=item 10
-Anything else (regexp, filehandle, format, glob, version string)
-causes an exception to be raised
+Anything else (coderef, regexp, filehandle, format, globref, version
+string) causes an exception to be raised
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 10;
+use Test::More tests => 16;
+use Test::Exception;
BEGIN { use_ok('Data::Dump::Sexp') };
use Data::SExpression;
+use lib 't';
+use Opaque;
+is dump_sexp(undef), '()';
+is dump_sexp([Opaque->new, 1, Opaque->new]), '(<opaque> 1 <opaque>)';
is dump_sexp(5), 5;
is dump_sexp('yes'), '"yes"';
is dump_sexp('"ha\\ha\\ha"'), '"\\"ha\\\\ha\\\\ha\\""';
is dump_sexp([1, "yes", 2]), '(1 "yes" 2)';
is dump_sexp({b => 5, a => "yes"}), '(("a" . "yes") ("b" . 5))';
+is dump_sexp(\42), 42;
+is dump_sexp(\\\\"aaaa"), '"aaaa"';
+is dump_sexp(\substr "abcd", 1, 2), '"bc"';
+throws_ok { dump_sexp {key => sub{}} } qr/Cannot dump value of type CODE as sexp/;
sub roundtrip_test {
my ($sexp) = @_;
my $ds = Data::SExpression->new({use_symbol_class => 1, fold_lists => 0});
my $parsed = $ds->read($sexp);
- is dump_sexp($parsed), $sexp
+ is dump_sexp($parsed), $sexp, "roundtrip: $sexp";
roundtrip_test 'symbol';