--- /dev/null
+package WebService::Scaleway;
+use 5.014000;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our $VERSION = '0.001';
+use Carp qw/croak/;
+use HTTP::Tiny;
+use JSON::MaybeXS;
+use Scalar::Util qw/blessed/;
+my $ht = HTTP::Tiny->new(
+ agent => "WebService-Scaleway/$VERSION ",
+ verify_SSL => 1,
+# Instance of WebService::Scaleway with no API key
+# Used to create tokens from email/password
+my $dummy = '';
+$dummy = bless \$dummy, __PACKAGE__;
+sub _account ($) { "https://account.scaleway.com$_[0]"}
+sub _api ($) { "https://api.scaleway.com$_[0]" }
+sub _request {
+ my ($self, $method, $url, $opts) = @_;
+ $opts->{headers} //= {};
+ $opts->{headers}{'X-Auth-Token'} = $$self if $$self;
+ $opts->{headers}{'Content-Type'} = 'application/json';
+ my $ret = $ht->request($method, $url, $opts);
+ die 'Request to Scaleway API server was unsuccessful: ' . $ret->{status} . ' ' . $ret->{reason} . '; ' . $ret->{content} unless $ret->{success};
+ decode_json $ret->{content} if $ret->{status} != 204;
+sub _get { shift->_request(GET => @_) }
+sub _post { shift->_request(POST => @_) }
+sub _patch { shift->_request(PATCH => @_) }
+sub _put { shift->_request(PUT => @_) }
+sub _delete { shift->_request(DELETE => @_) }
+sub _tores {
+ my @ret = map { bless $_, 'WebService::Scaleway::Resource' } @_;
+ wantarray ? @ret : $ret[0]
+sub new {
+ my ($class, $token) = @_;
+ $token = $dummy->create_token(@_[1..$#_])->id if @_ > 2;
+ bless \$token, $class
+ my @account_res = qw/token organization user/;
+ my @api_res = qw/server volume snapshot image ip security_group/;
+ my %res = (
+ map ({ $_ => _account "/${_}s" } @account_res),
+ map { $_ => _api "/${_}s" } @api_res);
+ my %create_parms = (
+ token => [qw/email password expires/],
+ server => [qw/name organization image volumes tags/],
+ volume => [qw/name organization volume_type size/],
+ snapshot => [qw/name organization volume_id/],
+ image => [qw/name organization root_volume arch/],
+ ip => [qw/ organization/],
+ security_group => [qw/name organization description/],
+ );
+ sub dynsub {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ my $sub = pop;
+ *$_ = $sub for @_
+ }
+ for my $res (keys %res) {
+ dynsub $res, "get_$res", sub {
+ local *__ANON__ = $res;
+ _tores shift->_get("$res{$res}/$_[0]")->{$res}
+ };
+ dynsub $res.'s', "list_$res".'s', sub {
+ local *__ANON__ = $res.'s';
+ my @ret = _tores @{shift->_get($res{$res})->{$res.'s'}};
+ wantarray ? @ret : $ret[0]
+ };
+ dynsub "delete_$res", sub {
+ local *__ANON__ = "delete_$res";
+ shift->_delete("$res{$res}/$_[0]")
+ };
+ dynsub "create_$res", sub {
+ local *__ANON__ = "create_$res";
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $content = $_[0];
+ if (blessed $content || ref $content ne 'HASH') {
+ croak "create_$res does not understand positional parameters, pass a hashref instead\n" unless $create_parms{$res};
+ my @parms = @{$create_parms{$res}};
+ $content = { map {
+ $parms[$_] => (blessed $_[$_] ? $_[$_]->id : $_[$_]) } 0 .. $#_ };
+ }
+ _tores $self->_post($res{$res}, { content => encode_json $content })->{$res}
+ };
+ dynsub "update_$res", sub {
+ local *__ANON__ = "update_$res";
+ my $data = blessed $_[1] ? {%{$_[1]}} : $_[1];
+ shift->_put("$res{$res}/".$data->{id}, { content => encode_json $data })
+ };
+ }
+sub security_group_rule {
+ _tores shift->_get(_api "/security_groups/$_[0]/rules/$_[1]")->{rule}
+sub security_group_rules {
+ _tores @{shift->_get(_api "/security_groups/$_[0]/rules")->{rules}}
+ *get_security_group_rule = \&security_group_rule;
+ *list_security_group_rule = \&security_group_rules;
+sub delete_security_group_rule {
+ shift->_delete(_api "/security_groups/$_[0]/rules/$_[1]")
