my $db = Gruntmaster::Data->connect('dbi:Pg:');
- # Typical DBIC stuff here
+ my $problem = $db->problem('my_problem');
+ $problem->update({timeout => 2.5}); # Set time limit to 2.5 seconds
+ $problem->rerun; # And rerun all jobs for this problem
+ # ...
+ my $contest = $db->contests->create({ # Create a new contest
+ id => 'my_contest',
+ name => 'My Awesome Contest',
+ start => time + 100,
+ end => time + 1900,
+ });
+ $db->contest_problems->create({ # Add a problem to the contest
+ contest => 'my_contest',
+ problem => 'my_problem',
+ });
+ say 'The contest has not started yet' if $contest->is_pending;
+ # ...
+ my @jobs = $db->jobs->search({contest => 'my_contest', owner => 'MGV'})->all;
+ $_->rerun for @jobs; # Rerun all jobs sent by MGV in my_contest
-No documentation (yet)
+Gruntmaster::Data is the interface to the Gruntmaster 6000 database. Read the L<DBIx::Class> documentation for usage information.
+In addition to the typical DBIx::Class::Schema methods, this module contains several convenience methods:
+=item contests
+Equivalent to C<< $schema->resultset('Contest') >>
+=item contest_problems
+Equivalent to C<< $schema->resultset('ContestProblem') >>
+=item jobs
+Equivalent to C<< $schema->resultset('Job') >>
+=item problems
+Equivalent to C<< $schema->resultset('Problem') >>
+=item users
+Equivalent to C<< $schema->resultset('User') >>
+=item contest($id)
+Equivalent to C<< $schema->resultset('Contest')->find($id) >>
+=item job($id)
+Equivalent to C<< $schema->resultset('Job')->find($id) >>
+=item problem($id)
+Equivalent to C<< $schema->resultset('Problem')->find($id) >>
+=item user($id)
+Equivalent to C<< $schema->resultset('User')->find($id) >>
=head1 AUTHOR