-sub user_list { +{us => scalar query('user_list_sth')->hashes} }
+sub user_list { scalar query('user_list_sth')->hashes }
sub user_entry {
my ($id) = @_;
$where{owner} = $args{owner} if $args{owner};
my $table = $args{contest} ? 'problems JOIN contest_problems cp ON cp.problem = id' : 'problems';
- my $ret = add_names $db->select(\$table, \@columns, \%where, 'name')->hashes;
- my %params;
- for (@$ret) {
- $params{$_->{level}} //= [];
- push @{$params{$_->{level}}}, $_
- }
- \%params
+ add_names $db->select(\$table, \@columns, \%where, 'name')->hashes
sub problem_entry {
-sub problem_full {
- my ($id) = @_;
- scalar query(problem_full_sth => $id)->hash;
+sub problem_full { scalar query(problem_full_sth => $_[0])->hash }
-sub contest_list {
- my $ret = add_names query('contest_list_sth')->hashes;
+sub contest_list { add_names query('contest_list_sth')->hashes }
- my %ret;
- for (@$ret) {
- my $state = $_->{finished} ? 'finished' : $_->{started} ? 'running' : 'pending';
- $ret{$state} //= [];
- push @{$ret{$state}}, $_;
- }
+sub contest_entry { add_names query(contest_entry_sth => $_[0])->hash }
- \%ret
+sub contest_full { scalar query(contest_full_sth => $_[0])->hash }
-sub contest_entry {
- my ($id) = @_;
- add_names query(contest_entry_sth => $id)->hash;
-sub contest_full {
- my ($id) = @_;
- scalar query(contest_full_sth => $id)->hash;
-sub contest_has_problem {
- my ($contest, $problem) = @_;
- query('contest_has_problem_sth', $contest, $problem)->flat
+sub contest_has_problem { query('contest_has_problem_sth', @_[0, 1])->flat }
sub job_list {
my (%args) = @_;
- $args{page} //= 1;
+ $args{page} = int ($args{page} // 1);
my %where = (
maybe contest => $args{contest},
maybe owner => $args{owner},
my $rows = $db->select('job_entry', 'COUNT(*)', \%where)->list;
my $pages = int (($rows + JOBS_PER_PAGE - 1) / JOBS_PER_PAGE);
my ($stmt, @bind) = $db->abstract->select('job_entry', '*', \%where, {-desc => 'id'});
- my $jobs = $db->query("$stmt LIMIT " . JOBS_PER_PAGE . ' OFFSET ' . ($args{page} - 1) * JOBS_PER_PAGE, @bind)->hashes;
- my %ret = (
- log => add_names $jobs,
+ my $jobs = add_names $db->query("$stmt LIMIT " . JOBS_PER_PAGE . ' OFFSET ' . ($args{page} - 1) * JOBS_PER_PAGE, @bind)->hashes;
+ my $pageinfo = {
current_page => $args{page},
last_page => $pages,
- );
- $ret{previous_page} = $args{page} - 1 if $args{page} - 1;
- $ret{next_page} = $args{page} + 1 if $args{page} < $pages;
- \%ret;
+ ($args{page} - 1) ? (previous_page => $args{page} - 1) : (),
+ ($args{page} < $pages) ? (next_page => $args{page} + 1) : (),
+ };
+ wantarray ? ($jobs, $pageinfo) : $jobs;
sub job_entry {
- my ($id) = @_;
- my $ret = add_names query(job_entry_sth => $id)->hash;
+ my $ret = add_names query(job_entry_sth => $_[0])->hash;
$ret->{results} = decode_json $ret->{results} if $ret->{results};
-sub job_full {
- my ($id) = @_;
- scalar query(job_full_sth => $id)->hash
+sub job_full { scalar query(job_full_sth => $_[0])->hash }
sub create_job {
my (%args) = @_;
eval {
Gruntmaster::Data::init 'dbi:Pg:dbname=gmtest'; 1;
} or plan skip_all => 'Cannot connect to test database. Create it by running createdb gmtest before running this test. '. "Error: $@";
- plan tests => 37;
+ plan tests => 35;
note 'Setting up test database';
note 'Running update_status';
-my $x = user_list->{us};
+my $x = user_list;
is @$x, 2, 'user_list has two elements';