+sub create_security_group_rule {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $grp = shift;
+ my $content = $_[0];
+ unless (ref $content eq 'HASH') {
+ my @parms = qw/organization action direction ip_range protocol dest_port_from/;
+ $content = { map { $parms[$_] => $_[$_] } 0 .. $#_ };
+ }
+ $self->_post(_api "/security_groups/$grp/rules", { content => encode_json $content })
+sub update_security_group_rule {
+ my $data = blessed $_[2] ? {%{$_[2]}} : $_[2];
+ shift->_put (_api "/security_groups/$_[0]/rules/".$data->{id}, { content => encode_json $data })
+sub server_actions {
+ @{shift->_get(_api "/servers/$_[0]/action")->{actions}}
+BEGIN { *list_server_actions = \&server_actions }
+sub perform_server_action {
+ my $content = encode_json { action => $_[1] };
+ _tores shift->_post(_api "/servers/$_[0]/action", { content => $content })->{task};
+sub refresh_token {
+ _tores shift->_patch(_account "/tokens/$_[0]")->{token}
+sub server_metadata {
+ _tores $dummy->_get('')
+package # hide from PAUSE
+ WebService::Scaleway::Resource;
+use overload '""' => sub { shift->id };
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my ($attr) = $AUTOLOAD =~ m/::([^:]*)$/s;
+ die "No such attribute: $attr" unless exists $self->{$attr};
+ $self->{$attr}
+sub can {
+ my ($self, $sub) = @_;
+ exists $self->{$sub} ? sub { shift->{$sub} } : undef
+sub DESTROY {} # Don't call AUTOLOAD on destruction
+=encoding utf-8
+=head1 NAME
+WebService::Scaleway - Perl interface to Scaleway cloud server provider API
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use WebService::Scaleway;
+ my $token = ...; # API token here
+ my $sw = WebService::Scaleway->new($token);
+ my $org = $sw->organizations;
+ # Create an IP, a volume, and use them for a new Debian Jessie server
+ my $ip = $sw->create_ip($org);
+ my $vol = $sw->create_volume('testvol', $org, 'l_ssd', 50_000_000_000);
+ my ($debian) = grep { $_->name =~ /debian jessie/i } $sw->images;
+ my $srv = $sw->create_server('testsrv', $org, $debian, {1 => {%$vol}});
+ # Change the server name
+ $srv->{name} = 'Debian';
+ $sw->update_server($srv);
+ # Boot the server
+ $sw->perform_server_action($srv, 'poweron');
+ say "The server is now booting. To access it, do ssh root@", $ip->address;
+Scaleway is an IaaS provider that offers bare metal ARM cloud servers.
+WebService::Scaleway is a Perl interface to the Scaleway API.
+=head2 Constructors
+WebService::Scaleway objects are defined by their authentication
+token. There are two consructors:
+=item WebService::Scaleway->B<new>(I<$auth_token>)
+Construct a WebService::Scaleway object from a given authentication
+=item WebService::Scaleway->B<new>(I<$email>, I<$password>)
+Construct a WebService::Scaleway object from an authentication token
+obtained by logging in with the given credentials.
+=head2 Listing resources
+These methods return a list of all resources of a given type
+associated to your account. Each resource is a blessed hashref with
+C<AUTOLOAD>ed accessors (for example C<< $resource->{name} >> can be
+written as C<< $resource->name >>) and that stringifies to the ID of
+the resource: C<< $resource->id >>.
+There is no difference between B<resources>() and
+=item $self->B<tokens>
+=item $self->B<list_tokens>
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#tokens-tokens-get>.
+=item $self->B<organizations>
+=item $self->B<list_organizations>
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#organizations-organizations>.
+=item $self->B<servers>
+=item $self->B<list_servers>
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#servers-servers-get>.
+=item $self->B<volumes>
+=item $self->B<list_volumes>
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#volumes-volumes-get>.
