--- /dev/null
+# Talk like a spammer. Copyright 2002 by Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org>
+# Licensed under the GPL.
+# Doesn't always generate proper engrish, but then neither do
+# spammers.
+sub c {
+ return $_[rand @_];
+sub line_of_yelling {
+ my @lines=split(/\n/, shift);
+ my $n=rand @lines;
+ $lines[$n] = uc($lines[$n]);
+ return join("\n", @lines);
+sub for_free {
+ return c(qw(100% completely totally absolutely))." ".c(qw(f F))."ree";
+my $hits=0;
+if (rand > 0.75) {
+ $hits++;
+ $spam .= "Dear Friend, ";
+elsif (rand > 0.9) {
+ $hits++;
+ $spam .= "Below is the result of your feedback form".c(qw{: . ..})."\n";
+elsif (rand > 0.75) {
+ $hits++;
+ $spam .= "This message is not spam!\n";
+while (<>) {
+ # Try to trigger spam trappers. Keep count of the number of unique
+ # ones triggered.
+ @results = (
+ s/^(Subject:\s+.*)/$1. ' ' x (rand(20) + 40) . rand(1000000)/eig,
+ s/free\b/for_free()/eig,
+ s/(email|message|e-mail|mail)\b/$1 (sent in compliance with regulations)/i,
+ s/(join|register|order|apply)/$1 today/ig,
+ s/money/big bucks/i,
+ s/check\b/check or money order/i,
+ s/(amazing|atonishing|neat|interesting)/AMAZING/ig,
+ s/guarantee\b/GUARANTEE/ig,
+ s/(profits|money)/PROFITS/ig,
+ s/(no questions asked|quiet|confidential|secret)\b/NO QUESTIONS ASKED/ig,
+ s/refund\b/full refund/i,
+ s/free\b/FREE/ig,
+ s/\b(full|complete|fully)\b/100% GUARANTEED/ig,
+ s/(spam|UCE)\b/c(qw(bulk direct mass))." email"/eig,
+ s/spammer/businessman/ig,
+ s/(call|phone|contact)\b/CALL NOW/ig,
+ s/business\b/online business/ig,
+ s/online\b/online business opportunities/ig,
+ s/number\b/social security number/ig,
+ s/addresses\b/addresses on cd/ig,
+ s/cdrom\b/addresses on cd/ig,
+ s/click\b/click here/ig,
+ s/viagra/c('VIAGRA', 'natural viagra', 'herbal viagra')/eig,
+ s/\btraffic\b/rand > 0.6 ? 'more web traffic' : 'traffic'/eig,
+ s/targeted/targeted traffic/ig,
+ s/limited/LIMITED TIME OFFER/ig,
+ s/buy\b/buy direct/ig,
+ s/profit\b/PURE PROFIT/ig,
+ s/opportunity/once in a lifetime opportunity/ig,
+ s/stock\b/STOCK PICK/ig,
+ s/access\b/INSTANT ACCESS/ig,
+ s/(diploma|credential)s?/college diploma$a/ig,
+ s/(penis|breast)/larger $1/ig,
+ s/\b(work|job)\b/home employment/ig,
+ s/experience\b/no experience needed!/ig,
+ s/printer\b/printer (toner cartridge)/ig,
+ s/(income|money|savings?)\b/you income/ig,
+ s/(amazing|amazed|atonished|interesting)/be amazed/ig,
+ s/(\$\d+\.?\d*)/for only $1!/ig,
+ s/natural/completly natural/ig,
+ s/obligation/no obligation/ig,
+ s/vacation\b/c(qw(dream special free))." vacation"/eig,
+ s/sign up\b/sign up today/ig,
+ s/cell (phone)?\b/free cell phone/ig,
+ s/(offer|trial|membership|website|quote|installation|sample|dvd|preview|leads)\b/free $1/ig,
+ s/\bvalue/outstanding value/ig,
+ s/shipping/shopping spree/ig,
+ s/winning/WINNING/ig,
+ s/winner\b/WINNER/ig,
+ s/promotion\b/special promotion/ig,
+ s/password\b/free password/ig,
+ s/\bcash\b/extra cash/ig,
+ s/cancel\b/cancel at any time/ig,
+ s/\bearn\b/earn up to/ig,
+ s/(movies|pics|photos|videos)/c(qw(hundreds thousands millions tons))." of $1"/eig,
+ s/\bporn\b/free porn/ig,
+ s/\blegal\b/c(qw(absolutely perfectly totall 100%))." legal"/eig,
+ s/(drugs|medications|pharmacy)/online $1/ig,
+ s/asset/hidden asset/ig,
+ s/\bsave\b/save thousands/ig,
+ s/partner/marketing partner/ig,
+ s/unlimited/UNLIMITED/ig,
+ s/\bprice\b/low price/ig,
+ s/galleries\b/huge galleries/ig,
+ # Convert phone numbers to 800 numbers.
