use warnings;
use parent qw/Exporter/;
-our @EXPORT = qw/strike strike_search/; ## no critic (ProhibitAutomaticExportation)
-our @EXPORT_OK = qw/strike_query strike strike_search/;
+our @EXPORT = qw/strike strike_search strike_imdb/; ## no critic (ProhibitAutomaticExportation)
+our @EXPORT_OK = (@EXPORT, 'strike_query');
our $VERSION = '0.003';
-our $BASE_URL = '';
+our $BASE_URL = '';
use JSON::MaybeXS qw/decode_json/;
use HTTP::Tiny;
if (@hashes > 50) {
return strike_query (@hashes[0 .. 49]), strike_query (@hashes[50 .. $#hashes]);
- my $url = "$BASE_URL/info/?hashes=" . join ',', map { uc } @hashes;
+ my $url = "$BASE_URL/torrents/info/?hashes=" . join ',', map { uc } @hashes;
my $sorter = sbe(\@hashes, {xform => sub { $_[0]->hash }});
my @torrents = $sorter->(_query $url);
sub strike_search {
my ($query, $full, %args) = @_;
$args{phrase} = $query;
- my $url = "$BASE_URL/search/?" . HTTP::Tiny->www_form_urlencode(\%args);
+ my $url = "$BASE_URL/torrents/search/?" . HTTP::Tiny->www_form_urlencode(\%args);
my @torrents = _query $url;
@torrents = $torrents[0] unless wantarray;
wantarray ? @torrents : $torrents[0]
+sub strike_imdb {
+ my ($id) = @_;
+ my $url = "$BASE_URL/media/imdb/?imdbid=$id";
+ my $response = _ht->get($url);
+ return unless $response->{success};
+ decode_json $response->{content}
BEGIN { *strike = \&strike_query }
say 'Torrent has ' . $mp->count . ' files. They are:';
say join ' ', @{$mp->file_names};
+ my $info = strike_imdb 'tt1520211';
+ say 'IMDB ID ', $info->{imdbID}, ' is ', $info->{title}, ' (', $info->{year}, ')';
+ say 'Plot (short): ', $info->{shortPlot};
Strike API is a service for getting information about a torrent given
strike_search 'windows', 0, category => 'Applications', sub_category => 'Windows';
+=item B<strike_imdb>(I<$imdb_id>)
+Get informaton about a movie from IMDB. Takes an IMDB ID and returns a
+hashef of unspecified format.
=head1 SEE ALSO
use MIME::Base64;
use WebService::Strike;
-__PACKAGE__->mk_ro_accessors(qw/torrent_hash torrent_title torrent_category sub_category seeds leeches file_count size upload_date uploader_username file_info file_names file_lengths magnet_uri/);
+__PACKAGE__->mk_ro_accessors(qw/torrent_hash torrent_title torrent_category sub_category seeds leeches file_count size upload_date uploader_username file_info file_names file_lengths magnet_uri imdb_id/);
*hash = *torrent_hash;
sub torrent{
my ($self, $file) = @_;
- my $url = $WebService::Strike::BASE_URL . '/download/?hash=' . $self->hash;
+ my $url = $WebService::Strike::BASE_URL . '/torrents/download/?hash=' . $self->hash;
my $ht = WebService::Strike::_ht(); ## no critic (ProtectPrivate)
my $response = $ht->get($url);
return unless $response->{success};
sub description{
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{description} if $self->{description};
- my $url = $WebService::Strike::BASE_URL . '/descriptions/?hash=' . $self->hash;
+ my $url = $WebService::Strike::BASE_URL . '/torrents/descriptions/?hash=' . $self->hash;
my $ht = WebService::Strike::_ht(); ## no critic (ProtectPrivate)
my $response = $ht->get($url);
return unless $response->{success};
$self->{description} = decode_base64 $response->{content}
+sub imdb {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return unless $self->imdb_id;
+ $self->{imdb} //= WebService::Strike::strike_imdb ($self->imdb_id)
$t->torrent('x.torrent'); # Download torrent file to x.torrent
say $t->description; # <HTML fragment describing Arch Linux>
+ $t = strike 'ED70C185E3E3246F30B2FDB08D504EABED5EEA3F';
+ say $t->title; # The Walking Dead S04E15 HDTV x264-2HD
+ say $t->imdb_id; # tt1520211
+ my $i = $t->imdb;
+ say $i->{title}, ' (', $i->{year}, ')'; # The Walking Dead (2010)
+ say $i->{genre}; # Drama, Horror, Thriller
WebService::Strike::Torrent is a class that represents information
The description of the torrent. This method sends an extra request to
Strike. Successful responses are cached.
+=item B<imdb_id>
+The IMDB ID of the torrent, or undef if the torrent has no associated
+=item B<imdb>
+Calls B<strike_imdb> from L<WebService::Strike> on B<imdb_id>. Caches
+the response. Returns undef if the torrent has no associated IMDB ID.
=head1 SEE ALSO
use Data::Dumper qw/Dumper/;
use Test::RequiresInternet qw/ 443/;
-use Test::More tests => 10;
+use Test::More tests => 11;
use Try::Tiny;
BEGIN { use_ok('WebService::Strike') };
my $p = strike_search 'Perl', 1;
is @{$p->file_names}, $p->count, 'file_names has count elements';
+my $imdb = strike('ED70C185E3E3246F30B2FDB08D504EABED5EEA3F')->imdb;
+is $imdb->{title}, 'The Walking Dead', 'imdb title';