sub cmd_check {
- my ($id) = @_;
+ my ($set, $clear);
+ GetOptions ( 'set|s' => \$set, 'clear|c' => \$clear );
+ my ($id) = @ARGV;
my @jobs = $db->jobs->search({problem => $id, reference => { '!=', undef }})->all;
say 'Rerunning ' . @jobs . ' reference jobs...';
$_->rerun for @jobs;
printf "Min timeout for %s: %.2fs\n", $_, $pass{$_} for keys %pass;
printf "Max timeout for %s: %.2fs\n", $_, $fail{$_} for keys %fail;
say $fail ? 'Test failed' : 'Test successful';
+ if ($clear) {
+ $db->limits->search({problem => $id})->delete;
+ say 'Cleared time limits';
+ }
+ if ($set) {
+ for (keys %pass) {
+ my $time = $pass{$_};
+ $time = sprintf '%.1f', $time * 3/2 + 0.1;
+ $db->limits->create({problem => $id, format => $_, timeout => $time});
+ say "Set time limit for $_ to $time";
+ }
+ }
exit $fail if $fail;
+Getopt::Long::Configure 'bundling';
my $cmd = 'cmd_' . shift;
cmd_help unless exists $main::{$cmd};
no strict 'refs';
gruntmaster-problem set [--file] problem_id key value
gruntmaster-problem get problem_id key
gruntmaster-problem edit problem_id key
- gruntmaster-problem check problem_id
+ gruntmaster-problem check [-cs] [--clear] [--set] problem_id
Sets the I<key> configuration option of problem I<id> to the contents of the file I<file>.
-=item B<check> I<id>
+=item B<check> [args] I<id>
Rerun all reference jobs for problem I<id> and check their results.
+With the I<--clear> or I<-c> argument, removes all time limit overrides for this problem.
+With the I<--set> or I<-s> argument, automatically adds time limit overrides based on the times used by the reference solutions.
=head1 AUTHOR