--- /dev/null
+Revision history for Perl extension WebService::TDWTF.
+0.001 2016-01-09T22:45+02:00
+ - Initial release
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+use 5.014000;
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+my $has_tr = $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION >= 6.64;
+my @tr = (($has_tr ? 'TEST_REQUIRES' : 'BUILD_REQUIRES') => {
+ qw/Test::RequiresInternet 0/,
+ NAME => 'WebService::TDWTF',
+ VERSION_FROM => 'lib/WebService/TDWTF.pm',
+ ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/WebService/TDWTF.pm',
+ AUTHOR => 'Marius Gavrilescu <marius@ieval.ro>',
+ MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.14.0',
+ LICENSE => 'perl',
+ SIGN => 1,
+ PREREQ_PM => {
+ qw/Class::Accessor::Fast 0
+ JSON::MaybeXS 0/,
+ },
+ @tr,
+ META_ADD => {
+ dynamic_config => 0,
+ resources => {
+ repository => 'https://git.ieval.ro/?p=webservice-tdwtf.git',
+ },
+ }
--- /dev/null
+WebService-TDWTF version 0.001
+WebService::TDWTF is an interface to the API of L<http://thedailywtf.com>.
+Quoting the website's sidebar:
+ Founded in 2004 by Alex Papadimoulis, The Daily WTF is your
+ how-not-to guide for developing software. We recount tales of
+ disastrous development, from project management gone spectacularly
+ bad to inexplicable coding choices.
+To install this module type the following:
+ perl Makefile.PL
+ make
+ make test
+ make install
+This module requires these other modules and libraries:
+* Class::Accessor::Fast
+* JSON::MaybeXS
+Copyright (C) 2016 by Marius Gavrilescu
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.20.2 or,
+at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
--- /dev/null
+package WebService::TDWTF;
+use 5.014000;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use parent qw/Exporter/;
+use Carp;
+use HTTP::Tiny;
+use JSON::MaybeXS qw/decode_json/;
+use Scalar::Util qw/looks_like_number/;
+use WebService::TDWTF::Article;
+my @subs = qw/article list_recent list_series list_author/;
+our @EXPORT = map { "tdwtf_$_" } @subs;
+our @EXPORT_OK = (@EXPORT, @subs);
+our $VERSION = '0.001';
+our $AGENT = "WebService-TDWTF/$VERSION";
+our $BASE_URL = 'http://thedailywtf.com/api';
+sub _ht { HTTP::Tiny->new(agent => $AGENT) }
+sub _query {
+ my ($url) = @_;
+ my $ht = _ht;
+ my $response = $ht->get($url);
+ croak $response->{reason} unless $response->{success};
+ $response = decode_json $response->{content};
+ croak $response->{Status} if ref $response eq 'HASH' && !exists $response->{BodyHtml};
+ $response
+sub _objectify {
+ my ($response) = @_;
+ return map { _objectify($_) } @$response if ref $response eq 'ARRAY';
+ WebService::TDWTF::Article->new($response)
+sub article {
+ my ($id_or_slug, $only_body_and_html) = @_;
+ my $url = "$BASE_URL/articles/";
+ $url .= @_ == 0 ? 'random' : looks_like_number $id_or_slug ? "/id/$id_or_slug" : "/slug/$id_or_slug";
+ $url .= '/true' if $only_body_and_html;
+ _objectify _query $url
+sub _list {
+ my $url = join '/', $BASE_URL, @_;
+ _objectify _query $url
+sub list_recent { my $url = @_ == 2 ? 'articles' : 'articles/recent'; _list $url, @_ }
+sub list_series { _list 'series', @_ }
+sub list_author { _list 'author', @_ }
+ *tdwtf_article = \&article;
+ *tdwtf_list_recent = \&list_recent;
+ *tdwtf_list_series = \&list_series;
+ *tdwtf_list_author = \&list_author;
+=encoding utf-8
+=head1 NAME
+WebService::TDWTF - retreive articles from thedailywtf.com
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use WebService::TDWTF;
+ my $random_article = tdwtf_article;
+ say $random_article->Title;
+ say $random_article->Body;
+ my $x = tdwtf_article 8301;
+ say $x->Title; # Your Recommended Virus
+ my $y = tdwtf_article 'your-recommended-virus'; # $x and $y are equivalent
+ my @recent = tdwtf_list_recent;
+ say scalar @recent; # 8
+ @recent = tdwtf_list_recent 10;
+ say scalar @recent; # 10
+ my @dec15 = tdwtf_list_recent 2015, 12;
+ say $dec15[0]->Title; # Best of 2015: The A(nti)-Team
+ say $dec15[0]->Body; # (this makes an API call, see NOTES)
+ say $dec15[0]->Body; # (this doesn't make an API call)
+ my @erik = tdwtf_list_author 'erik-gern'; # (most recent 8 articles by Erik Gern)
+ my @sod = tdwtf_list_series 'code-sod', 5; # (most recent 5 CodeSOD articles)
+ # All Error'd articles published in January 2014
+ my @jan14_errord = tdwtf_list_series 'errord', 2014, 1;
+WebService::TDWTF is an interface to the API of L<http://thedailywtf.com>.
