our $VERSION = '0.001';
use Apache2::Access;
+use Apache2::Authen::Passphrase qw/pwcheck pwset USER_REGEX/;
use Apache2::AuthzCaps qw/hascaps/;
use Apache2::RequestRec;
use Apache2::RequestIO;
use File::Basename qw/fileparse/;
use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
use File::Copy qw/move/;
-use Gruntmaster::Data qw/contest_start contest_end push_job set_job_inmeta PUBLISH/;
+use Gruntmaster::Data qw/contest_start contest_end push_job set_job_inmeta insert_user PUBLISH/;
use Gruntmaster::Page::Log;
+sub aputs{
+ my ($r, $str) = @_;
+ $r->set_content_length(length $str);
+ $r->puts($str);
+ $r->content_type('text/plain');
+ OK
sub submit{
my $r = shift;
- chdir $r->dir_config('root');
my $req = Apache2::Request->new($r);
my ($problem, $format, $contest, $private) = map {scalar $req->param($_)} 'problem', 'prog_format', 'contest', 'private';
my $prog;
+sub register{
+ my $r = shift;
+ my $req = Apache2::Request->new($r);
+ my ($username, $password, $confirm_password, $name, $email, $town, $university) = map {scalar $req->param($_)} 'username', 'password', 'confirm_password', 'name', 'email', 'town', 'university';
+ local $Apache2::Authen::Passphrase::rootdir = $r->dir_config('AuthenPassphraseRootdir');
+ return aputs $r, 'Bad username. Allowed characters are letters, digits and underscores, and the username must be between 2 and 20 characters long.' unless $username =~ USER_REGEX;
+ return aputs $r, 'Username already in use' if -e "$Apache2::Authen::Passphrase::rootdir/$username.yml";
+ return aputs $r, 'The two passwords do not match' unless $password eq $confirm_password;
+ pwset $username, $password;
+ insert_user $username, name => $name, email => $email, town => $town, university => $university;
+ aputs $r, 'Registered successfully';
+sub passwd{
+ my $r = shift;
+ my $req = Apache2::Request->new($r);
+ my ($oldpass, $newpass, $confirm) = map {scalar $req->param($_)} 'password', 'new_password', 'confirm_new_password';
+ local $Apache2::Authen::Passphrase::rootdir = $r->dir_config('AuthenPassphraseRootdir');
+ return aputs $r, 'Incorrect password' unless eval { pwcheck $r->user, $oldpass; 1 };
+ return aputs $r, 'The two passwords do not match' unless $newpass eq $confirm;
+ pwset $r->user, $newpass;
+ aputs $r, 'Password changed successfully';
=begin comment
sub private{