sub cmd_list{
local $, = "\n";
- say contests;
+ say map { $_->id } $db->contests->all;
sub cmd_show{
-# local $_ = shift or goto &cmd_list;
-# say "Name: ", contest_name;
-# say "Owner: ", contest_owner;
-# say "Start: ", strftime '%c', localtime contest_start;
-# say "End: ", strftime '%c', localtime contest_end;
+ my %columns = $db->contest(shift)->get_columns;
+ $columns{$_} = strftime '%c', localtime $columns{$_} for qw/start stop/;
+ print <<END
+Name: $columns{name}
+Owner: $columns{owner}
+Start: $columns{start}
+Stop: $columns{stop}
sub cmd_add{
my $start = str2time prompt 'Start time' or die 'Cannot parse time';
my $stop = str2time prompt 'Stop time' or die 'Cannot parse time';
- $db->contests->create({id => $id, name => $name, owner => $owner, start => $start, stop => $stop});
-# insert_contest $id => name => $name, owner => $owner, start => $start, stop => $stop;
-# PUBLISH genpage => "ct/$id/index.html";
-# PUBLISH genpage => "ct/index.html";
+ $db->contests->create({id => $id, name => $name, owner => $owner, start => $start, stop => $stop})
sub cmd_rm{
-# remove_contest shift;
-# PUBLISH genpage => "ct/index.html";
+ $db->contest(shift)->delete
+sub cmd_get{
+ my ($id, $col) = @_;
+ say $db->contest($id)->get_column($col)
+sub cmd_set{
+ my ($id, %values) = @_;
+ $db->contest($id)->update(\%values)
gruntmaster-contest show id
gruntmaster-contest add id
gruntmaster-contest rm id
+ gruntmaster-contest get id key
+ gruntmaster-contest set id key value
=item B<rm> I<id>
-Removes the contest with id I<id>
+Removes the contest with id I<id>.
+=item B<set> I<id> I<key> I<value>
+Sets the I<key> configuration option of contest I<id> to I<value>.
+=item B<get> I<id> I<key>
+Get the value of the I<key> configuration option of contest I<id>.
Copyright (C) 2014 by Marius Gavrilescu
-This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.18.1 or,
+at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
use Gruntmaster::Data;
use IO::Prompter [ -style => 'bold', '-stdio', '-verbatim' ];
-use File::Slurp qw/read_file/;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Term::ANSIColor qw/RED RESET/;
use POSIX qw/strftime/;
-my $contest;
+my $db = Gruntmaster::Data->connect('dbi:Pg:');
sub cmd_help{
exec perldoc => $0
-sub cmd_card{
- say jobcard;
+sub cmd_show{
+ my %columns = $db->job(shift)->get_columns;
+ $columns{date} = strftime '%c', localtime $columns{date};
+ $columns{private} = $columns{private} ? 'yes' : 'no';
+ print <<END
+Date: $columns{date}
+Owner: $columns{owner}
+Problem: $columns{problem}
+Format: $columns{format}
+Daemon: $columns{daemon}
+Result text: $columns{result_text}
+Private: $columns{private}
-sub cmd_show{
- local $_ = shift or goto &cmd_list;
- say "Date: " , strftime ('%c', localtime job_date);
- say "User: ", job_user;
- say "Problem: ", problem_name job_problem;
- say "Extension: ", job_extension;
- say "Size: ", sprintf "%.2fKB", job_filesize() / 1024;
- say "Private: ", (job_private() ? 'yes' : 'no');
- say "Result text: ", job_result_text;
- say "Daemon: ", job_daemon;
- say "Compile errors: ", job_errors;
+sub cmd_rm{
+ $db->job(shift)->delete
+sub cmd_get{
+ my ($id, $col) = @_;
+ say $db->job($id)->get_column($col)
+sub cmd_set{
+ my ($id, %values) = @_;
+ $db->job($id)->update(\%values)
sub cmd_rerun{
- local $_ = shift or goto &cmd_list;
- clean_job;
- $contest//='';
- PUBLISH jobs => "$contest.$_";
+ $db->job(shift)->rerun
-GetOptions ( 'contest=s' => \$contest );
-local $Gruntmaster::Data::contest = $contest;
my $cmd = 'cmd_' . shift;
cmd_help unless exists $main::{$cmd};
no strict 'refs';
- gruntmaster-job [--contest=mycontest] card
- gruntmaster-job [--contest=mycontest] show 5
- gruntmaster-job [--contest=mycontest] rerun 7
+ gruntmaster-job show id
+ gruntmaster-job rm id
+ gruntmaster-job get id key
+ gruntmaster-job set id key value
+ gruntmaster-job rerun id
gruntmaster-job is a tool for managing jobs.
