--- /dev/null
+Revision history for Perl extension App::EdwardNG.
+0.001 Not Released
+ - Initial release
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+use 5.014000;
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+ NAME => 'App::EdwardNG',
+ VERSION_FROM => 'lib/App/EdwardNG.pm',
+ ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/App/EdwardNG.pm',
+ AUTHOR => 'Marius Gavrilescu <marius@ieval.ro>',
+ MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.14.0',
+ LICENSE => 'perl',
+ SIGN => 1,
+ PREREQ_PM => {
+ qw/Email::Sender::Simple 0
+ File::Slurp 0
+ Getopt::Long 0
+ MIME::Entity 5.419
+ MIME::Parser 5.419
+ Mail::GnuPG 0
+ PerlX::Maybe 0
+ Template 0
+ Try::Tiny 0/
+ },
+ dynamic_config => 0,
+ resources => {
+ repository => 'https://git.ieval.ro/?p=app-edwardng.git',
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+App-EdwardNG version 0.001
+EdwardNG is a reimplementation of the Edward reply bot referenced in https://emailselfdefense.fsf.org/.
+It takes mail messages, checks them for PGP signatures and encryption, then replies appropriately.
+To install this module type the following:
+ perl Makefile.PL
+ make
+ make test
+ make install
+This module requires these other modules and libraries:
+ * Email::Sender
+ * File::Slurp
+ * MIME-Tools
+ * Mail::GnuPG
+ * PerlX::Maybe
+ * Template-Toolkit
+ * Try::Tiny
+Copyright (C) 2014 by Marius Gavrilescu
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.18.2 or,
+at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use v5.14;
+use App::EdwardNG;
+=encoding utf-8
+=head1 NAME
+edwardng - GnuPG email sign/encrypt testing bot
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+edwardng --
+EdwardNG is a reimplementation of the Edward reply bot referenced in L<https://emailselfdefense.fsf.org/>.
+It takes mail messages, checks them for PGP signatures and encryption, then replies appropriately.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item B<--always-trust>, B<--no-always-trust>
+If B<--always-trust>, skip key validation and assume that used keys are always fully trusted. See the gpg(1) manpage, option C<--trust-model always> for more information. Defaults to B<--no-always-trust>.
+=item B<--debug>, B<--no-debug>
+If B<--debug>, output some debugging information on STDERR. Defaults to B<--no-debug>
+=item B<--from>=I<address>
+Mail address to send messages from.
+=item B<--key>=I<keyid>
+ID of key used for encrypting replies.
+=item B<--keydir>=I</path/to/keydir>
+Path to GnuPG homedir.
+=item B<--passphrase>=I<passphrase>
+Private key passphrase.
+=item B<--use-agent>, B<--no-use-agent>
+If B<--use-agent>, use L<gpg-agent(1)>. Defaults to B<--no-gpg-agent>.
+Configuration can also be done via the environment. Use 1 for true and 0 for false. Command-line options override environment variables.
+Corresponds to B<--always-trust> (if true) and B<--no-always-trust> (if false).
+Corresponds to B<--debug> (if true) and B<--no-debug> (if false).
+Corresponds to B<--from>.
+Corresponds to B<--key>.
+Corresponds to B<--keydir>.
+Corresponds to B<--passphrase>.
+Corresponds to B<--use-agent> (if true) and B<--no-use-agent> (if false).
