const OpusTags* tags;
const char* tag;
int count;
+MODULE = Audio::Opusfile PACKAGE = Audio::Opusfile::PictureTag PREFIX = opus_picture_tag_
+const OpusPictureTag*
+ const char *tag;
+ OpusPictureTag *pic;
+ int err;
+ Newx(pic, 1, OpusPictureTag);
+ if(err = opus_picture_tag_parse(pic, tag))
+ croak("opus_picture_tag_parse returned error %d\n", err);
+ RETVAL = pic;
+ const OpusPictureTag* pic
+ Safefree(pic);
+ const OpusPictureTag *pic;
+ RETVAL = pic->type;
+const char*
+ const OpusPictureTag *pic;
+ RETVAL = pic->mime_type;
+const char*
+ const OpusPictureTag *pic;
+ RETVAL = pic->description;
+ const OpusPictureTag *pic;
+ RETVAL = pic->width;
+ const OpusPictureTag *pic;
+ RETVAL = pic->height;
+ const OpusPictureTag *pic;
+ RETVAL = pic->depth;
+ const OpusPictureTag *pic;
+ RETVAL = pic->colors;
+ const OpusPictureTag *pic;
+ RETVAL = pic->data_length;
+ const OpusPictureTag *pic;
+ RETVAL = newSVpvn(pic->data, pic->data_length);
+ const OpusPictureTag *pic;
+ RETVAL = pic->format;
+MODULE = Audio::Opusfile PACKAGE = Audio::Opusfile::Head
+ const OpusHead* head;
+ RETVAL = head->version;
+ const OpusHead* head;
+ RETVAL = head->channel_count;
+ const OpusHead* head;
+ RETVAL = head->pre_skip;
+ const OpusHead* head;
+ RETVAL = head->input_sample_rate;
+ const OpusHead* head;
+ RETVAL = head->mapping_family;
+ const OpusHead* head;
+ RETVAL = head->stream_count;
+ const OpusHead* head;
+ RETVAL = head->coupled_count;
+mapping(head, k)
+ const OpusHead* head;
+ int k;
+ RETVAL = (int) head->mapping[k];
require XSLoader;
XSLoader::load('Audio::Opusfile', $VERSION);
require Audio::Opusfile::Tags;
+require Audio::Opusfile::PictureTag;
# Preloaded methods go here.
Opus files.
Audio::Opusfile is an interface to libopusfile. At the moment its only
-function is reading tags from an Ogg Opus file. Future versions will
-give access to a larger part of the libopusfile API.
+function is reading metadata and tags from an Ogg Opus file. Future
+versions will give access to a larger part of the libopusfile API.
Expect the API to change in future versions.
Dies if the given file does not exist or is not a valid Ogg Opus file.
+=item B<$of>->head
+Returns an L<Audio::Opusfile::Head> object corresponding to the file.
=item B<$of>->tags
Returns an L<Audio::Opusfile::Tags> object corresponding to the file.
--- /dev/null
+package Audio::Opusfile::PictureTag;
+# Don't load this module directly, load Audio::Opusfile instead
+use 5.014000;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use subs qw/parse/;
+sub new { parse $_[1] }
+=encoding utf-8
+=head1 NAME
+Audio::Opusfile::PictureTag - A parsed METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE tag
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Audio::Opusfile;
+ my $of = Audio::Opusfile->new_from_file('file.opus');
+ my @pic_tags = $of->tags->query_all('METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE');
+ my @pictures = map { Audio::Opusfile::PictureTag->parse($_) } @pic_tags;
+ my $pic = $pictures[0];
+ say $pic->type; # Prints "3", which means Cover (front)
+ say $pic->mime_type; # Prints "image/png"
+ say $pic->description;
+ say $pic->width;
+ say $pic->height;
+ say $pic->depth;
+ say $pic->colors;
+ say $pic->data_length; # The image size
+ my $data = $pic->data; # The contents of the image
+ say $pic->format; # One of the OP_PIC_* constants
+This module represents a METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE tag. It has the
+following methods (descriptions taken from the libopusfile
+=item Audio::Opusfile::PictureTag->B<new>(I<$tag>)
+Takes the contents of a METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE tag (optionally
+prefixed by the string C<METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE=>) and returns a new
+Audio::Opusfile::PictureTag object.
