use POE::Component::IRC::Plugin qw/PCI_EAT_NONE/;
use constant +{
- OK => [ 'sure, %s', 'ok, %s', 'gotcha, %s'],
- A_IS_B => [ '%s is %s', 'I think %s is %s', 'hmmm... %s is %s', 'it has been said that %s is %s', '%s is probably %s', 'rumour has it %s is %s', 'i heard %s was %s', 'somebody said %s is %s', 'i guess %s is %s', 'well, %s is %s', '%s is, like, %s', 'methinks %s is %s'],
- I_DONT_KNOW => [ 'I don\'t know, %s', 'Dunno, %s', 'No idea, %s', '%s: huh?', 'nem tudom, %s', 'anlamıyorum, %s', 'bilmiyorum, %s', 'nu ştiu d\'astea, %s', 'Je ne sais pas, %s', 'Я не знаю, %s'],
+ OK => [ 'sure, %s', 'ok, %s', 'gotcha, %s'],
+ A_IS_B => [ '%s is %s', 'I think %s is %s', 'hmmm... %s is %s', 'it has been said that %s is %s', '%s is probably %s', 'rumour has it %s is %s', 'i heard %s was %s', 'somebody said %s is %s', 'i guess %s is %s', 'well, %s is %s', '%s is, like, %s', 'methinks %s is %s'],
+ I_DONT_KNOW => [ 'I don\'t know, %s', 'Dunno, %s', 'No idea, %s', '%s: huh?', 'nem tudom, %s', 'anlamıyorum, %s', 'bilmiyorum, %s', 'nu ştiu d\'astea, %s', 'Je ne sais pas, %s', 'Я не знаю, %s'],
sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my $self = {
- filename => 'factoids.db',
- @_
- };
- my %db;
- $self->{dbobj} = tie %db, DB_File => $self->{filename} if defined $self->{filename};
- $self->{db} = \%db;
- bless $self, $class
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self = {
+ filename => 'factoids.db',
+ @_
+ };
+ my %db;
+ $self->{dbobj} = tie %db, DB_File => $self->{filename} if defined $self->{filename};
+ $self->{db} = \%db;
+ bless $self, $class
sub getstr {
- my $rstrings = shift;
- my @strings = @$rstrings;
- sprintf $strings[int rand $#strings], @_
+ my $rstrings = shift;
+ my @strings = @$rstrings;
+ sprintf $strings[int rand $#strings], @_
sub infobot_add {
- my ($self, $irc, $key, $value, $to, $nick) = @_;
- if (exists $self->{db}->{$key}) {
- $irc->yield(privmsg => $to => "I already had it that way, $nick") if $value eq $self->{db}->{$key};
- $irc->yield(privmsg => $to => "... but $key is $self->{db}->{$key}!") unless $value eq $self->{db}->{$key};
- } else {
- $self->{db}->{$key} = $value;
- $self->{dbobj}->sync if exists $self->{dbobj};
- $irc->yield(privmsg => $to => getstr OK, $nick);
- }
+ my ($self, $irc, $key, $value, $to, $nick) = @_;
+ if (exists $self->{db}->{$key}) {
+ $irc->yield(privmsg => $to => "I already had it that way, $nick") if $value eq $self->{db}->{$key};
+ $irc->yield(privmsg => $to => "... but $key is $self->{db}->{$key}!") unless $value eq $self->{db}->{$key};
+ } else {
+ $self->{db}->{$key} = $value;
+ $self->{dbobj}->sync if exists $self->{dbobj};
+ $irc->yield(privmsg => $to => getstr OK, $nick);
+ }
sub infobot_query {
- my ($self, $irc, $key, $to, $nick, $addressed) = @_;
- if (exists $self->{db}->{$key}) {
- my @answers = split /\s+\|\s+/, $self->{db}->{$key};
- local $_ = $answers[int rand $#answers];
- if (/^<action> (.+)$/i) {
- $irc->yield(ctcp => $to => "ACTION $1")
- } elsif (/^<reply> (.*)$/i){
- $irc->yield(privmsg => $to => $1)
- } else {
- $irc->yield(privmsg => $to => getstr A_IS_B, $key, $_)