-Select the contest with the optional argument I<--contest>.
-=item B<card>
-Prints the number of jobs in the selected contest.
=item B<show> I<id>
Prints detailed information about the job with id I<id>.
+=item B<rm> I<id>
+Removes the job with id I<id>.
+=item B<set> I<id> I<key> I<value>
+Sets the I<key> configuration option of job I<id> to I<value>.
+=item B<get> I<id> I<key>
+Get the value of the I<key> configuration option of job I<id>.
=item B<rerun> I<id>
Reruns job I<id>.
Copyright (C) 2014 by Marius Gavrilescu
-This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.18.1 or,
+at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
$verformat = prompt "[Runner::$runner] Verifier format", -menu => [qw/C CPP MONO JAVA PASCAL PERL PYTHON/];
- $db->problems->create ({
+ my %options = (
id => $id,
name => $name,
level => $level,
runner => $runner,
judge => $judge,
testcnt => $testcnt,
- (private => $private)x!! $private,
- (timeout => $timeout)x!! $timeout,
- (olimit => $olimit)x!! $olimit,
- (tests => encode_json \@tests)x!! @tests,
- (gensource => $gensource)x!! $gensource,
- (genformat => $genformat)x!! $genformat,
- (versource => $versource)x!! $versource,
- (verformat => $verformat)x!! $verformat,
- });
+ );
+ $options{private} = $private if $private;
+ $options{timeout} = $timeout if $timeout;
+ $options{olimit} = $olimit if $olimit;
+ $options{tests} = encode_json \@tests if @tests;
+ $options{gensource} = $gensource if $gensource;
+ $options{genformat} = $genformat if $genformat;
+ $options{versource} = $versource if $versource;
+ $options{verformat} = $verformat if $verformat;
+ $db->problems->create (\%options);
$db->contest_problems->create({problem => $id, contest => $contest}) if $contest;
- #PUBLISH genpage => $contest ? "ct/$contest/pb/index.html" : 'pb/index.html';
- #PUBLISH genpage => $contest ? "ct/$contest/pb/$id.html" : "pb/$id.html";
sub cmd_set{
my $file;
GetOptions ( 'file!' => \$file );
- my ($id, %values) = @ARGV;
+ my ($id, %values) = @_;
%values = map { $_ => scalar read_file $values{$_} } keys %values if $file;
- $db->problem($id)->update(\%values);
- #PUBLISH genpage => 'pb/index.html';
- #PUBLISH genpage => "pb/$id.html";
+ $db->problem($id)->update(\%values)
sub cmd_get{
- my ($id, $col) = @ARGV;
+ my ($id, $col) = @_;
say $db->problem($id)->get_column($col)
sub cmd_list{
local $, = "\n";
- say map {$_->id} $db->problems->all;
+ say map {$_->id} $db->problems->all
sub cmd_rm{
- $db->problem(shift)->delete;
- #PUBLISH genpage => $contest ? "ct/$contest/pb/index.html" : 'pb/index.html';
+ $db->problem(shift)->delete
sub cmd_show{
- local $_ = shift or goto &cmd_list;
+ my %columns = $db->problem(shift)->get_columns;
+ print <<END
+Name: $columns{name}
+Author: $columns{author}
+Statement written by: $columns{writer}
+Owner: $columns{owner}
+Level: $columns{level}
+Output limit: $columns{olimit}
+Time limit: $columns{timeout}
+Test count: $columns{testcnt}
+Generator: $columns{generator}
+Runner: $columns{runner}
+Judge: $columns{judge}
+Private: $columns{private}
gruntmaster-problem is a tool for managing problems.
-Select the contest with the optional argument I<--contest>.
=item B<list>
Copyright (C) 2014 by Marius Gavrilescu
-This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.18.1 or,
+at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.