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Marius Gavrilescu, E<lt>marius@ieval.roE<gt>
+Copyright (C) 2014 by Marius Gavrilescu
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.18.2 or,
+at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
--- /dev/null
+package App::EdwardNG;
+use 5.014000;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use parent qw/Exporter/;
+our $VERSION = '0.001';
+our @EXPORT = qw/process_message/;
+use Email::Sender::Simple qw/sendmail/;
+use File::Slurp qw/read_file/;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use MIME::Entity;
+use MIME::Parser;
+use Mail::GnuPG;
+use PerlX::Maybe;
+use Template;
+use Try::Tiny;
+sub debug { say STDERR @_ if $ENV{EDWARDNG_DEBUG} }
+sub stringify ($) { join '', map {; '>', $_ } @{$_[0]} }
+sub mg {
+ Mail::GnuPG->new(
+ key => $ENV{EDWARDNG_KEY},
+ maybe always_trust => $ENV{EDWARDNG_ALWAYS_TRUST},
+ maybe keydir => $ENV{EDWARDNG_KEYDIR},
+ maybe passphrase => $ENV{EDWARDNG_PASSPHRASE},
+ maybe use_agent => $ENV{EDWARDNG_USE_AGENT},
+ @_);
+sub first_part{
+ my ($ent) = @_;
+ return first_part $ent->parts(0) if $ent->parts;
+ $ent->bodyhandle->as_string
+sub process_message {
+ my ($msg) = @_;
+ my $parser = MIME::Parser->new;
+ $parser->decode_bodies(0);
+ $parser->output_to_core(1);
+ if (ref $msg eq 'MIME::Entity') {
+ debug 'Got MIME::Entity';
+ } elsif (ref $msg eq 'IO') {
+ debug 'Parsing from filehandle';
+ $msg = $parser->parse($msg)
+ } elsif (ref $msg eq 'SCALAR') {
+ debug 'Parsing from string';
+ $msg = $parser->parse_data($$msg)
+ } elsif (!ref $msg) {
+ debug "Parsing from file $msg";
+ $msg = $parser->parse_open($msg)
+ } else {
+ die "Don't know how to parse $msg"
+ }
+ if ($msg->mime_type ne 'multipart/signed' && $msg->mime_type ne 'multipart/encrypted') {
+ # PGP/Inline requires decoding
+ $parser->decode_bodies(1);
+ $msg = $parser->parse_data($msg->stringify)
+ }
+ my $gpg = mg;
+ if ($gpg->is_signed($msg)) {
+ debug 'This mail looks signed';
+ my ($code, $keyid, $email) = $gpg->verify($msg);
+ return sign_error => (
+ message => stringify $gpg->{last_message}) if $code;
+ return sign => (
+ keyid => $keyid,
+ email => $email,
+ message => stringify $gpg->{last_message});
+ }
+ if ($gpg->is_encrypted($msg)) {
+ debug 'This mail looks encrypted';
+ my ($code, $keyid, $email) = $gpg->decrypt($msg);
+ return encrypt_error => (
+ message => stringify $gpg->{last_message}) if $code;
+ return encrypt => (
+ plaintext => stringify $gpg->{plaintext},
+ decrypted => $gpg->{decrypted},
+ message => stringify $gpg->{last_message}) unless defined $keyid;
+ return signencrypt => (
+ keyid => $keyid,
+ email => $email,
+ plaintext => stringify $gpg->{plaintext},
+ decrypted => $gpg->{decrypted},
+ message => stringify $gpg->{last_message});
+ }
+ debug 'This mail doesn\'t seem to be signed or encrypted';
+ return 'plain'
+sub run {
+ GetOptions(
+ 'always-trust!' => \$ENV{EDWARDNG_ALWAYS_TRUST},
+ 'debug!' => \$ENV{EDWARDNG_DEBUG},
+ 'from=s' => \$ENV{EDWARDNG_FROM},
+ 'key=s' => \$ENV{EDWARDNG_KEY},
+ 'keydir=s' => \$ENV{EDWARDNG_KEYDIR},
+ 'passphrase=s' => \$ENV{EDWARDNG_PASSPHRASE},
+ 'use-agent!' => \$ENV{EDWARDNG_USE_AGENT},
+ );
+ my $parser = MIME::Parser->new;
+ $parser->decode_bodies(0);
+ $parser->output_to_core(1);
+ my $in = $parser->parse(\*STDIN);
+ my ($tmpl, %params);
+ try {
+ ($tmpl, %params) = process_message $in
+ } catch {
+ ($tmpl, %params) = (error => message => $_)
+ };
