--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -p
+# lolcatz filtur
+# Copyright 2013 by Joey Hess under the terms of the GNU GPL.
+# an array, not a hash. because order is important
+ 'can i' => 'i can',
+ '\bi\'ve' => 'i',
+ '\ba\s+' => '', # nuke 'a'
+ 'cheese' => 'cheez',
+ '\brock\b' => 'rawk',
+ 'ese\b' => 'ees',
+ 's\'s\b' => 's',
+ '\'s\b' => 's',
+ 'er\b' => 'r',
+ 'ture\b' => 'chur',
+ 'day' => 'dai',
+ '\bok\b' => 'k',
+ '\boks\b' => 'ks',
+ 'boy' => 'boi',
+ 'tion' => 'shun',
+ 'ight' => 'ite',
+ 'innocent' => 'innozent',
+ 'ph' => 'f',
+ 'es' => 'ez',
+ 'ed\b' => 'd',
+ 'ns' => 'nz',
+ 'ks' => 'kz',
+ 'ds' => 'dz',
+ 'se' => 'ze',
+ 'zs' => 's',
+ 'sz' => 'z',
+ 'ss' => 's',
+ 'cc' => 'cs',
+ 'ck' => 'k',
+ 'oa' => 'o',
+ '\bcat' => 'kat',
+ 'ive\b' => 'iv',
+ 'ake' => 'aek',
+ 'ed\b' => 'd',
+ 'ing\b' => 'in',
+ 'sion' => 'shun',
+ '\bam\b' => 'iz',
+ '\bhave\b' => 'has',
+ '\bwho' => 'hoo',
+ '\bwake\b' => 'waek',
+ '\bone\b' => '1',
+ '\btwo\b' => '2',
+ '\bto\b' => '2',
+ '\btoo\b' => '2',
+ '\bthree\b' => '3',
+ '\bfour\b' => '4',
+ '\bfor\b' => '4',
+ '\bfore\b' => '4',
+ '\bfive\b' => '5',
+ '\bsix\b' => '6',
+ '\bseven\b' => '7',
+ '\beight\b' => '8',
+ '\bnine\b' => '9',
+ '\bten\b' => '10',
+ 'god' => 'ceilin cat',
+ 'jezus' => 'jebus',
+ 'kitty' => 'kitteh',
+ 'saturdai' => 'katurdai',
+ 'allah' => 'invisible man',
+ 'delicious' => 'delishus',
+ '\bdoctor\b' => 'docta',
+ '\bdr\b' => 'docta',
+ '\bgay\b' => 'ghey',
+ '\bgood\b' => 'gud',
+ '\bever' => 'evr',
+ '\bpage\b' => 'paeg',
+ 'cheezburgr' => 'cheezburger', # fix up to canonical form
+while (@trans_table) {
+ $key=shift @trans_table;
+ $value=shift @trans_table;
+ s/$key/$value/g;
LEX = flex
BUILD = jethro kraut cockney jive nyc ken ky00te newspeak nethackify scramble
OTHER = eleet b1ff chef jibberish upside-down rasterman studly fudd \
- censor spammer uniencode pirate kenny scottish fanboy lolcat
+ censor spammer uniencode pirate kenny scottish fanboy LOLCAT
CFLAGS = -O2 -lfl
export CFLAGS
+filters (2.52) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+ * Rename lolcat to LOLCAT to avoid collision with a fine rainbow colored cat.
+ Closes: #760910
+ -- Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org> Tue, 09 Sep 2014 10:03:14 -0400
filters (2.51) unstable; urgency=medium
* Include lolcat in installation, which was missed by accident.
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/perl -p
-# lolcatz filtur
-# Copyright 2013 by Joey Hess under the terms of the GNU GPL.
-# an array, not a hash. because order is important
- 'can i' => 'i can',
- '\bi\'ve' => 'i',
- '\ba\s+' => '', # nuke 'a'
- 'cheese' => 'cheez',
- '\brock\b' => 'rawk',
- 'ese\b' => 'ees',
- 's\'s\b' => 's',
- '\'s\b' => 's',
- 'er\b' => 'r',
- 'ture\b' => 'chur',
- 'day' => 'dai',
- '\bok\b' => 'k',
- '\boks\b' => 'ks',
- 'boy' => 'boi',
- 'tion' => 'shun',
- 'ight' => 'ite',
- 'innocent' => 'innozent',
- 'ph' => 'f',
- 'es' => 'ez',
- 'ed\b' => 'd',
- 'ns' => 'nz',
- 'ks' => 'kz',
- 'ds' => 'dz',
- 'se' => 'ze',
- 'zs' => 's',
- 'sz' => 'z',
- 'ss' => 's',
- 'cc' => 'cs',
- 'ck' => 'k',
- 'oa' => 'o',
- '\bcat' => 'kat',
- 'ive\b' => 'iv',
- 'ake' => 'aek',
- 'ed\b' => 'd',
- 'ing\b' => 'in',
- 'sion' => 'shun',
- '\bam\b' => 'iz',
- '\bhave\b' => 'has',
- '\bwho' => 'hoo',
- '\bwake\b' => 'waek',
- '\bone\b' => '1',
- '\btwo\b' => '2',
- '\bto\b' => '2',
- '\btoo\b' => '2',
- '\bthree\b' => '3',
- '\bfour\b' => '4',
- '\bfor\b' => '4',
- '\bfore\b' => '4',
- '\bfive\b' => '5',
- '\bsix\b' => '6',
- '\bseven\b' => '7',
- '\beight\b' => '8',
- '\bnine\b' => '9',
- '\bten\b' => '10',
- 'god' => 'ceilin cat',
- 'jezus' => 'jebus',
- 'kitty' => 'kitteh',
- 'saturdai' => 'katurdai',
- 'allah' => 'invisible man',
- 'delicious' => 'delishus',
- '\bdoctor\b' => 'docta',
- '\bdr\b' => 'docta',
- '\bgay\b' => 'ghey',
- '\bgood\b' => 'gud',
- '\bever' => 'evr',
- '\bpage\b' => 'paeg',
- 'cheezburgr' => 'cheezburger', # fix up to canonical form
-while (@trans_table) {
- $key=shift @trans_table;
- $value=shift @trans_table;
- s/$key/$value/g;