our $VERSION = '0.000_001';
use DBIx::Simple;
+use File::Slurp;
use HTML::TreeBuilder;
use HTML::Element::Library;
use JSON::MaybeXS qw/encode_json decode_json/;
use Plack::Builder;
use Plack::Request;
+use Try::Tiny;
sub HTML::Element::iter3 {
my ($self, $data, $code) = @_;
-my $db;
-my ($form, $continue, $order);
+my %db;
+my ($form, $continue, $order, $details, $pay);
sub parse_html {
$form = parse_html 'form';
$continue = parse_html 'continue';
$order = parse_html 'order';
+ $details = parse_html 'details';
+ $pay = parse_html 'pay';
sub stringify_money { sprintf "£%.2f", $_[0] / 100 }
+sub make_slug {
+ my $slug = $_[0];
+ $slug =~ y/ /-/;
+ $slug =~ y/a-zA-Z0-9-//cd;
+ $slug
sub form_table_row {
my ($data, $tr) = @_;
$tr->fclass($_)->replace_content($data->{$_}) for qw/title subtitle stock/;
$tr->fclass('price')->replace_content(stringify_money $data->{price});
$tr->fclass('title')->attr('data-product', $data->{product});
- $tr->fclass('title')->attr('data-summary', $data->{summary});
+ $tr->fclass('title')->attr('href', '/details/'.$data->{product}.'/'.make_slug $data->{title});
+# $tr->fclass('title')->attr('data-summary', $data->{summary});
$tr->look_down(_tag => 'input')->attr(max => $data->{stock});
$tr->look_down(_tag => 'input')->attr(name => 'quant'.$data->{product});
sub form_app {
my ($env) = @_;
- $db //= DBIx::Simple->connect($ENV{OOF_DSN} // 'dbi:Pg:');
+ $db{$$} //= DBIx::Simple->connect($ENV{OOF_DSN} // 'dbi:Pg:');
- my $data = $db->select(products => '*', {}, 'product')->hashes;
+ my $data = $db{$$}->select(products => '*', {}, 'product')->hashes;
my $tree = $form->clone;
$tree->find('tbody')->find('tr')->iter3($data, \&form_table_row);
sub continue_app {
my ($env) = @_;
- $db //= DBIx::Simple->connect($ENV{OOF_DSN} // 'dbi:Pg:');
+ $db{$$} //= DBIx::Simple->connect($ENV{OOF_DSN} // 'dbi:Pg:');
my $tree = $continue->clone;
my $req = Plack::Request->new($env);
my $params = $req->body_parameters;
for (sort keys %$params) {
next unless /^quant/;
next unless $params->{$_};
- my $data = $db->select(products => '*', {product => substr $_, 5})->hash;
+ my $data = $db{$$}->select(products => '*', {product => substr $_, 5})->hash;
$data->{quantity} = $params->{$_};
if ($data->{stock} == 0) {
push @notes, 'Item is out of stock and was removed from order: '.$data->{title};
push @data, $data
+ return [500, ['Content-type' => 'text/plain'], ['Error: no items in order.']] unless $quant;
$tree->fid('subtotal')->replace_content(stringify_money $total);
my $dvalue;
if ($params->{discount}) {
- my $discount = $db->select(discounts => '*', {discount => $params->{discount}})->hash;
+ my $discount = $db{$$}->select(discounts => '*', {discount => $params->{discount}})->hash;
if (!defined $discount) {
push @notes, 'Discount code incorrect. No discount applied.'
- } elsif ($db->select(orders => 'COUNT(*)', {discount => $params->{discount}})->list) {
+ } elsif ($db{$$}->select(orders => 'COUNT(*)', {discount => $params->{discount}})->list) {
push @notes, 'Discount code already used once. No discount applied.'
} else {
$dvalue = int (0.5 + $discount->{fraction} * $total) if $discount->{fraction};
sub order_app {
my ($env) = @_;
- $db //= DBIx::Simple->connect($ENV{OOF_DSN} // 'dbi:Pg:');
+ $db{$$} //= DBIx::Simple->connect($ENV{OOF_DSN} // 'dbi:Pg:');
my $tree = $order->clone;
my $req = Plack::Request->new($env);
- my $id = sprintf "%X", time; # Not good enough!