+Quoting the website's sidebar:
+ Founded in 2004 by Alex Papadimoulis, The Daily WTF is your
+ how-not-to guide for developing software. We recount tales of
+ disastrous development, from project management gone spectacularly
+ bad to inexplicable coding choices.
+This module exports the following functions:
+=item B<tdwtf_article>()
+=item B<tdwtf_article>(I<$id_or_slug>)
+=item B<article>()
+=item B<article>(I<$id_or_slug>)
+With an argument, returns a L<WebService::TDWTF> object representing
+the article with the given ID or slug.
+With no arguments, returns a L<WebService::TDWTF> object representing
+a random article.
+=item B<tdwtf_list_recent>()
+=item B<tdwtf_list_recent>(I<$count>)
+=item B<tdwtf_list_recent>(I<$year>, I<$month>)
+=item B<list_recent>()
+=item B<list_recent>(I<$count>)
+=item B<list_recent>(I<$year>, I<$month>)
+With no arguments, returns the most recent 8 articles.
+With one argument, returns the most recent I<$count> articles.
+I<$count> is at most 100.
+With two arguments, returns all articles published in the given month
+of the given year. I<$month> is an integer between 1 and 12.
+=item B<tdwtf_list_series>(I<$slug>)
+=item B<tdwtf_list_series>(I<$slug>, I<$count>)
+=item B<tdwtf_list_series>(I<$slug>, I<$year>, I<$month>)
+=item B<list_series>(I<$slug>)
+=item B<list_series>(I<$slug>, I<$count>)
+=item B<list_series>(I<$slug>, I<$year>, I<$month>)
+With no arguments, returns the most recent 8 articles in the given
+With one argument, returns the most recent I<$count> articles in the
+given series. I<$count> is at most 100.
+With two arguments, returns all articles in the given series published
+in the given month of the given year. I<$month> is an integer between
+1 and 12.
+=item B<tdwtf_list_author>(I<$slug>)
+=item B<tdwtf_list_author>(I<$slug>, I<$count>)
+=item B<tdwtf_list_author>(I<$slug>, I<$year>, I<$month>)
+=item B<list_author>(I<$slug>)
+=item B<list_author>(I<$slug>, I<$count>)
+=item B<list_author>(I<$slug>, I<$year>, I<$month>)
+With no arguments, returns the most recent 8 articles by the given
+With one argument, returns the most recent I<$count> articles by the
+given author. I<$count> is at most 100.
+With two arguments, returns all articles by the given author published
+in the given month of the given year. I<$month> is an integer between
+1 and 12.
+=head1 NOTES
+All functions are exported of the name B<tdwtf_foo> are exported by
+default. The unprefixed variants can be exported on request.
+The B<tdwtf_list_*> functions return a list of incomplete
+L<WebService::TDWTF::Article> objects. These objects contain all of
+the fields of a normal object, except for BodyHtml and FooterAdHtml.
+For these objects, the B<Body> mehod of L<WebService::TDWTF::Article>
+retrieves the BodyHtml and FooterAdHtml fields from the API and saves
+them into the object.
