--- /dev/null
+package Aard;
+use 5.014000;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our $VERSION = '0.000_001';
+use IO::Uncompress::Inflate qw/inflate/;
+use IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2 qw/bunzip2/;
+use List::Util qw/sum/;
+use JSON qw/decode_json/;
+use UUID::Tiny qw/uuid_to_string/;
+use constant HEADER_SPEC => [
+ [signature => 'Z4' , 4 ],
+ [sha1sum => 'Z40', 40],
+ [version => 'S>' , 2 ],
+ [uuid => 'Z16', 16],
+ [volume => 'S>' , 2 ],
+ [total_volumes => 'S>' , 2 ],
+ [meta_length => 'L>' , 4 ],
+ [index_count => 'L>' , 4 ],
+ [article_offset => 'L>' , 4 ],
+ [index1_item_format => 'Z4' , 4 ],
+ [key_length_format => 'Z2' , 2 ],
+ [article_length_format => 'Z2' , 2 ],
+my $header_length = sum map { $_->[2] } @{HEADER_SPEC()};
+sub decompress {
+ my ($input) = @_;
+ my $output = $input;
+ inflate \$input => \$output;
+ bunzip2 \$input => \$output if $input =~ /^BZ/;
+ $output
+sub read_at {
+ my ($self, $offset, $length) = @_;
+ my $fh = $self->{fh};
+ my $part;
+ seek $fh, $offset, 0;
+ read $fh, $part, $length;
+ $part
+sub index1 {
+ my ($self, $index) = @_;
+ unless (exists $self->{index1}{$index}) {
+ my $part = $self->read_at($self->{index1_offset} + $index * $self->{index_length}, $self->{index_length});
+ $self->{index1}{$index} = [unpack $self->{index_format}, $part]
+ }
+ $self->{index1}{$index}
+sub fh { shift->{fh} }
+sub sha1sum { shift->{sha1sum} }
+sub uuid { shift->{uuid} }
+sub uuid_string { uuid_to_string shift->uuid }
+sub volume { shift->{volume} }
+sub total_volumes { shift->{total_volumes} }
+sub count { shift->{index_count} }
+sub meta { shift->{meta} }
+sub article_count { shift->meta->{article_count} }
+sub article_count_is_volume_total { shift->meta->{article_count_is_volume_total} }
+sub index_language { shift->meta->{index_language} }
+sub article_language { shift->meta->{article_language} }
+sub title { shift->meta->{title} }
+sub version { shift->meta->{version} }
+sub description { shift->meta->{description} }
+sub copyright { shift->meta->{copyright} }
+sub license { shift->meta->{license} }
+sub source { shift->meta->{source} }
+sub key {
+ my ($self, $index) = @_;
+ unless (exists $self->{key}{$index}) {
+ my $part = $self->read_at($self->{index2_offset} + $self->index1($index)->[0], 2);
+ my $len = unpack 'S>', $part;
+ read $self->{fh}, $self->{key}{$index}, $len;
+ }
+ $self->{key}{$index}
+sub article {
+ my ($self, $index) = @_;
+ unless (exists $self->{article}{$index}) {
+ my $part = $self->read_at($self->{article_offset} + $self->index1($index)->[1], 4);
+ my $len = unpack 'L>', $part;
+ read $self->{fh}, $part, $len;
+ $self->{article}{$index} = decompress $part
+ }
+ $self->{article}{$index}
+sub new {
+ my ($self, $file) = @_;
+ open my $fh, '<', $file or die $!;
+ binmode $fh;
+ my %header;
+ for (@{HEADER_SPEC()}) {
+ read $fh, my $part, $_->[2];
+ $header{$_->[0]} = unpack $_->[1], $part;
+ }
+ die 'Not a recognized aarddict dictionary file' if $header{signature} ne 'aard';
+ die 'Unknown file format version' if $header{version} != 1;
+ read $fh, my $meta, $header{meta_length};
+ $meta = decode_json decompress $meta;
+ my %obj = (
+ %header,
+ fh => $fh,
+ meta => $meta,
+ index_format => ($header{index1_item_format} eq '>LL' ? 'L>L>' : 'L>Q>'),
+ index_length => ($header{index1_item_format} eq '>LL' ? 8 : 12),
+ );
+ $obj{index1_offset} = $header_length + $obj{meta_length};
+ $obj{index2_offset} = $obj{index1_offset} + $obj{index_count} * $obj{index_length};
+ bless \%obj, $self
+=head1 NAME
+Aard - Read aarddict dictionaries
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Aard;
+ my $dict = Aard->new('something.aar');
+ printf "This dictionary (volume %d of %d) has %d entries\n", $dict->volume, $dict->total_volumes, $dict->count;
+ printf "The tenth entry's key: %s\n", $dict->key(9);
+ printf "The tenth entry's value: %s\n", $dict->article(9);
+Aard is a module for reading files in the Aard Dictionary format (.aar). A dictionary is an array of I<(key, article)> pairs, with some associated metadata.
+=item B<new>(I<filename>)
+Creates a new Aard object for the given file.
+=item B<fh>
+Returns the open filehandle to the dictionary.
+=item B<count>
+Returns the number of entries in this dictionary.
+=item B<key>(I<index>)
+Returns the key of the I<index>th element. This method caches the keys.
+=item B<article>(I<index>)
+Returns the article of the I<index>th element. This method caches the articles.
+=item B<uuid>
+Returns the UUID of this dictionary as a binary string. This is a value shared by all volumes of the same dictionary.
+=item B<uuid_string>
+Returns the UUID of this dictionary as a human-readable string. This is a value shared by all volumes of the same dictionary.
+=item B<volume>
+Returns the volume number of this file.
+=item B<total_volumes>
+Returns the total number of volumes for this dictionary.
+=item B<meta>
+Returns the raw metadata as a hashref.
+=item B<article_count>
+Returns the number of unique articles in this volume (if B<article_count_is_volume_total> is true) or in this dictionary (otherwise).
+=item B<article_count_is_volume_total>
+Returns true if B<article_count> means number of articles in this volume. This is always true since aardtools 0.9.0.
+=item B<index_language>
+=item B<article_language>
+=item B<title>
+=item B<version>
+=item B<description>
+=item B<copyright>
+=item B<license>
+=item B<source>
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<http://aarddict.org>, L<http://aarddict.org/aardtools/doc/aardformat.html>
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Marius Gavrilescu, E<lt>marius@ieval.roE<gt>
+Copyright (C) 2014 by Marius Gavrilescu
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.18.2 or,
+at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.