- $db->begin_work;
- $db->insert(orders => {id => $id, %{$req->body_parameters}});
- my $products = decode_json $req->body_parameters->{products};
- for my $prod (@$products) {
- my $stock = $db->select(products => 'stock', {product => $prod->{product}})->list;
- die "Not enough of " .$prod->{title}."\n" if $prod->{quantity} > $stock;
- $db->update(products => {stock => $stock - $prod->{quantity}}, {product => $prod->{product}});
+ my ($id) = $env->{PATH_INFO} =~ m,^/([0-9A-F]+),;
+ if ($id) {
+ my $total = $db{$$}->select(orders => 'total', {id => $id})->list;
+ $tree->fid('orderid')->replace_content($id);
+ $tree->look_down(name => 'order')->attr(value => $id);
+ $tree->fid('total')->replace_content(stringify_money $total);
+ $tree->find('script')->attr('data-amount', $total);
+ return [200, ['Content-type' => 'text/html; charset=utf-8'], [$tree->as_HTML]]
+ } else {
+ my %parms = %{$req->body_parameters};
+ my $id = sprintf "%X%04X", time, $$;
+ my $err;
+ try {
+ $db{$$}->begin_work;
+ my $products = decode_json $req->body_parameters->{products};
+ for my $prod (@$products) {
+ my $stock = $db{$$}->select(products => 'stock', {product => $prod->{product}})->list;
+ die "Not enough of " .$prod->{title}."\n" if $prod->{quantity} > $stock;
+ $db{$$}->update(products => {stock => $stock - $prod->{quantity}}, {product => $prod->{product}});
+ }
+ $db{$$}->insert(orders => {id => $id, %parms});
+ $db{$$}->commit;
+ } catch {
+ $db{$$}->rollback;
+ $err = [500, ['Content-type', 'text/plain'], ["Error: $_"]]
+ };
+ return $err if $err;
+ return [303, [Location => "/order/$id"], []]
- $db->commit;
+sub details_list_element {
+ my ($data, $li) = @_;
+ $li->find('a')->attr(href => "/$data");
+ my $thumb = $data =~ s/fullpics/thumbs/r;
+ $thumb = $data unless -f $thumb;
+ $li->find('img')->attr(src => "/$thumb");
+sub details_app {
+ my ($env) = @_;
+ $db{$$} //= DBIx::Simple->connect($ENV{OOF_DSN} // 'dbi:Pg:');
+ my $tree = $details->clone;
+ my ($id) = $env->{PATH_INFO} =~ m,^/(\d+),;
+ my $title = $db{$$}->select(products => 'title', {product => $id})->list;
+ my @pics = <static/fullpics/$id-*>;
+ my $slug = make_slug $title;
+ $tree->find('title')->replace_content("Pictures of $title");
+ $tree->find('h2')->replace_content($title);
+ $tree->look_down(rel => 'canonical')->attr(href => "/details/$id/$slug");
+ $tree->fid('pictures')->iter3(\@pics, \&details_list_element);
- $tree->fid('orderid')->replace_content($id);
[200, ['Content-type' => 'text/html; charset=utf-8'], [$tree->as_HTML]]
+sub pay_app {
+ my ($env) = @_;
+ my $req = Plack::Request->new($env);
+ $db{$$} //= DBIx::Simple->connect($ENV{OOF_DSN} // 'dbi:Pg:');
+ my $order = $req->body_parameters->{order};
+ my $token = $req->body_parameters->{stripeToken};
+ return [500, ['Content-type' => 'text/html; charset=utf-8'], ['No token received, payment did not succeed.']] unless $token;
+ $db{$$}->update(orders => {stripe_token => $token}, {id => $order});
+ [200, ['Content-type' => 'text/html; charset=utf-8'], [$pay->as_HTML]];
sub app {
+ my $footer = read_file 'tmpl/footer.html';
builder {
+ enable sub {
+ my $app = shift;
+ sub {
+ my $res = $app->(@_);
+ push @{$res->[2]}, $footer;
+ $res;
+ }
+ };
mount '/' => sub { [301, [Location => '/form'], []] };
mount '/form' => \&form_app;
mount '/continue' => \&continue_app;
mount '/order' => \&order_app;
+ mount '/details' => \&details_app;
+ mount '/pay' => \&pay_app;