throws_ok { Authen::Passphrase::Scrypt->from_rfc2307('bad') }
qr/Invalid Scrypt RFC2307/, 'from_rfc2307 with bad string';
throws_ok { Authen::Passphrase::Scrypt->from_rfc2307($bad_rfc2307_1) }
- qr/Invalid Scrypt RFC2307: should start/, 'from_rfc2307 with another bad string';
+ qr/Invalid Scrypt hash: should start/, 'from_rfc2307 with another bad string';
throws_ok { Authen::Passphrase::Scrypt->from_rfc2307($bad_rfc2307_2) }
- qr/Invalid Scrypt RFC2307: bad checksum/, 'from_rfc2307 with yet another rfc2307';
+ qr/Invalid Scrypt hash: bad checksum/, 'from_rfc2307 with yet another rfc2307';
throws_ok { Authen::Passphrase::Scrypt->from_crypt('') }
qr/does not support crypt strings/, 'from_crypt';
throws_ok { $y->as_crypt }