use warnings;
use base qw(Pod::Parser Exporter);
-use Data::Dumper;
use Carp;
our $VERSION = 0.17;
return unless $parser->{active};
- print "Found end of $parser->{active}\n" if ($parser->{DEBUG});
+ print "Found end of $parser->{active}\n" if $parser->{DEBUG};
my $whereto = $parser->{wanted_pod_tags}->{$parser->{active}};
- print "\$_ will be set to:\n---\n$parser->{paragraphs}\n---\n"
- if ($parser->{DEBUG});
+ print "\$_ will be set to:\n---\n$parser->{paragraphs}\n---\n" if $parser->{DEBUG};
- $parser->{paragraphs} =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//gs
- if $parser->{trimmed_tags}->{$parser->{active}};
+ $parser->{paragraphs} =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//gs if $parser->{trimmed_tags}->{$parser->{active}};
if (ref $whereto eq "CODE") {
print "calling sub\n" if $parser->{DEBUG};
} elsif (ref $whereto eq "HASH") {
print "inserting into hash\n" if $parser->{DEBUG};
# Oh, sorry, should I be in LISP101?
- %$whereto = (map { map { s/^\s*|\s*$//g; $_ }
- split /=>/, $_ }
- grep m/^
- ( (?:[^=]|=[^>])+ ) # scan up to "=>"
- =>
- ( (?:[^=]|=[^>])+ =? )# don't allow more "=>"'s
- $/x,
- split /\n/, $parser->{paragraphs});
+ %$whereto = (
+ map { map { s/^\s*|\s*$//g; $_ } split /=>/, $_ } grep m/^
+ ( (?:[^=]|=[^>])+ ) # scan up to "=>"
+ =>
+ ( (?:[^=]|=[^>])+ =? )# don't allow more "=>"'s
+ $/x, split /\n/, $parser->{paragraphs});
} else { die $whereto }
$parser->{active} = undef;
$paragraph =~ s/(?:\r\n|\n\r)/\n/g;
- print "Got command =$command, value=$paragraph\n"
- if $parser->{DEBUG};
+ print "Got command =$command, value=$paragraph\n" if $parser->{DEBUG};
$parser->end_input() if $parser->{active};
- my $does_she_want_it_sir;
my ($lookup);
# first check for a catch-all for this command type
if ( exists $parser->{wanted_pod_tags}->{"*$command"} ) {
$parser->{paragraphs} = $paragraph;
$parser->{active} = "*$command";
- $does_she_want_it_sir = "oohw";
} elsif ($command =~ m/^(head\d+|item|(for|begin))$/) {
if ( $2 ) {
# if it's a "for" or "begin" section, the title is the
# first word only
- ($lookup, $parser->{paragraphs}) =
- ($paragraph =~ m/^\s*(\S*)\s*(.*)/s);
+ ($lookup, $parser->{paragraphs}) = $paragraph =~ m/^\s*(\S*)\s*(.*)/s;
} else {
# otherwise, it's up to the end of the line
- ($lookup, $parser->{paragraphs})
- = ($paragraph =~ m/^\s*(\S[^\n]*?)\s*\n(.*)$/s);
+ ($lookup, $parser->{paragraphs}) = $paragraph =~ m/^\s*(\S[^\n]*?)\s*\n(.*)$/s;
# Look for a match by name
- if (defined $lookup
- and exists $parser->{wanted_pod_tags}->{$lookup}) {
+ if (defined $lookup && exists $parser->{wanted_pod_tags}->{$lookup}) {
print "Found $lookup\n" if ($parser->{DEBUG});
$parser->{active} = $lookup;
- $does_she_want_it_sir = "suits you sir";
+ } elsif ($parser->{DEBUG}) {
+ local $^W = 0;
+ print "Ignoring =$command $paragraph (lookup = $lookup)\n"
} else {
# nothing
print "Ignoring =$command (not known)\n" if $parser->{DEBUG};
- {
- local $^W = 0;
- print "Ignoring =$command $paragraph (lookup = $lookup)\n"
- if (!$does_she_want_it_sir and $parser->{DEBUG})
- }
# Pod::Parser overloaded verbatim
my ($parser, $paragraph, $line_num) = @_;
$paragraph =~ s/(?:\r\n|\n\r)/\n/g;
- print("Got paragraph: $paragraph ("
- .($parser->{active}?"using":"ignoring").")\n")
- if $parser->{DEBUG};
+ my $status = $parser->{active} ? "using" : "ignoring";
+ print "Got paragraph: $paragraph ($status)\n" if $parser->{DEBUG};
- if (defined $parser->{active}) {
- $parser->{paragraphs} .= $paragraph;
- }
+ $parser->{paragraphs} .= $paragraph if defined $parser->{active}
# Pod::Parser overloaded textblock
$source_file ||= $0;
- ( -f $source_file )
- or croak ("Cannot find source file (guessed $source_file) for"
- ." package ".caller());
+ croak "Cannot find source file (guessed $source_file) for package ".caller unless -f $source_file;
# nasty tricks with the stack so we don't have to be silly with
# caller()
- print "Pod::Parser: DEBUG: Opening $filename for reading\n"
- if $parser->{DEBUG};
+ print "Pod::Parser: DEBUG: Opening $filename for reading\n" if $parser->{DEBUG};
my $fh = new IO::Handle;
- open $fh, "<$filename"
- or die ("cannot open $filename for reading; $!");
+ open $fh, "<$filename" or die "cannot open $filename for reading; $!";
$parser->parse_from_filehandle($fh, \*STDOUT);
sub add_hook {
my $parser;
- if ( UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], __PACKAGE__) ) {
+ if (UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], __PACKAGE__)) {
$parser = shift;
} else {
- $parser = $parsers{caller()}
- or die("add_hook called, but don't know what for - "
- ."caller = ".caller());
+ $parser = $parsers{caller()} or die "add_hook called, but don't know what for - caller = ".caller;
while (my ($pod_tag, $var) = splice @_, 0, 2) {
#print "$pod_tag: $var\n";
} else {
if ((ref $var) =~ /^(?:SCALAR|CODE|ARRAY|HASH)$/) {
- print "Will look for $pod_tag.\n"
- if ($parser->{DEBUG});
+ print "Will look for $pod_tag.\n" if $parser->{DEBUG};
$parser->{wanted_pod_tags}->{$pod_tag} = $var;
- $parser->{trimmed_tags}->{$pod_tag} = 1
- if $parser->{trim_next};
+ $parser->{trimmed_tags}->{$pod_tag} = 1 if $parser->{trim_next};
} else {
- die ("Sorry - need a reference to import POD "
- ."sections into, not the scalar value $var"
- ." importing $pod_tag into ".caller());
+ die "Sorry - need a reference to import POD sections into, not the scalar value $var"
if ( UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], __PACKAGE__) ) {
$parser = shift;
} else {
- $parser = $parsers{caller()}
- or die("delete_hook called, but don't know what for - "
- ."caller = ".caller());
+ $parser = $parsers{caller()} or die "delete_hook called, but don't know what for - caller = ".caller;
while ( my $label = shift ) {
delete $parser->{wanted_pod_tags}->{$label};
- our ($myvar $VERSION @myarray $html %myhash);
+ our ($myvar, $VERSION, @myarray, $html, %myhash);
use Pod::Constants -trim => 1,
'Pod Section Name' => \$myvar,