--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
+use v5.14;
+use App::Devbot;
+=head1 NAME
+devbot - IRC bot which helps development
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ # devbot will connect to OFTC with SSL, join #mychan and log everything there. Its nickname will be 'devbot'.
+ devbot --channel "#mychan"
+ # devbot will connect to Freenode without SSL, join #asd and #qwe, and log everything there. Its nickname will be 'loggerbot'.
+ devbot --nick loggerbot --server chat.freenode.net --port 6667 --no-ssl --channel "#asd" --channel "#qwe"
+ # devbot will identify to NickServ with password 'passWORD123', join #bestchan on OFTC and store files sent by channel users.
+ devbot --nick mybot --password passWORD123 --channel '#bestchan' --no-log --store-files
+devbot is an IRC bot which helps developers collaborate.
+Right now, it only does channel logging and file storage. It might do more in the future.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item B<--nick> I<nickname>
+The nickname of devbot. Defaults to devbot.
+=item B<--password> I<password>
+If supplied, identify to NickServ with this password
+=item B<--server> I<hostname>
+The server to connect to. Defaults to irc.oftc.net.
+=item B<--port> I<port>
+The port to connect to. Defaults to 6697.
+=item B<--ssl>, B<--no-ssl>
+B<--ssl> enables connecting to the server with SSL, B<--no-ssl> disables this. Defaults to B<--ssl>.
+=item B<--channel> I<channel>
+Makes devbot connect to I<channel>. Can be supplied multiple times for multiple channels. Has no default value.
+=item B<--log>, B<--no-log>
+B<--log> enables logging events to 'logs/I<CHANNEL>/I<DATE>.txt'. B<--no-log> disables logging. Defaults to B<--log>.
+=item B<--store-files>, B<--no-store-files>
+B<--store-files> enables storing files received via DCC to 'files/I<FILENAME>'. Files are only accepted if the sender and devbot share a channel. B<Only use when all channel users are trusted>. B<--no-store-files> disables storing files. Defaults to <--no-store-files>.
+=item B<--trace>, B<--no-trace>
+B<--trace> enables POE::Component::IRC::State tracing. Useful for debugging. B<--no-trace> disables tracing. Defaults to B<--no-trace>.
+=head1 CAVEATS
+As stated above, the B<--store-files> option should only be used on private channels where every user is trusted.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Marius Gavrilescu, E<lt>marius@ieval.roE<gt>
+Copyright (C) 2013 by Marius Gavrilescu
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.14.2 or,
+at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
--- /dev/null
+package App::Devbot 0.001002;
+use v5.14;
+use warnings;
+use POE;
+use POE::Component::IRC::State;
+use POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::AutoJoin;
+use POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::NickServID;
+use File::Slurp qw/append_file/;
+use IRC::Utils qw/parse_user/;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use POSIX qw/strftime/;
+our $VERSION;
+my $nick='devbot';
+my $password;
+my $server='irc.oftc.net';
+my $port=6697;
+my $ssl=1;
+my @channels;
+my $trace=0;
+my $log=1;
+my $store_files=0;
+GetOptions (
+ "nick=s" => \$nick,
+ "password=s" => \$password,
+ "server=s" => \$server,
+ "port=i" => \$port,
+ "ssl!" => \$ssl,
+ "channel=s" => \@channels,
+ "log!" => \$log,
+ "store-files!" => \$store_files,
+ "trace!" => \$trace,
+my $irc;
+sub mode_char {
+ my ($channel, $nick)=@_;
+ return '~' if $irc->is_channel_owner($channel, $nick);
+ return '&' if $irc->is_channel_admin($channel, $nick);
+ return '@' if $irc->is_channel_operator($channel, $nick);
+ return '%' if $irc->is_channel_halfop($channel, $nick);