+ $params{plaintext} = first_part $params{decrypted} if $params{decrypted};
+ my $tt = Template->new(INCLUDE_PATH => 'tmpl/en');
+ my ($data, $subject);
+ $tt->process($tmpl, \%params, \$data);
+ $tt->process('subject', undef, \$subject);
+ my $email = MIME::Entity->build(
+ To => $in->get('From'),
+ Subject => $subject,
+ Data => $data);
+ my $mg = mg always_trust => 1;
+ $mg->mime_signencrypt($email, $in->get('From') =~ /<(.*)>/) and debug 'Could not encrypt message. GnuPG said ', stringify $mg->{last_message};
+ sendmail $email
+=encoding utf-8
+=head1 NAME
+App::EdwardNG - GnuPG email sign/encrypt testing bot
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use App::EdwardNG;
+ my ($status, %params) = process_message '/path/to/message';
+ if ($status eq 'signencrypt') {
+ say 'This message is encrypted and signed with key ', $params{keyid}, ' from ', $params{email};
+ say 'Its contents are: ', $params{plaintext};
+ } elsif ($status eq 'encrypt') {
+ say 'This message is encrypted but not signed';
+ say 'Its contents are: ', $params{plaintext};
+ } elsif ($status eq 'encrypt_error') {
+ say 'This message is encrypted but I was unable to decrypt it. GnuPG output: ', $params{message};
+ } elsif ($status eq 'sign') {
+ say 'This message is signed with key ', $params{keyid}, ' from ', $params{email};
+ } elsif ($status eq 'sign_error') {
+ say 'This message is signed but I was unable to verify the signature. GnuPG output: ', $params{message};
+ } elsif ($status eq 'plain') {
+ say 'This message is neither signed nor encrypted';
+ } elsif ($status eq 'error') {
+ say 'There was an error processing the message: ', $params{message};
+ }
+EdwardNG is a reimplementation of the Edward reply bot referenced in L<https://emailselfdefense.fsf.org/>.
+It takes mail messages, checks them for PGP signatures and encryption, then replies appropriately.
+This module exports a single function, B<process_message>, which takes a single parameter representing the message. This parameter can be:
+=item A filehandle reference, e.g. C<\*STDIN>.
+=item A reference to a scalar which holds the message contents.
+=item A scalar which represents a path to a message.
+=item A L<MIME::Entity> object
+The function returns a status followed by a hash. Possible results:
+=item plain
+The message is neither signed nor encrypted.
+=item sign_error, message => $message
+The message is signed but the signature could not be verified. GnuPG output is $message.
+=item sign, keyid => $keyid, email => $email, message => $message
+The message is signed with key $keyid from $email. GnuPG output is $message.
+=item encrypt_error, message => $message
+The message is encrypted and unable to be decrypted. GnuPG output is $message.
+=item encrypt, plaintext => $plaintext, decrypted => $decrypted, message => $message
+The message is encrypted and unsigned. $plaintext is the decrypted message as plain text, while $decrypted is a MIME::Entity representing the decrypted message. GnuPG output is $message.
+=item signencrypt, plaintext => $plaintext, decrypted => $decrypted, keyid => $keyid, email => $email, message => $message
+The message is encrypted and signed with key $keyid from $email. $plaintext is the decrypted message as plain text, while $decrypted is a MIME::Entity representing the decrypted message. GnuPG output is $message.
+=item error, message => $message
+There was an error while processing the message. The error can be found in $message.