+ s/(?:(?:1-)?[0-9]{3}-)?([0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4})/"1-".c(800,888)."-$1"/eg,
+ # de-http:// urls
+ s/http:\/\///ig,
+ );
+ # Merge result table into an overall results table that counts each
+ # item at most once.
+ for ($x=0; $x < $#results; $x++) {
+ if ($results[$x]) {
+ $overallresults[$x]=1;
+ }
+ }
+ # Cute things that don't cause real hits.
+ s/\.(com|org|net|edu)\b/".".c(qw(info biz name))/eig;
+ s/([Ee])nglish/${1}ngrish/g if rand > 0.66;
+ $spam .= $_;
+$hits += $_ foreach @overallresults;
+if (rand > 0.5) {
+ # random line breaks make spam look
+ # more professional
+ # or is it just written in Notepad?
+ $spam =~ s/ /rand > 0.95 ? "\n" : " "/eg;
+elsif (rand > 0.75) {
+ # I write my spam in MS WORD!
+ $spam =~ s/\n/ /g;
+else {
+ $spam=line_of_yelling($spam);
+if (rand > 0.8 || $hits < 5) {
+ $spam .= "\nThis is a ".c(qw(one 1))." time ".c(qw(email e-mail offer)).c(qw(! .));
+ $hits++;
+if (rand > 0.7 || $hits < 5) {
+ $spam .= "\n" . c('-' x 78, '~' x 70, '---', '', '', '', "\n\n\n\n") . "\n" .
+ c('To remove your address from ', 'To be removed from', 'To get off from',
+ 'To unsubscribe from', 'To receive no further notices on',
+ 'If you did not opt in for', 'To be removed from future mailings to') .
+ " " .
+ c('this mailing list', 'these mails') . " " .
+ c('please ', '') .
+ c('reply', 'send an email', 'write back') . " " .
+ c('with a subject of', 'and put in the subject the word') . " " .
+ c("REMOVE", '"remove"') .
+ c(qw(! . .)) . "\n";
+ $hits++;
+# Desperate to make it look like a spam now, I insert arbitrary
+# junk.
+while ($hits < 5) {
+ if (rand > 0.66) {
+ $spam=line_of_yelling($spam);
+ $hits++;
+ }
+ elsif (rand > 0.5) {
+ # Insert a spam phrase after the end of a sentence.
+ 'WINNING', 'LIMITED TIME OFFER', 'extra cash',
+ 'CALL NOW', 'once in a lifetime opportunity',
+ 'cancel at any time', 'no experience needed',
+ 'no obligation', 'save millions', 'be amazed',
+ for_free());
+ $hits += $spam =~ s/\.\s+([A-Z])/". ".ucfirst(c(@spam_phrases)). "! $1"/es;
+ }
+ elsif (rand > 0.75) {
+ # large hexadecimal block
+ my @hex = ('A'..'F', 0..9);
+ for (1..70 + rand(9)) {
+ $spam .= $hex[rand @hex];
+ }
+ $spam .= "\n";
+ $hits++;
+ }
+ elsif (rand > 0.75) {
+ $spam .= c("SSPLTM ", "{%RAND%} ");
+ $hits++;
+ }
+$spam =~ s/\n/\r\n/g;
+print "$spam\n";