+ return '+' if $irc->has_channel_voice($channel, $nick);
+ return ' '
+sub log_event{
+ return unless $log;
+ my ($channel, @strings) = @_;
+ my $file=strftime '%F', localtime;
+ mkdir 'logs';
+ mkdir "logs/$channel";
+ append_file "logs/$channel/$file.txt", strftime ('%T ', localtime), @strings, "\n";
+sub bot_start{
+ $irc->plugin_add (NickServID => POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::NickServID->new(Password => $password)) if defined $password;
+ $irc->plugin_add (AutoJoin => POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::AutoJoin->new(
+ Channels => \@channels,
+ RejoinOnKick => 1,
+ Rejoin_delay => 10,
+ Retry_when_banned => 60,
+ ));
+ $irc->yield(register => "all");
+ $irc->yield(
+ connect => {
+ Nick => $nick,
+ Username => 'devbot',
+ Ircname => "devbot $VERSION",
+ Server => $server,
+ Port => $port,
+ UseSSL => $ssl,
+ }
+ );
+sub on_public{
+ my ($fulluser, $channels, $message)=@_[ARG0, ARG1, ARG2];
+ my $nick=parse_user $fulluser;
+ for (@$channels) {
+ my $mode_char=mode_char $_, $nick;
+ log_event $_, "<$mode_char$nick> $message";
+ }
+sub on_ctcp_action{
+ my ($fulluser, $channels, $message)=@_[ARG0, ARG1, ARG2];
+ my $nick=parse_user $fulluser;
+ log_event $_, "* $nick $message" for @$channels;
+sub on_join{
+ my ($fulluser, $channel)=@_[ARG0, ARG1];
+ my ($nick, $user, $host)=parse_user $fulluser;
+ log_event $channel, "-!- $nick [$user\@$host] has joined $channel";
+sub on_part{
+ my ($fulluser, $channel, $message)=@_[ARG0, ARG1, ARG2];
+ my ($nick, $user, $host)=parse_user $fulluser;
+ log_event $channel, "-!- $nick [$user\@$host] has left $channel [$message]";
+sub on_kick{
+ my ($fulluser, $channel, $target, $message)=@_[ARG0, ARG1, ARG2, ARG3];
+ my $nick=parse_user $fulluser;
+ log_event $channel, "-!- $target was kicked from $channel by $nick [$message]";
+sub on_mode{
+ my ($fulluser, $channel, @args)=@_[ARG0 .. $#_];
+ my $nick=parse_user $fulluser;
+ my $mode=join ' ', @args;
+ log_event $channel, "-!- mode/$channel [$mode] by $nick";
+sub on_topic{
+ my ($fulluser, $channel, $topic)=@_[ARG0, ARG1, ARG2];
+ my $nick=parse_user $fulluser;
+ log_event $channel, "-!- $nick changed the topic of $channel to: $topic" if $topic;
+ log_event $channel, "-!- Topic unset by $nick on $channel" unless $topic;
+sub on_nick{
+ my ($fulluser, $nick, $channels)=@_[ARG0, ARG1, ARG2];
+ my $oldnick=parse_user $fulluser;
+ log_event $_, "-!- $oldnick is now known as $nick" for @$channels;
+sub on_quit{
+ my ($fulluser, $message, $channels)=@_[ARG0, ARG1, ARG2];
+ my ($nick, $user, $host)=parse_user $fulluser;
+ log_event $_, "-!- $nick [$user\@$host] has quit [$message]" for @$channels;
+sub on_dcc_request{
+ return unless $store_files;
+ my ($fulluser, $type, $cookie, $name)=@_[ARG0, ARG1, ARG3, ARG4];
+ my $nick=parse_user $fulluser;
+ return unless $type eq 'SEND';
+ return unless $irc->nick_channels($nick);
+ return if $name =~ m,/,;
+ mkdir 'files';
+ $irc->yield(dcc_accept => $cookie, "files/$name");
+sub run{
+ $irc=POE::Component::IRC::State->spawn();
+ POE::Session->create(
+ inline_states => {
+ _start => \&bot_start,
+ irc_public => \&on_public,
+ irc_ctcp_action => \&on_ctcp_action,
+ irc_join => \&on_join,
+ irc_part => \&on_part,
+ irc_kick => \&on_kick,
+ irc_mode => \&on_mode,
+ irc_topic => \&on_topic,
+ irc_nick => \&on_nick,
+ irc_quit => \&on_quit,
+ irc_dcc_request => \&on_dcc_request
+ },
+ options => {
+ trace => $trace
+ }
+ );
+ $poe_kernel->run();
+=head1 NAME
+App::Devbot - IRC bot which helps development
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use App::Devbot;
+ App::Devbot->run;
+App::Devbot is an IRC bot which helps developers collaborate.
