use parent qw/Exporter/;
our $VERSION = '5999.000_013';
-our @EXPORT = qw/purge db user_list user_entry problem_list problem_entry problem_full contest_list contest_entry contest_full contest_has_problem job_list job_entry job_full create_job standings update_status rerun_job take_job finish_job/; ## no critic (ProhibitAutomaticExportation)
+our @EXPORT = qw/purge db user_list user_entry problem_list problem_entry contest_list contest_entry contest_has_problem job_list job_entry create_job standings update_status rerun_job take_job finish_job/; ## no critic (ProhibitAutomaticExportation)
use JSON::MaybeXS qw/decode_json/;
use HTTP::Tiny;
contest_list_sth => 'SELECT * FROM contest_entry',
contest_entry_sth => 'SELECT * FROM contest_entry WHERE id = ?',
- contest_full_sth => 'SELECT * FROM contests WHERE id = ?',
contest_problems_sth => 'SELECT problem FROM contest_problems JOIN problems pb ON WHERE contest = ? ORDER BY pb.value',
contest_has_problem_sth => 'SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM contest_problems WHERE contest = ? AND problem = ?)',
opens_sth => 'SELECT problem,owner,time FROM opens WHERE contest = ?',
problem_entry_sth => 'SELECT ' . (join ',', @{PROBLEM_PUBLIC_COLUMNS()}, 'statement', 'solution') . ' FROM problems WHERE id = ?',
- problem_full_sth => 'SELECT * FROM problems WHERE id = ?',
limits_sth => 'SELECT format,timeout FROM limits WHERE problem = ?',
problem_values_sth => 'SELECT id,value FROM problems',
job_entry_sth => 'SELECT * FROM job_entry WHERE id = ?',
- job_full_sth => 'SELECT * FROM jobs WHERE id = ?',
rerun_job_sth => 'UPDATE jobs SET daemon=NULL,result=-2,result_text=NULL,results=NULL,errors=NULL WHERE id = ?',
take_job_sth => 'UPDATE jobs SET daemon=? WHERE id = (SELECT id FROM jobs WHERE daemon IS NULL LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE) RETURNING id',
-sub problem_full { scalar query(problem_full_sth => $_[0])->hash }
sub contest_list { add_names query('contest_list_sth')->hashes }
sub contest_entry { add_names query(contest_entry_sth => $_[0])->hash }
-sub contest_full { scalar query(contest_full_sth => $_[0])->hash }
sub contest_has_problem { query('contest_has_problem_sth', @_[0, 1])->flat }
sub job_list {
-sub job_full { scalar query(job_full_sth => $_[0])->hash }
sub create_job {
my (%args) = @_;
$db->update('users', {lastjob => time}, {id => $args{owner}});
sub take_job {
my ($daemon) = @_;
my $id = query(take_job_sth => $daemon)->list;
- return $id ? job_full $id : undef;
+ return $id ? db->select(jobs => '*', {id => $id})->hash : undef;
sub finish_job {
eval {
Gruntmaster::Data::init 'dbi:Pg:dbname=gmtest'; 1;
} or plan skip_all => 'Cannot connect to test database. Create it by running createdb gmtest before running this test. '. "Error: $@";
- plan tests => 35;
+ plan tests => 33;
note 'Setting up test database';
$x = contest_entry 'fc';
cmp_deeply $x, {id => 'fc', name => 'Finished contest', start => ignore, stop => ignore, owner => 'MGV', owner_name => undef, finished => bool (1), started => bool (1), description => undef}, 'contest_entry fc';
-$x = contest_full 'fc';
-ok exists $x->{editorial}, 'contest_full fc has editorial';
ok contest_has_problem('rc', 'rca'), 'contest rc has problem rca';
ok contest_has_problem('rc', 'arc'), 'contest rc does not have problem arc';
$x = job_entry 7;
ok !defined $x->{result}, 'job_entry 7 has NULL result';
-$x = job_full 1;
-ok exists $x->{source}, 'job_full has source';
$x = standings 'fc';
is_deeply $x, {
problems => [[fca => 'FC problem A']],