Revision history for Perl extension Gruntmaster::Data.
+5999.000_014 2015-10-02T22:10+03:00
+ - Almost fit for a stable release (more real-world testing needed)
+ - Replace gruntmaster-* tools with an App::Cmd-based script
+ - Replace DBIx::Class with DBIx::Simple
+ - Add sample database and more tests
+ - Add gruntmaster-opener
+ - Many other smaller changes
5999.000_013 2014-12-20T23:20+02:00
- Improve user_list performance
- Sort problem and contest lists in user_entry
-Gruntmaster-Data version 5999.000_013
+Gruntmaster-Data version 5999.000_014
This distribution contains:
use 5.014000;
use warnings;
-our $VERSION = '5999.000_004';
+our $VERSION = '5999.000_014';
use App::Cmd::Setup '-app';
use Gruntmaster::Data;
use warnings;
use re '/s';
-our $VERSION = '5999.000_004';
+our $VERSION = '5999.000_014';
use parent qw/App::Cmd::Command/;
use Pod::Usage;
use 5.014000;
use warnings;
-our $VERSION = '5999.000_004';
+our $VERSION = '5999.000_014';
use Gruntmaster::App '-command';
use Gruntmaster::Data;
use 5.014000;
use warnings;
-our $VERSION = '5999.000_004';
+our $VERSION = '5999.000_014';
use Gruntmaster::App '-command';
use Gruntmaster::Data;
use 5.014000;
use warnings;
-our $VERSION = '5999.000_004';
+our $VERSION = '5999.000_014';
use Gruntmaster::App '-command';
use Gruntmaster::Data;
use 5.014000;
use warnings;
-our $VERSION = '5999.000_004';
+our $VERSION = '5999.000_014';
use Gruntmaster::App '-command';
use Gruntmaster::Data;
use 5.014000;
use warnings;
-our $VERSION = '5999.000_004';
+our $VERSION = '5999.000_014';
use Gruntmaster::App '-command';
use Gruntmaster::Data;
use 5.014000;
use warnings;
-our $VERSION = '5999.000_004';
+our $VERSION = '5999.000_014';
use Gruntmaster::App '-command';
use Gruntmaster::Data;
use 5.014000;
use warnings;
-our $VERSION = '5999.000_004';
+our $VERSION = '5999.000_014';
use Gruntmaster::App '-command';
use Gruntmaster::Data;
use warnings;
use parent qw/Exporter/;
-our $VERSION = '5999.000_013';
+our $VERSION = '5999.000_014';
our @EXPORT = qw/dbinit purge db user_list user_entry problem_list problem_entry contest_list contest_entry contest_has_problem job_list job_entry create_job standings update_status rerun_job take_job finish_job open_problem/;
our @EXPORT = qw/handle_line/;
-our $VERSION = '5999.000_013';
+our $VERSION = '5999.000_014';
use Date::Parse qw/str2time/;
use Gruntmaster::Data;