+Right now, it only does channel logging and file storage. It might do more in the future.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item B<--nick> I<nickname>
+The nickname of devbot. Defaults to devbot.
+=item B<--password> I<password>
+If supplied, identify to NickServ with this password
+=item B<--server> I<hostname>
+The server to connect to. Defaults to irc.oftc.net.
+=item B<--port> I<port>
+The port to connect to. Defaults to 6697.
+=item B<--ssl>, B<--no-ssl>
+B<--ssl> enables connecting to the server with SSL, B<--no-ssl> disables this. Defaults to B<--ssl>.
+=item B<--channel> I<channel>
+Makes devbot connect to I<channel>. Can be supplied multiple times for multiple channels. Has no default value.
+=item B<--log>, B<--no-log>
+B<--log> enables logging events to 'logs/I<CHANNEL>/I<DATE>.txt'. B<--no-log> disables logging. Defaults to B<--log>.
+=item B<--store-files>, B<--no-store-files>
+B<--store-files> enables storing files received via DCC to 'files/I<FILENAME>'. Files are only accepted if the sender and devbot share a channel. B<Only use when all channel users are trusted>. B<--no-store-files> disables storing files. Defaults to <--no-store-files>.
+=item B<--trace>, B<--no-trace>
+B<--trace> enables POE::Component::IRC::State tracing. Useful for debugging. B<--no-trace> disables tracing. Defaults to B<--no-trace>.
+=head1 CAVEATS
+As stated above, the B<--store-files> option should only be used on private channels where every user is trusted.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Marius Gavrilescu, E<lt>marius@ieval.roE<gt>
+Copyright (C) 2013 by Marius Gavrilescu
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.14.2 or,
+at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use v5.14;
+use warnings;
+no warnings 'redefine';
+use Test::More tests => 11;
+BEGIN { use_ok('App::Devbot') };
+use POE;
+sub call_poe{
+ my ($func, @args)=@_;
+ my @arglist;
+ $arglist[ARG0 + $_]=$args[$_] for 0 .. $#args;
+ $func->(@arglist)
+sub set_test{
+ my ($expected, $testname) = @_;
+ *App::Devbot::log_event = sub { shift; is "@_", $expected, $testname };
+*App::Devbot::mode_char = sub { ' ' };
+set_test '< nick> Hello, world!', 'public';
+call_poe \&App::Devbot::on_public, 'nick!user@host', ['#channel'], 'Hello, world!';
+set_test '* nick nicked', 'action';
+call_poe \&App::Devbot::on_ctcp_action, 'nick!user@host', ['#channel'], 'nicked';
+set_test '-!- nick [user@host] has joined #channel', 'join';
+call_poe \&App::Devbot::on_join, 'nick!user@host', '#channel';
+set_test '-!- nick [user@host] has left #channel [Leaving!]', 'part';
+call_poe \&App::Devbot::on_part, 'nick!user@host', '#channel', 'Leaving!';
+set_test '-!- idiot was kicked from #channel by nick [no reason]', 'kick';
+call_poe \&App::Devbot::on_kick, 'nick!user@host', '#channel', 'idiot', 'no reason';
+set_test '-!- mode/#channel [+oo mgv mgvx] by ChanServ', 'mode';
+call_poe \&App::Devbot::on_mode, 'ChanServ!user@host', '#channel', '+oo', 'mgv', 'mgvx';
+set_test '-!- nick changed the topic of #channel to: Go away!', 'topic set';
+call_poe \&App::Devbot::on_topic, 'nick!user@host', '#channel', 'Go away!';
+set_test '-!- Topic unset by nick on #channel', 'topic unset';
+call_poe \&App::Devbot::on_topic, 'nick!user@host', '#channel', '';
+set_test '-!- nick is now known as newnick', 'nick';
+call_poe \&App::Devbot::on_nick, 'nick!user@host', 'newnick', ['#channel'];
+set_test '-!- nick [user@host] has quit [Quitting]', 'quit';
+call_poe \&App::Devbot::on_quit, 'nick!user@host', 'Quitting', ['#channel'];