use Gruntmaster::Data;
use Plack::App::Gruntmaster;
use Plack::Builder;
-use Plack::Request;
use Plack::Util;
-use Digest::SHA qw/sha256/;
use Log::Log4perl;
-use Tie::Hash::Expire;
use constant AUTH_TIMEOUT => 5 * 60;
use constant ACCESSLOG_FORMAT => 'combined';
my $db;
-tie my %auth, 'Tie::Hash::Expire', {expire_seconds => AUTH_TIMEOUT};
-sub authenticate {
- my ($user, $pass, $env) = @_;
- my $key = sha256 "$user:$pass";
- $env->{'gruntmaster.user'} = $user;
- return 1 if exists $auth{$key};
- return unless $db->user($user) && $db->user($user)->check_passphrase($pass);
- $auth{key} = 1;
sub add_database {
my $app = $_[0];
sub {
enable 'Static', path => qr,^/static/,;
enable 'Log4perl', category => 'plack';
enable \&add_database;
- enable_if { shift->{HTTP_AUTHORIZATION} } 'Auth::Basic', authenticator => \&authenticate, realm => 'Gruntmaster 6000';
+ enable '+Plack::App::Gruntmaster::Auth',
+ dbi_connect => [$ENV{GRUNTMASTER_DSN} // 'dbi:Pg:', '', ''],
+ realm => 'Gruntmaster 6000',
use constant NOT_FOUND => [404, ['X-Forever' => 1, 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain'], ['Not found']];
-use constant FORBIDDEN => [401, ['Content-Type' => 'text/plain', 'WWW-Authenticate' => 'Basic realm="Gruntmaster 6000"'], ['Forbidden']];
sub development() { ($ENV{PLACK_ENV} // 'development') eq 'development' }
sub db { $env->{'gruntmaster.dbic'} }
sub remote_user {
- my $user = $env->{'gruntmaster.user'};
+ my $user = $env->{REMOTE_USER};
$user &&= db->user($user);
my ($condition) = @_;
$privacy = 'private' if $condition;
return if !$condition || admin;
+ unwind $env->{authcomplex}->unauthorized, SUB UP
sub dispatch_request{
sub (POST) {
- sub (/action/register + %:username=&:password=&:confirm_password=&:name=&:email=&:phone=&:town=&:university=&:country=&:level=) {
- return reply 'Parameter too long' if grep { length > 200 } values %_;
- return reply 'Bad username. Allowed characters are letters, digits and underscores, and the username must be between 2 and 20 characters long.' unless $_{username} =~ USER_REGEX;
- return reply 'Username already in use' if db->user($_{username});
- return reply 'The two passwords do not match' unless $_{password} eq $_{confirm_password};
- db->users->create({id => $_{username}, name => $_{name}, email => $_{email}, phone => $_{phone}, town => $_{town}, university => $_{university}, country => $_{country}, level => $_{level}});
- db->user($_{username})->set_passphrase($_{password});
- reply 'Registered successfully';
- },
- sub (/action/passwd + %:password=&:new_password=&:confirm_new_password=) {
- forbid !remote_user;
- return reply 'Incorrect password' unless remote_user->check_passphrase($_{password});
- return reply 'The two passwords do not match' unless $_{new_password} eq $_{confirm_new_password};
- remote_user->set_passphrase($_{new_password});
- reply 'Password changed successfully';
- },
sub (/action/submit + %:problem=&:contest~&:prog_format=&:source_code~ + *prog~) {
my (undef, undef, $prog) = @_;
forbid !remote_user;
[303, [Location => '/log/' . $newjob->id], []]
- sub (/action/request-reset + %:username=) {
- return reply 'Password resets are disabled' unless $ENV{GRUNTMASTER_RESET_FROM};
- my $user = db->user($_{username});
- return reply 'No such user' unless $user;
- my $token = join ':', $user->make_reset_hmac;
- my $body = <<EOF;
-Someone has requested a password reset for your account.
-To reset your password, please submit the reset password form on the
-website using the following information:
-Username: $_{username}
-Password: <your new password>
-Reset token: $token
-The token is valid for 24 hours.
- my $email = Email::Simple->create(
- header => [
- To => $user->email,
- Subject => 'Password reset token',
- ],
- body => $body,
- );
- my $ok = 0;
- eval {
- sendmail $email;
- $ok = 1;
- };
- return reply 'Email sent' if $ok;
- reply "Failure sending email: $@";
- },
- sub (/action/reset + %:username=&:password=&:token=) {
- my $user = db->user($_{username});
- return reply 'No such user' unless $user;
- my ($token, $exp) = split ':', $_{token};
- return reply 'Reset token is expired' if time >= $exp;
- return reply 'Bad reset token' unless $user->make_reset_hmac($exp) eq $token;
- $user->set_passphrase($_{password});
- reply 'Password reset successfully';
- },
--- /dev/null
+package Plack::App::Gruntmaster::Auth;
+use 5.014000;
+use strict;
+our $VERSION = '5999.000_001';
+use parent qw/Plack::Middleware::Auth::Complex/;
+sub call_register {
+ my ($self, $req) = @_;
+ return $self->bad_request('Parameter too long') if grep { length > 100 } $req->parameters->values;
+ $self->SUPER::call_register($req);
+sub create_user {
+ my ($self, $parms) = @_;
+ my %parms = $parms->flatten;
+ my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached('INSERT INTO users (id, name, email, phone, town, university, country, level, passphrase) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)');
+ $sth->execute(@parms{qw/username name email phone town university country level/}, $self->hash_passphrase($parms{password}));