is_deeply $x->[0], {id => 'nobody', admin => 0, name => undef, town => undef, university => undef, country => undef, level => undef, lastjob => undef, contests => 1, solved => 2, attempted => 0}, 'user_list first element is correct';
is $x->[1]{admin}, 1, 'user_list second user is admin';
{contest => 'fc', contest_name => 'Finished contest', rank => 2, score => 40},
], 'user_entry contests';
-sub pbids { [map { $_->{id} } @{$x->{beginner}}] }
+sub ids { [map { $_->{id} } @$x] }
$x = problem_list;
-cmp_bag pbids, [qw/arc fca/], 'problem_list';
+cmp_bag ids, [qw/arc fca/], 'problem_list';
$x = problem_list private => 1;
-cmp_bag pbids, [qw/arc fca rca pca prv/], 'problem_list private => 1';
+cmp_bag ids, [qw/arc fca rca pca prv/], 'problem_list private => 1';
$x = problem_list contest => 'rc';
-cmp_bag pbids, [qw/rca/], q/problem_list contest => 'rc'/;
+cmp_bag ids, [qw/rca/], q/problem_list contest => 'rc'/;
$x = problem_list contest => 'rc', solution => 1;
-ok exists $x->{beginner}[0]{solution}, q/problem_list contest => 'rc', solution => 1 has solution/;
+ok exists $x->[0]{solution}, q/problem_list contest => 'rc', solution => 1 has solution/;
$x = problem_list owner => 'nobody';
-cmp_bag pbids, [], q/problem_list owner => 'nobody'/;
+cmp_bag ids, [], q/problem_list owner => 'nobody'/;
$x = problem_entry 'arc';
cmp_bag $x->{limits}, [{format => 'C', timeout => 0.1}, {format => 'CPP', timeout => 0.1}], 'problem_entry limits';
ok exists $x->{contest_start}, 'problem_entry during contest has contest_start ';
$x = contest_list;
-is $x->{finished}[0]{id}, 'fc', 'contest_list fc is finished';
-is $x->{running}[0]{id}, 'rc', 'contest_list rc is running';
-is $x->{pending}[0]{id}, 'pc', 'contest_list pc is pending';
+cmp_bag ids, [qw/pc rc fc/], 'contest_list';
$x = contest_entry 'fc';
cmp_deeply $x, {id => 'fc', name => 'Finished contest', start => ignore, stop => ignore, owner => 'MGV', owner_name => undef, finished => bool (1), started => bool (1), description => undef}, 'contest_entry fc';
ok contest_has_problem('rc', 'rca'), 'contest rc has problem rca';
ok contest_has_problem('rc', 'arc'), 'contest rc does not have problem arc';
-sub jobids { [ map { $_->{id} } @{$x->{log}} ] }
-$x = job_list;
-cmp_bag jobids, [1..5], 'job_list';
-is $x->{current_page}, 1, 'current page is 1';
-is $x->{last_page}, 1, 'last page is 1';
-ok !exists $x->{previous_page}, 'there is no previous page';
-ok !exists $x->{next_page}, 'there is no next page';
+my $pageinfo;
+($x, $pageinfo) = job_list;
+cmp_bag ids, [1..5], 'job_list';
+is $pageinfo->{current_page}, 1, 'current page is 1';
+is $pageinfo->{last_page}, 1, 'last page is 1';
+ok !exists $pageinfo->{previous_page}, 'there is no previous page';
+ok !exists $pageinfo->{next_page}, 'there is no next page';
$x = job_list private => 1;
-cmp_bag jobids, [1..7], 'job_list private => 1';
+cmp_bag ids, [1..7], 'job_list private => 1';
$x = job_list contest => 'fc';
-cmp_bag jobids, [1..3], 'job_list contest => fc';
+cmp_bag ids, [1..3], 'job_list contest => fc';
$x = job_list owner => 'MGV';
-cmp_bag jobids, [1], 'job_ids owner => MGV';
+cmp_bag ids, [1], 'job_ids owner => MGV';
$x = job_list problem => 'fca';
-cmp_bag jobids, [1..4], 'job_ids problem => fca';
+cmp_bag ids, [1..4], 'job_ids problem => fca';
$x = job_list problem => 'fca', result => 1;
-cmp_bag jobids, [2], 'job_ids problem => fca, result => 1';
+cmp_bag ids, [2], 'job_ids problem => fca, result => 1';
$x = job_entry 1;
is $x->{size}, 21, 'job_entry size';