+This module is configured via the %ENV hash. See the L<edwardng(1)> manpage for more information.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Marius Gavrilescu, E<lt>marius@ieval.roE<gt>
+Copyright (C) 2014 by Marius Gavrilescu
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.18.2 or,
+at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use constant KEYID => '34B22806';
+use constant EMAIL => 'EdwardNG (Key for testing EdwardNG) <edwardng@ieval.ro>';
+use Test::More tests => 19;
+BEGIN { use_ok('App::EdwardNG') };
+$ENV{EDWARDNG_KEYDIR} = 't/keydir';
+my ($tmpl, %params);
+sub process {
+ my ($name, $expected) = @_;
+ ($tmpl, %params) = App::EdwardNG::process_message("t/data/$name");
+ is $tmpl, $expected, "Result for $name is $expected" or diag "GnuPG said: $params{message}"
+process 'mime-signed', 'sign';
+is $params{keyid}, KEYID, 'mime-signed keyid';
+is $params{email}, EMAIL, 'mime-signed email';
+process 'mime-encrypted', 'encrypt';
+like $params{plaintext}, qr/MIME encrypted/, 'mime-signed plaintext';
+process 'mime-signed-encrypted', 'signencrypt';
+is $params{keyid}, KEYID, 'mime-signed-encrypted keyid';
+is $params{email}, EMAIL, 'mime-signed-encrypted email';
+like $params{plaintext}, qr/MIME signed & encrypted/, 'mime-signed-encrypted plaintext';
+process 'inline-signed', 'sign';
+is $params{keyid}, KEYID, 'inline-signed keyid';
+is $params{email}, EMAIL, 'inline-signed email';
+process 'inline-encrypted', 'encrypt';
+like $params{plaintext}, qr/Inline encrypted/, 'inline-signed plaintext';
+process 'inline-signed-encrypted', 'signencrypt';
+is $params{keyid}, KEYID, 'inline-signed-encrypted keyid';
+is $params{email}, EMAIL, 'inline-signed-encrypted email';
+like $params{plaintext}, qr/Inline signed & encrypted/, 'inline-signed-encrypted plaintext';
--- /dev/null
+From: EdwardNG <edwardng@ieval.ro>
+To: EdwardNG <edwardng@ieval.ro>
+Subject: Inline Encrypted
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
+Version: GnuPG v1
+-----END PGP MESSAGE-----
--- /dev/null
+From: EdwardNG <edwardng@ieval.ro>
+To: EdwardNG <edwardng@ieval.ro>
+Subject: Inline Signed
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
+Hash: SHA512
+This is a PGP/Inline signed message.
+=2D --=20
+Marius Gavrilescu
+Version: GnuPG v1
--- /dev/null
+From: EdwardNG <edwardng@ieval.ro>
+To: EdwardNG <edwardng@ieval.ro>
+Subject: Inline Signed & Encrypted
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
+Version: GnuPG v1
+-----END PGP MESSAGE-----
--- /dev/null
+From: EdwardNG <edwardng@ieval.ro>
+To: EdwardNG <edwardng@ieval.ro>
+Subject: MIME Encrypted
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: multipart/encrypted; boundary="=-=-=";
+ protocol="application/pgp-encrypted"
+Content-Type: application/pgp-encrypted
+Version: 1
+Content-Type: application/octet-stream
+Version: GnuPG v1
+-----END PGP MESSAGE-----
--- /dev/null
+From: EdwardNG <edwardng@ieval.ro>
+To: EdwardNG <edwardng@ieval.ro>
+Subject: MIME Signed
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: multipart/signed; boundary="=-=-=";
+ micalg=pgp-sha512; protocol="application/pgp-signature"
+Content-Type: text/plain
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
+This is a PGP/MIME signed message.
+Marius Gavrilescu
+Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
+Version: GnuPG v1
--- /dev/null
+From: EdwardNG <edwardng@ieval.ro>
+To: EdwardNG <edwardng@ieval.ro>
+Subject: MIME Signed & Encrypted
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: multipart/encrypted; boundary="=-=-=";
+ protocol="application/pgp-encrypted"
+Content-Type: application/pgp-encrypted
+Version: 1
+Content-Type: application/octet-stream
+Version: GnuPG v1
+-----END PGP MESSAGE-----
--- /dev/null
+Message decrypted successfully.
+You said:
+[% plaintext %]
+GnuPG said:
+[% message %]
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Could not decrypt message: [% message %]
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Error while processing message: [% message %]
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This message is neither signed nor encrypted.
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This message is correctly signed with key [% keyid %] from [% email %].
+GnuPG said:
+[% message %]
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Could not verify message signature: [% message %]
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Message encrypted and signed with key [% keyid %] from [% email %].
+You said;
+[% plaintext %]
+GnuPG said:
+[% message %]
\ No newline at end of file