+All B<tdwtf_list_*> functions return articles in reverse chronological
+order. That is, the first element of the list is the most recent article.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Marius Gavrilescu, E<lt>marius@ieval.roE<gt>
+Copyright (C) 2016 by Marius Gavrilescu
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.20.2 or,
+at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
--- /dev/null
+package WebService::TDWTF::Article;
+use 5.014000;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use parent qw/Class::Accessor::Fast/;
+our $VERSION = '0.001';
+use WebService::TDWTF ();
+sub _article { goto &WebService::TDWTF::article }
+__PACKAGE__->mk_ro_accessors(qw/Id Slug SummaryHtml BodyHtml FooterAdHtml Title CoalescedCommentCount DiscourseThreadUrl PublishedDate DisplayDate Url CommentsUrl PreviousArticleId PreviousArticleUrl NextArticleId NextArticleUrl/);
+sub AuthorName { shift->{Author}->{Name} }
+sub AuthorShortDescription { shift->{Author}->{ShortDescription} }
+sub AuthorDescriptionHtml { shift->{Author}->{DescriptionHtml} }
+sub AuthorSlug { shift->{Author}->{Slug} }
+sub AuthorImageUrl { shift->{Author}->{ImageUrl} }
+sub SeriesSlug { shift->{Series}->{Slug} }
+sub SeriesTitle { shift->{Series}->{Title} }
+sub SeriesDescription { shift->{Series}->{Description} }
+sub PreviousArticle { _article shift->PreviousArticleId // return }
+sub NextArticle { _article shift->NextArticleId // return }
+sub Body {
+ unless ($_[0]->BodyHtml) {
+ my $ret = _article $_[0]->Id, 1;
+ $_[0]->{$_} = $ret->{$_} for qw/BodyHtml FooterAdHtml/;
+ }
+ $_[0]->BodyHtml
+=encoding utf-8
+=head1 NAME
+WebService::TDWTF::Article - Class representing information about a TDWTF article
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use WebService::TDWTF;
+ my $article = tdwtf_article 8301;
+ say $article->Id; # 8301
+ say $article->Slug; # your-recommended-virus
+ say $article->SummaryHtml;
+ say $article->BodyHtml;
+ say $article->Body;
+ say $article->Title; # Your Recommended Virus
+ say $article->CoalescedCommentCount;
+ say $article->DiscourseThreadUrl; # http://what.thedailywtf.com/t/your-recommended-virus/52541
+ say $article->PublishedDate; # 2015-11-12T06:30:00
+ say $article->DisplayDate; # 2015-11-12
+ say $article->Url; # http://thedailywtf.com/articles/your-recommended-virus
+ say $article->CommentsUrl; # http://thedailywtf.com/articles/comments/your-recommended-virus
+ say $article->PreviousArticleId; # 8299
+ say $article->PreviousArticleUrl; # //thedailywtf.com/articles/confession-rect-contains-point
+ say $article->NextArticleId; # 8302
+ say $article->NextArticleUrl; # //thedailywtf.com/articles/who-stole-the-search-box
+ say $article->AuthorName; # Ellis Morning
+ say $article->AuthorShortDescription; # Editor
+ say $article->AuthorDescriptionHtml;
+ say $article->AuthorSlug; # ellis-morning
+ say $article->AuthorImageUrl; # http://img.thedailywtf.com/images/remy/ellis01.jpg
+ say $article->SeriesSlug; # feature-articles
+ say $article->SeriesTitle; # Feature Articles
+ say $article->SeriesDescription;
+ say $article->PreviousArticle->Title # Confession: rect.Contains(point)
+ say $article->NextArticle->Title # Who Stole the Search Box?!
+A WebService::TDWTF::Article object represents an article on
+L<http://thedailywtf.com>. Objects of this class are returned by the
+functions in L<WebService::TDWTF>. Each such object is guaranteed to
+be a blessed hashref corresponding to the JSON returned by the TDWTF
+API (possibly with some extra keys), so the data inside can be
+obtained by simply dereferencing the object.
+The ArticleModel class in the TDWTF source code might be helpful in
+finding the available attributes and understanding their meaning. It
+can be found here:
+Several accessors and convenience functions are provided for accessing
+the most common attributes. See the SYNOPSIS for usage examples.
