL
+contains C<4cdn.org>).
+Returns a post object (blessed hashref) with methods as described in
+the API documentation (see links in the SEE ALSO section).
+To comply with API usage rules every request is cached for 10 seconds,
+and requests are rate-limited to one per second. If a method is called
+less than 1 second after a request has happened, it will sleep before
+issuing a second request to ensure the rate limitation is followed.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Marius Gavrilescu, E<lt>marius@ieval.roE<gt>
+Copyright (C) 2017 by Marius Gavrilescu
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.24.3 or,
+at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::RequiresInternet ('a.4cdn.org' => 443, '8ch.net' => 443);
+use Test::More tests => 17;
+BEGIN { use_ok('WebService::Vichan', ':all') };
+for my $url (@URLS) {
+ note "Now testing $url";
+ my $chan = WebService::Vichan->new($url);
+ my @boards = $chan->boards;
+ ok @boards > 0, 'has boards';
+ my $board = $boards[0];
+ my $boardcode = $board->board;
+ my @threads = $chan->threads($board);
+ my @threads_flat = $chan->threads_flat($board);
+ ok @threads > 0, "board $boardcode has threads";
+ SKIP: {
+ skip 'race condition', 1 unless $ENV{RELEASE_TESTING};
+ my $thread3a = $threads[0]->threads->[2];
+ my $thread3b = $threads_flat[2];
+ is $thread3a->no, $thread3b->no, 'same 3rd thread in threads and threads_flat';
+ }
+ my @catalog = $chan->catalog($board);
+ my @catalog_flat = $chan->catalog_flat($board);
+ ok @catalog > 0, "catalog of board $boardcode is not empty";
+ SKIP: {
+ skip 'race condition', 1 unless $ENV{RELEASE_TESTING};
+ my $catalog3a = $catalog[0]->threads->[2];
+ my $catalog3b = $catalog_flat[2];
+ is $catalog3a->no, $catalog3b->no, 'same 3rd thread in catalog and catalog_flat';
+ }
+ my $catalog3 = $catalog_flat[2];
+ my $catalog3no = $catalog3->no;
+ ok defined $catalog3->com, 'catalog entry has content';
+ my @posts = $chan->thread($board, $catalog3);
+ ok @posts > 0, "thread $catalog3no has posts";
+ is $catalog3->id, $posts[0]->id, 'catalog entry has same ID as first post';