use warnings;
use Convert::Color::RGB8;
-use JSON::PP qw/decode_json/;
-use Test::More tests => 5 * 4096;
+use Test::More tests => 7 * ($ENV{RELEASE_TESTING} ? 4096 : 512);
use constant EPSILON => $ENV{RELEASE_TESTING} ? 1e-11 : 2e-4;
my @spaces = qw/XYZ LUV LCh HUSL HUSLp/;
sub isf {
- my ($x, $y, $name) = @_;
- ok !grep({ abs ($_ - shift @$y) > EPSILON } @$x), $name;
+ my ($xx, $yy, $name) = @_;
+ for (0 .. 2) {
+ my ($x, $y) = ($xx->[$_], $yy->[$_]);
+ do { diag "$x != $y"; return fail $name } if abs ($x - $y) > EPSILON;
+ }
+ pass $name;
+my @tests;
require JSON::MaybeXS;
open my $fh, '<', 't/snapshot-rev4.json';
my $snapshot = join '', <$fh>;
my %tests = %{JSON::MaybeXS::decode_json $snapshot};
- for my $color (sort keys %tests) {
- my $col = Convert::Color::RGB8->new(substr $color, 1);
- isf $col->convert_to(lc), $tests{$color}{lc()}, "convert $color to $_" for @spaces;
- }
+ @tests = map { [$_, $tests{$_}] } sort keys %tests;
} else {
open my $fh, '<', 't/snapshot-rev4.csv';
while (<$fh>) {
my ($color, @good) = split ',';
- my $col = Convert::Color::RGB8->new($color);
- isf $col->convert_to(lc), \@good, "convert $color to $_" for @spaces
+ my %test;
+ $test{rgb} = [Convert::Color::RGB8->new($color)->rgb];
+ $test{lc $spaces[$_]} = [@good[$_ * 3 .. $_ * 3 + 2]] for 0 .. $#spaces;
+ push @tests, ["#$color", \%test]
+for my $test (@tests) {
+ my ($color, $data) = @$test;
+ my $col = Convert::Color::RGB8->new(substr $color, 1);
+ isf $col->convert_to(lc), $data->{lc()}, "convert $color to $_" for @spaces;
+ isf [$col->convert_to(lc)->rgb], $data->{rgb}, "convert $color to $_ and back" for qw/HUSL HUSLp/;