+=item B<Id>
+The numerical ID of the article.
+=item B<Slug>
+The string ID of the article.
+=item B<Title>
+The title of the article
+=item B<Url>
+URL of the article itself.
+=item B<SummaryHtml>
+The summary (first 1-2 paragraphs) of the article.
+=item B<BodyHtml>
+The body of the article. If the object comes from a tdwtf_list_* function, this method returns "".
+=item B<Body>
+The body of the article. If the object comes from a tdwtf_list_* function, this method retreives the body from the server, saves it in the object and returns it.
+=item B<FooterAdHtml>
+The advertisment in the footer of the article. If the object comes from a list_ function, this method returns "".
+=item B<CoalescedCommentCount>
+The number of comments of the article.
+=item B<CommentsUrl>
+URL to the featured comments list. See DiscourseThreadUrl for the URL to the full comment thread.
+=item B<DiscourseThreadUrl>
+URL of the full comment thread on what.thedailywtf.com.
+=item B<PublishedDate>
+Date and time when the article was published in ISO 8601 format, with no timezone.
+=item B<DisplayDate>
+Date when the article was published in ISO 8601 format, with no timezone.
+=item B<AuthorName>
+Name of the article's author.
+=item B<AuthorShortDescription>
+A one-line description of the article's author.
+=item B<AuthorDescriptionHtml>
+A longer description of the article's author.
+=item B<AuthorSlug>
+The ID of the article's author, suitable for passing to the tdwtf_list_author function of L<WebService::TDWTF>.
+=item B<AuthorImageUrl>
+URL to an image of the article's author.
+=item B<SeriesSlug>
+The ID of the article's series, suitable for passing to the tdwtf_list_series function of L<WebService::TDWTF>
+=item B<SeriesTitle>
+The name of the article's series.
+=item B<SeriesDescription>
+A description of the article's series.
+=item B<PreviousArticleId>
+The numerical ID of the previous article.
+=item B<PreviousArticleUrl>
+URL of the previous article.
+=item B<PreviousArticle>
+Retrieves the previous article using L<WebService::TDWTF> and returns it as a WebService::TDWTF::Article object.
+=item B<NextArticleId>
+The numerical ID of the next article.
+=item B<NextArticleUrl>
+URL of the next article.
+=item B<NextArticle>
+Retrieves the next article using L<WebService::TDWTF> and returns it as a WebService::TDWTF::Article object.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Marius Gavrilescu, E<lt>marius@ieval.roE<gt>
+Copyright (C) 2016 by Marius Gavrilescu
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.20.2 or,
+at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::RequiresInternet ('thedailywtf.com' => 80);
+use Test::More tests => 14;
+BEGIN { use_ok('WebService::TDWTF') };
+my $art = tdwtf_article;
+ok $art->Title, 'article';
+$art = tdwtf_article 8301;
+is $art->Title, 'Your Recommended Virus', 'article 8301';
+$art = tdwtf_article 'your-recommended-virus';
+is $art->Title, 'Your Recommended Virus', 'article \'your-recommended-virus\'';
+my @recent = tdwtf_list_recent;
+is @recent, 8, 'tdwtf_list_recent';
+@recent = tdwtf_list_recent 2;
+is @recent, 2, 'tdwtf_list_recent 2';
+my @dec15 = tdwtf_list_recent 2015, 12;
+is $dec15[0]->Title, 'Best of 2015: The A(nti)-Team', 'tdwtf_list_recent 2015, 12';
+is $dec15[0]->BodyHtml, '', '->BodyHtml';
+isnt $dec15[0]->Body, '', '->Body';
+isnt $dec15[0]->Body, '', '->Body (cached)';
+my @erik = tdwtf_list_author 'erik-gern';
+is @erik, 8, 'tdwtf_list_author \'erik-gern\'';
+my @sod = tdwtf_list_series 'code-sod', 5;
+is @sod, 5, 'tdwtf_list_series \'code-sod\', 5';
+my ($last) = tdwtf_list_recent 1;
+ok !defined $last->NextArticle, 'last article has no next article';
+is $last->PreviousArticle->NextArticle->Id, $last->Id, 'next article of the previous article is current article';