+=item $pic->B<type>
+The picture type according to the ID3v2 APIC frame
+ 0. Other
+ 1. 32x32 pixels 'file icon' (PNG only)
+ 2. Other file icon
+ 3. Cover (front)
+ 4. Cover (back)
+ 5. Leaflet page
+ 6. Media (e.g. label side of CD)
+ 7. Lead artist/lead performer/soloist
+ 8. Artist/performer
+ 9. Conductor
+ 10. Band/Orchestra
+ 11. Composer
+ 12. Lyricist/text writer
+ 13. Recording Location
+ 14. During recording
+ 15. During performance
+ 16. Movie/video screen capture
+ 17. A bright colored fish
+ 18. Illustration
+ 19. Band/artist logotype
+ 20. Publisher/Studio logotype
+Others are reserved and should not be used. There may only be one each
+of picture type 1 and 2 in a file.
+=item $pic->B<mime_type>
+The MIME type of the picture, in printable ASCII characters 0x20-0x7E.
+The MIME type may also be "-->" to signify that the data part is a URL
+pointing to the picture instead of the picture data itself. In this
+case, a terminating NUL is appended to the URL string in data, but
+data_length is set to the length of the string excluding that
+terminating NUL.
+=item $pic->B<description>
+The description of the picture, in UTF-8.
+=item $pic->B<width>
+The width of the picture in pixels.
+=item $pic->B<height>
+The height of the picture in pixels.
+=item $pic->B<depth>
+The color depth of the picture in bits-per-pixel (not
+=item $pic->B<colors>
+For indexed-color pictures (e.g., GIF), the number of colors used, or
+0 for non-indexed pictures.
+=item $pic->B<data_length>
+The length of the picture data in bytes. Equivalent to C<< length ($pic->data) >>.
+=item $pic->B<data>
+The binary picture data.
+=item $pic->B<format>
+The format of the picture data, if known. One of:
+ =back
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Marius Gavrilescu, E<lt>marius@ieval.roE<gt>
+Copyright (C) 2016 by Marius Gavrilescu
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.24.0 or,
+at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
-const OggOpusFile* T_OGG_OPUS_FILE
- OggOpusFile* T_OGG_OPUS_FILE
-const OpusHead* T_OPUS_HEAD
- OpusHead* T_OPUS_HEAD
-const OpusTags* T_OPUS_TAGS
- OpusTags* T_OPUS_TAGS
+const OggOpusFile* T_OGG_OPUS_FILE
+ OggOpusFile* T_OGG_OPUS_FILE
+const OpusHead* T_OPUS_HEAD
+ OpusHead* T_OPUS_HEAD
+const OpusTags* T_OPUS_TAGS
+ OpusTags* T_OPUS_TAGS
+const OpusPictureTag* T_OPUS_PICTURE_TAG
+ OpusPictureTag* T_OPUS_PICTURE_TAG
# All three types are copies of T_PTROBJ, only difference being the class name
\"$var\", \"Audio::Opusfile::Tags\")
+ if (SvROK($arg) && sv_derived_from($arg, \"Audio::Opusfile::PictureTag\")) {
+ IV tmp = SvIV((SV*)SvRV($arg));
+ $var = INT2PTR($type,tmp);
+ }
+ else
+ Perl_croak_nocontext(\"%s: %s is not of type %s\",
+ ${$ALIAS?\q[GvNAME(CvGV(cv))]:\qq[\"$pname\"]},
+ \"$var\", \"Audio::Opusfile::Tags\")
sv_setref_pv($arg, \"Audio::Opusfile::Tags\", (void*)$var);
+ sv_setref_pv($arg, \"Audio::Opusfile::PictureTag\", (void*)$var);