use strict;
use warnings;
-use BSD::Resource qw/setrlimit RLIMIT_AS RLIMIT_FSIZE/;
use POSIX qw//;
use File::Basename qw/fileparse/;
use Gruntmaster::Daemon::Constants qw/TLE OLE DIED NZX/;
get_logger->trace("Preparing file $name...");
open my $devnull, devnull;
- open my $errors, '>compile-error';
- my $ret = open3 $devnull, $errors, undef, 'g++', '-o', $basename, $name;
- local $SIG{ALRM} = sub {kill KILL => $ret};
- alarm 5;
- wait;
+ open my $errors, '>>compile-error';
+ my $ret = open3 $devnull, $errors, undef, 'gruntmaster-compile', CPP => $basename, $name;
+ waitpid $ret, 0;
close $devnull;
close $errors;
die 'Compile error' if $?
die [NZX, "Non-zero exit status: " . ($? >> 8)] if $?;
} else {
my @fds = exists $args{fds} ? @{$args{fds}} : ();
- get_logger->trace("Running $basename with fds ". join ' ', @fds);
$^F = 50;
- POSIX::close $_ for 0, 1, 3 .. $^F;
+ POSIX::close $_ for 0 .. $^F;
my $it = natatime 2, @fds;
while (my ($fd, $file) = $it->()) {
open my $fh, $file or die $!;
POSIX::close $oldfd or die $!;
-# POSIX::close 2;
- setrlimit RLIMIT_AS, $args{mlimit}, $args{mlimit} if exists $args{mlimit};
- setrlimit RLIMIT_FSIZE, $args{olimit}, $args{olimit} if exists $args{olimit};
- exec "./$basename", exists $args{args} ? @{$args{args}} : ();
+ exec 'gruntmaster-exec', $args{mlimit} // 0, $args{olimit} // 0, "./$basename", exists $args{args} ? @{$args{args}} : ();
policy_module(gruntmasterd, 1.0)
-define(`read_file_perms', `{ getattr ioctl read lock open }')
-define(`read_dir_perms', `{ getattr ioctl read lock open search}')
-define(`everything_file_perms', `{ getattr ioctl read lock open unlink setattr write create rename link }')
-define(`everything_dir_perms', `{ getattr ioctl read lock open search unlink setattr write create rename link rmdir remove_name reparent add_name }')
-define(`gruntmaster_read', `allow gruntmasterd_t $1 : dir read_dir_perms; allow gruntmasterd_t $1 : file read_file_perms; allow gruntmasterd_t $1 : lnk_file read_file_perms;')
-define(`gruntmaster_everything', `allow gruntmasterd_t $1 : dir everything_dir_perms; allow gruntmasterd_t $1 : file everything_file_perms; allow gruntmasterd_t $1 : lnk_file everything_file_perms;')
+define(`read_file_perms', `{ getattr ioctl read lock open }')
+define(`read_dir_perms', `{ getattr ioctl read lock open search}')
+define(`everything_file_perms', `{ getattr ioctl read lock open unlink setattr append write create rename link }')
+define(`everything_dir_perms', `{ getattr ioctl read lock open search unlink setattr write create rename link rmdir remove_name reparent add_name }')
+define(`domain_read_files', `allow $1 $2 : dir read_dir_perms; allow $1 $2 : file read_file_perms; allow $1 $2 : lnk_file read_file_perms;')
+define(`domain_everything_files', `allow $1 $2 : dir everything_dir_perms; allow $1 $2 : file everything_file_perms; allow $1 $2 : lnk_file everything_file_perms;')
+define(`gruntmaster_read', `domain_read_files(gruntmasterd_t, $1)')
+define(`gruntmaster_everything', `domain_everything_files(gruntmasterd_t, $1)')
type bin_t;
type urandom_device_t;
+# Types
type gruntmasterd_t;
type gruntmasterd_exec_t;
-init_daemon_domain(gruntmasterd_t, gruntmasterd_exec_t);
type gruntmasterd_log_t;
type gruntmaster_job_t;
type gruntmaster_job_exec_t;
-init_daemon_domain(gruntmaster_job_t, gruntmaster_job_exec_t);
+type gruntmaster_compile_t;
+type gruntmaster_compile_exec_t;
+domain_entry_file(gruntmaster_job_t, gruntmaster_job_exec_t)
+role system_r types gruntmaster_job_t;