+ my ($self, $irc, $key, $to, $nick, $addressed) = @_;
+ if (exists $self->{db}->{$key}) {
+ my @answers = split /\s+\|\s+/, $self->{db}->{$key};
+ local $_ = $answers[int rand $#answers];
+ if (/^<action> (.+)$/i) {
+ $irc->yield(ctcp => $to => "ACTION $1")
+ } elsif (/^<reply> (.*)$/i) {
+ $irc->yield(privmsg => $to => $1)
+ } else {
+ $irc->yield(privmsg => $to => getstr A_IS_B, $key, $_)
+ }
+ } elsif ($addressed) {
+ $irc->yield(privmsg => $to => getstr I_DONT_KNOW, $nick)
- } elsif ($addressed) {
- $irc->yield(privmsg => $to => getstr I_DONT_KNOW, $nick)
- }
sub infobot_forget {
- my ($self, $irc, $key, $to, $nick) = @_;
- if (exists $self->{db}->{$key}) {
- delete $self->{db}->{$key};
- $self->{dbobj}->sync if exists $self->{dbobj};
- $irc->yield(privmsg => $to => "$nick: I forgot $key")
- } else {
- $irc->yield(privmsg => $to => "I didn't have anything matching $key, $nick")
- }
+ my ($self, $irc, $key, $to, $nick) = @_;
+ if (exists $self->{db}->{$key}) {
+ delete $self->{db}->{$key};
+ $self->{dbobj}->sync if exists $self->{dbobj};
+ $irc->yield(privmsg => $to => "$nick: I forgot $key")
+ } else {
+ $irc->yield(privmsg => $to => "I didn't have anything matching $key, $nick")
+ }
sub runcmd{
- my ($self, $irc, $to, $nick, $message, $addressed) = @_;
+ my ($self, $irc, $to, $nick, $message, $addressed) = @_;
- local $_= $message;
+ local $_= $message;
- if (/^(.+)\s+is\s+(.*[^?])$/) {
- infobot_add $self, $irc, $1, $2, $to, $nick if $addressed
- } elsif (/^(.+)\?$/) {
- infobot_query $self, $irc, $1, $to, $nick, $addressed
- } elsif (/^forget\s+(.*)$/) {
- infobot_forget $self, $irc, $1, $to, $nick if $addressed
- }
+ if (/^(.+)\s+is\s+(.*[^?])$/) {
+ infobot_add $self, $irc, $1, $2, $to, $nick if $addressed
+ } elsif (/^(.+)\?$/) {
+ infobot_query $self, $irc, $1, $to, $nick, $addressed
+ } elsif (/^forget\s+(.*)$/) {
+ infobot_forget $self, $irc, $1, $to, $nick if $addressed
+ }
sub PCI_register {
- my ($self, $irc) = @_;
- $irc->plugin_register($self, SERVER => qw/public msg/);
- 1
+ my ($self, $irc) = @_;
+ $irc->plugin_register($self, SERVER => qw/public msg/);
+ 1
sub PCI_unregister{ 1 }
sub S_public {
- my ($self, $irc, $rfullname, $rchannels, $rmessage) = @_;
- my $nick = parse_user $$rfullname;
+ my ($self, $irc, $rfullname, $rchannels, $rmessage) = @_;
+ my $nick = parse_user $$rfullname;
- for my $channel (@$$rchannels) {
- local $_ = $$rmessage;
+ for my $channel (@$$rchannels) {
+ local $_ = $$rmessage;
- my $addressed=0;
- my $mynick=$irc->nick_name;
- if (/^$mynick [,:]\s+/x) {
- $addressed=1;
- s/^$mynick [,:]\s+//x;
- }
+ my $addressed=0;
+ my $mynick=$irc->nick_name;
+ if (/^$mynick [,:]\s+/x) {
+ $addressed=1;
+ s/^$mynick [,:]\s+//x;
+ }
- runcmd $self, $irc, $channel, $nick, $_, $addressed
- }
+ runcmd $self, $irc, $channel, $nick, $_, $addressed
+ }
sub S_msg{
- my ($self, $irc, $rfullname, $rtargets, $rmessage) = @_;
- my $nick = parse_user $$rfullname;
+ my ($self, $irc, $rfullname, $rtargets, $rmessage) = @_;
+ my $nick = parse_user $$rfullname;
- runcmd $self, $irc, $nick, $nick, $$rmessage, 1;
+ runcmd $self, $irc, $nick, $nick, $$rmessage, 1;