+=item $self->B<snapshots>
+=item $self->B<list_snapshots>
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#snapshots-snapshots-get>.
+=item $self->B<images>
+=item $self->B<list_images>
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#images-images-get>.
+=item $self->B<ips>
+=item $self->B<list_ips>
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#ips-ips-get>.
+=item $self->B<security_groups>
+=item $self->B<list_security_groups>
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#security-groups-security-groups-get>.
+=item $self->B<security_group_rules>(I<$group_id>)
+=item $self->B<list_security_group_rules>(I<$group_id>)
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#security-groups-manage-rules-get>.
+=head2 Retrieving resources
+These methods take the id of a resource and return the resource as a
+blessed hashref as described in the previous section.
+There is no difference between B<resource>(I<$id>) and
+=item $self->B<token>(I<$id>)
+=item $self->B<get_token>(I<$id>)
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#tokens-token-get>.
+=item $self->B<user>(I<$id>)
+=item $self->B<get_user>(I<$id>)
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#users-user>.
+=item $self->B<server>(I<$id>)
+=item $self->B<get_server>(I<$id>)
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#servers-server-get>.
+=item $self->B<volume>(I<$id>)
+=item $self->B<get_volume>(I<$id>)
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#volumes-volume-get>.
+=item $self->B<snapshot>(I<$id>)
+=item $self->B<get_snapshot>(I<$id>)
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#snapshots-snapshot-get>.
+=item $self->B<image>(I<$id>)
+=item $self->B<get_image>(I<$id>)
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#images-operation-on-a-single-image-get>.
+=item $self->B<ip>(I<$id>)
+=item $self->B<get_ip>(I<$id>)
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#ips-ip-get>.
+=item $self->B<security_group>(I<$id>)
+=item $self->B<get_security_group>(I<$id>)
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#security-groups-operation-on-a-security-groups-get>.
+=item $self->B<security_group_rule>(I<$group_id>, I<$rule_id>)
+=item $self->B<get_security_group_rule>(I<$group_id>, I<$rule_id>)
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#security-groups-operation-on-a-security-rule-get>.
+=head2 Deleting resources
+These methods take the id of a resource and delete it. They do not
+return anything.
+=item $self->B<delete_token>(I<$id>)
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#tokens-token-delete>.
+=item $self->B<delete_server>(I<$id>)
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#servers-server-delete>.
+=item $self->B<delete_volume>(I<$id>)
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#volumes-volume-delete>.
+=item $self->B<delete_snapshot>(I<$id>)
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#snapshots-snapshot-delete>.
+=item $self->B<delete_image>(I<$id>)
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#images-operation-on-a-single-image-delete>.
+=item $self->B<delete_ip>(I<$id>)
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#ips-ip-delete>.
+=item $self->B<delete_security_group>(I<$id>)
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#security-groups-operation-on-a-security-groups-delete>.
+=item $self->B<delete_security_group_rule>(I<$group_id>, I<$rule_id>)
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#security-groups-operation-on-a-security-rule-delete>.
+=head2 Modifying resources
+These methods take a hashref representing a resource that already
+exists and update it. The value of C<< $resource->{id} >> is used for
+identifying this resource on the remote end. Both blessed and
+unblessed hashrefs are accepted. The updated resource is returned as a
+blessed hashref as described in L</"Listing resources">.
+=item $self->B<update_server>(I<$resource>)
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#servers-server-put>.
+=item $self->B<update_snapshot>(I<$resource>)
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#snapshots-snapshot-put>.
+=item $self->B<update_image>(I<$resource>)
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#images-operation-on-a-single-image-put>.
+=item $self->B<update_ip>(I<$resource>)
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#ips-ip-put>.
+=item $self->B<update_security_group>(I<$resource>)
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#security-groups-operation-on-a-security-groups-put>.
+=item $self->B<update_security_group_rule>(I<$group_id>, I<$resource>)
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#security-groups-operation-on-a-security-rule-put>.
+=head2 Creating resources
+These methods take either a hash that is passed directly to the API or
+a method-specific list of positional parameters. They create a new
+resource and return it as a blessed hashref as described in
+L</"Listing resources">.
