our $VERSION = '5999.000_006';
use Lingua::EN::Inflect qw/PL_N/;
+use JSON qw/decode_json/;
use Sub::Name qw/subname/;
+use constant PROBLEM_PUBLIC_COLUMNS => [qw/id author writer level name owner private statement timeout olimit value/];
+use constant USER_PUBLIC_COLUMNS => [qw/id admin name town university level/];
+use constant JOBS_PER_PAGE => 10;
sub dynsub{
our ($name, $sub) = @_;
no strict 'refs';
+sub user_list {
+ my $rs = $_[0]->users->search(undef, {order_by => 'name', columns => USER_PUBLIC_COLUMNS});
+ [ map +{ $_->get_columns }, $rs->all ]
+sub user_entry {
+ my ($self, $id) = @_;
+ +{ $self->users->find($id, {columns => USER_PUBLIC_COLUMNS})->get_columns }
+sub problem_list {
+ my ($self, %args) = @_;
+ my $rs = $self->problems->search(undef, {order_by => 'me.name', columns => PROBLEM_PUBLIC_COLUMNS, prefetch => 'owner'});
+ $rs = $rs->search({-or => ['contest_problems.contest' => undef, 'contest.stop' => {'<=', time}], 'me.private' => 0}, {join => {'contest_problems' => 'contest'}, distinct => 1}) unless $args{contest};
+ $rs = $rs->search({'contest_problems.contest' => $args{contest}}, {join => 'contest_problems'}) if $args{contest};
+ $rs = $rs->search({'me.owner' => $args{owner}}) if $args{owner};
+ my %params;
+ $params{contest} = $args{contest} if $args{contest};
+ for ($rs->all) {
+ $params{$_->level} //= [];
+ push $params{$_->level}, {$_->get_columns, owner_name => $_->owner->name} ;
+ }
+ \%params
+sub problem_entry {
+ my ($self, $id, $contest, $user) = @_;
+ my $pb = $self->problems->find($id, {columns => PROBLEM_PUBLIC_COLUMNS, prefetch => 'owner'});
+ my $running = $contest && $self->contest($contest)->is_running;
+ eval {
+ $self->opens->create({
+ contest => $contest,
+ problem => $id,
+ owner => $user,
+ time => time,
+ })
+ } if $running;
+ +{ $pb->get_columns, owner_name => $pb->owner->name, cansubmit => $contest ? $running : 1 }
+sub contest_list {
+ my ($self, %args) = @_;
+ my $rs = $self->contests->search(undef, {order_by => {-desc => 'start'}, prefetch => 'owner'});
+ $rs = $rs->search({owner => $args{owner}}) if $args{owner};
+ my %params;
+ for ($rs->all) {
+ my $state = $_->is_pending ? 'pending' : $_->is_running ? 'running' : 'finished';
+ $params{$state} //= [];
+ push $params{$state}, { $_->get_columns, started => !$_->is_pending, owner_name => $_->owner->name };
+ }
+ \%params
+sub contest_entry {
+ my ($self, $id) = @_;
+ my $ct = $self->contest($id);
+ +{ $ct->get_columns, started => !$ct->is_pending, owner_name => $ct->owner->name }
+sub job_list {
+ my ($self, %args) = @_;
+ $args{page} //= 1;
+ my $rs = $self->jobs->search(undef, {order_by => {-desc => 'me.id'}, prefetch => ['problem', 'owner'], rows => JOBS_PER_PAGE, offset => ($args{page} - 1) * JOBS_PER_PAGE});
+ $rs = $rs->search({owner => $args{owner}}) if $args{owner};
+ $rs = $rs->search({contest => $args{contest}}) if $args{contest};
+ $rs = $rs->search({problem => $args{problem}}) if $args{problem};
+ [map {
+ my %params = $_->get_columns;
+ $params{owner_name} = $_->owner->name;
+ $params{problem_name} = $_->problem->name;
+ $params{results} &&= decode_json $params{results};
+ $params{size} = length $params{source};
+ delete $params{source};
+ \%params
+ } $rs->all]
+sub job_entry {
+ my ($self, $id) = @_;
+ my $job = $self->jobs->find($id, {prefetch => ['problem', 'owner']});
+ my %params = $job->get_columns;
+ $params{owner_name} = $job->owner->name;
+ $params{problem_name} = $job->problem->name;
+ $params{results} &&= decode_json $params{results};
+ $params{size} = length $params{source};
+ delete $params{source};
+ \%params
Equivalent to C<< $schema->resultset('User')->find($id) >>
+=item user_list
+Returns a list of users as an arrayref containing hashrefs.
+=item user_entry($id)
+Returns a hashref with information about the user $id.
+=item problem_list([%args])
+Returns a list of problems grouped by level. A hashref with levels as keys.
+Takes the following arguments:
+=item owner
+Only show problems owned by this user
+=item contest
+Only show problems in this contest
+=item problem_entry($id, [$contest, $user])
+Returns a hashref with information about the problem $id. If $contest and $user are present, problem open data is updated.
+=item contest_list([%args])
+Returns a list of contests grouped by state. A hashref with the following keys:
+=item pending
+An arrayref of hashrefs representing pending contests
+=item running
+An arrayref of hashrefs representing running contests
+=item finished
+An arrayref of hashrefs representing finished contests
+Takes the following arguments:
+=item owner
+Only show contests owned by this user.
+=item contest_entry($id)
+Returns a hashref with information about the contest $id.
+=item job_list([%args])
+Returns a list of jobs as an arrayref containing hashrefs. Takes the following arguments:
+=item owner
+Only show jobs submitted by this user.
+=item contest
+Only show jobs submitted in this contest.
+=item problem
+Only show jobs submitted for this problem.
+=item page
+Show this page of results. Defaults to 1. Pages have 10 entries, and the first page has the most recent jobs.
+=item job_entry($id)
+Returns a hashref with information about the job $id.
=head1 AUTHOR