type_transition gruntmasterd_t gruntmaster_job_exec_t : process gruntmaster_job_t;
-allow gruntmasterd_t gruntmaster_job_t:process transition;
-dontaudit gruntmasterd_t gruntmaster_job_t:process noatsecure;
-allow gruntmaster_job_t gruntmasterd_t:fd use;
-allow gruntmaster_job_t gruntmasterd_t:process sigchld;
-allow gruntmaster_job_t gruntmaster_job_exec_t:file write;
-allow httpd_t gruntmaster_job_exec_t:file { read getattr open };
-type_transition gruntmasterd_t httpd_tmp_t : file gruntmaster_job_exec_t;
+domain_entry_file(gruntmaster_compile_t, gruntmaster_compile_exec_t)
+role system_r types gruntmaster_compile_t;
+type_transition gruntmasterd_t gruntmaster_compile_exec_t : process gruntmaster_compile_t;
+type_transition gruntmaster_compile_t httpd_tmp_t : file gruntmaster_job_exec_t;
-allow gruntmasterd_t self : process { fork setrlimit };
-allow gruntmasterd_t gruntmaster_job_t : process { sigkill siginh rlimitinh };
+init_daemon_domain(gruntmasterd_t, gruntmasterd_exec_t)
+logging_log_filetrans(gruntmasterd_t, gruntmasterd_log_t, file)
+# Daemon permissions
+allow gruntmasterd_t { gruntmaster_compile_t gruntmaster_job_t } : process { sigkill siginh rlimitinh transition };
+allow gruntmasterd_t bin_t : file { execute execute_no_trans };
+allow gruntmasterd_t self : process fork;
+allow gruntmasterd_t self:fifo_file everything_file_perms;
+allow gruntmasterd_t urandom_device_t:chr_file read_file_perms;
+allow gruntmasterd_t { gruntmaster_compile_exec_t gruntmaster_job_exec_t } : file execute;
+dontaudit gruntmasterd_t { gruntmaster_compile_t gruntmaster_job_t } : process noatsecure;
-allow gruntmasterd_t urandom_device_t:chr_file read_file_perms;
-allow gruntmasterd_t { gruntmaster_job_exec_t } : file execute;
-allow gruntmasterd_t { bin_t lib_t } : file { execute execute_no_trans };
-allow gruntmasterd_t self:fifo_file everything_file_perms;
-logging_log_filetrans(gruntmasterd_t, gruntmasterd_log_t, file)
+# Executor and job permissions
+domain_read_files(gruntmaster_job_t, bin_t)
+domain_read_files(gruntmaster_job_t, usr_t)
+allow gruntmaster_job_t gruntmaster_job_exec_t : file { execute execute_no_trans };
+allow gruntmaster_job_t gruntmasterd_t:fd use;
+allow gruntmaster_job_t gruntmasterd_t:process sigchld;
+allow gruntmaster_job_t httpd_tmp_t : dir read_dir_perms;
+allow gruntmaster_job_t httpd_tmp_t : file { getattr ioctl read write };
+allow gruntmaster_job_t init_t:fd use;
+allow gruntmaster_job_t self:process setrlimit;
+allow gruntmaster_job_t urandom_device_t:chr_file read_file_perms;
+# Compile permissions
+domain_everything_files(gruntmaster_compile_t, gruntmaster_job_exec_t)
+domain_everything_files(gruntmaster_compile_t, tmp_t)
+domain_read_files(gruntmaster_compile_t, bin_t)
+domain_read_files(gruntmaster_compile_t, httpd_sys_content_rw_t)
+domain_read_files(gruntmaster_compile_t, httpd_tmp_t)
+domain_read_files(gruntmaster_compile_t, lib_t)
+domain_read_files(gruntmaster_compile_t, proc_t)
+domain_read_files(gruntmaster_compile_t, proc_t)
+domain_read_files(gruntmaster_compile_t, usr_t)
+allow gruntmaster_compile_t gruntmasterd_t : fifo_file { read write ioctl };
+allow gruntmaster_compile_t gruntmasterd_t:fd use;
+allow gruntmaster_compile_t gruntmasterd_t:process sigchld;
+allow gruntmaster_compile_t httpd_tmp_t:dir { write add_name };
+allow gruntmaster_compile_t self : fifo_file { read write ioctl };
+allow gruntmaster_compile_t self:process signal;
+allow gruntmaster_compile_t urandom_device_t:chr_file read_file_perms;
+allow gruntmaster_compile_t { bin_t lib_t } : file { execute execute_no_trans };