+When using positional parameters, you can pass a resource in blessed
+hashref format where a resource ID is expected. The function will call
+C<< ->id >> on the resouce automatically.
+Most of these methods require an organization ID. You can obtain it
+with the B<organizations> method described above.
+=item $self->B<create_token>(I<\%data>)
+=item $self->B<create_token>(I<$email>, I<$password>, [I<$expires>])
+Authenticates a user against their username and password and returns
+an authentication token. If I<$expires> (default: false) is true, the
+token will expire.
+This method is called internally by the two-argument constructor.
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#tokens-tokens-get>.
+=item $self->B<create_server>(I<\%data>)
+=item $self->B<create_server>(I<$name>, I<$organization>, I<$image>, I<$volumes>, [I<$tags>])
+Creates and returns a new server.
+I<$name> is the server name. I<$organization> is the organization ID.
+I<$image> is the image ID. I<$volumes> is a "sparse array" (hashref
+from indexes to volumes, indexed from 1) of volumes. I<$tags> is an
+optional arrayref of tags.
+Note that the volumes must be unblessed hashrefs. If I<$vol> is a
+volume, you can use this idiom: C<< $volumes = {1 => {%$vol}} >>.
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#servers-servers-get>.
+=item $self->B<create_volume>(I<\%data>)
+=item $self->B<create_volume>(I<$name>, I<$organization>, I<$volume_type>, I<$size>)
+Creates and returns a new volume. I<$volume_type> currently must be
+C<l_ssd>. I<$size> is the size in bytes.
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#volumes-volumes-get>.
+=item $self->B<create_snapshot>(I<\%data>)
+=item $self->B<create_snapshot>(I<$name>, I<$organization>, I<$volume_id>)
+Creates and returns a snapshot of the volume I<$volume_id>.
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#snapshots-snapshots-get>.
+=item $self->B<create_image>(I<\%data>)
+=item $self->B<create_image>(I<$name>, I<$organization>, I<$root_volume>, I<$arch>)
+Creates and returns an image from the volume I<$root_volume>. I<$arch>
+is the architecture of the image (currently must be C<"arm">).
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#images-images-get>.
+=item $self->B<create_ip>(I<\%data>)
+=item $self->B<create_ip>(I<$organization>)
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#ips-ips-get>.
+=item $self->B<create_security_group>(I<\%data>)
+=item $self->B<create_security_group>(I<$name>, I<$organization>, I<$description>)
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#security-groups-security-groups-get>.
+=item $self->B<create_security_group_rule>(I<$group_id>)
+=item $self->B<create_security_group_rule>(I<$group_id>, I<$organization>, I<$action>, I<$direction>, I<$ip_range>, I<$protocol>, [<$dest_port_from>])
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#security-groups-manage-rules-get>.
+=head2 Miscellaneous methods
+These are methods that don't fit any previous category. Any use of
+"blessed hashref" refers to the concept described in L</"Listing
+resources">. Wherever a resource ID is expected, you can instead pass
+a resource as a blessed hashref and the method will call C<< ->id >>
+on it for you.
+=item $self->B<server_actions>(I<$server_id>)
+=item $self->B<list_server_actions>(I<$server_id>)
+Returns a list of strings representing possible actions you can
+perform on the given server. Example actions are powering on/off a
+server or rebooting it.
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#servers-actions-get>
+=item $self->B<perform_server_action>(I<$server_id>, I<$action>)
+Performs an action on a server. I<$action> is one of the strings
+returned by B<server_actions>. The function returns a blessed hashref
+with information about the task.
+This is not very useful, as this module does not currently offer any
+function for tracking tasks.
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#servers-actions-post>
+=item $self->B<refresh_token>(I<$token_id>)
+This method takes the ID of an expirable token, extends its expiration
+date by 30 minutes, and returns the new token as a blessed hashref.
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#tokens-token-patch>
+=item $self->B<server_metadata>
+This method can only be called from a Scaleway server. It returns
+information about the server as a blessed hashref.
+Official documentation: L<https://developer.scaleway.com/#metadata-c1-server-metadata>
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Marius Gavrilescu, E<lt>marius@ieval.roE<gt>
+Copyright (C) 2015 by Marius Gavrilescu
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.20.2 or,
+at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.