our $VERSION = '1.001_001';
-use Audio::FLAC::Header qw//;
use HTML::Template::Compiled qw//;
use Memoize qw/memoize/;
-use MP3::Info qw/get_mp3tag/;
-use Ogg::Vorbis::Header::PurePerl;
-use MP4::Info qw/get_mp4tag get_mp4info/;
-use Audio::Opusfile qw//;
use DB_File qw//;
use Encode qw/encode/;
sub mp3info{
my $file=$_[0];
- my %tag = map { encode 'UTF-8', $_ } %{get_mp3tag $file};
+ my %tag = map { encode 'UTF-8', $_ } %{MP3::Info::get_mp3tag $file};
my @trkn = split m#/#s, $tag{TRACKNUM} // '';
freeze +{
sub mp4info{
my $file=$_[0];
- my %tag = map { ref() ? $_ : encode 'UTF-8', $_ } %{get_mp4tag $file};
- my %info = %{get_mp4info $file};
+ my %tag = map { ref() ? $_ : encode 'UTF-8', $_ } %{MP4::Info::get_mp4tag $file};
+ my %info = %{MP4::Info::get_mp4info $file};
freeze +{
format => mp4_format $info{ENCODING},
freeze \%data;
-my %info = (
- '.flac' => \&flacinfo,
- '.mp3' => \&mp3info,
- '.ogg' => \&vorbisinfo,
- '.oga' => \&vorbisinfo,
- '.mp4' => \&mp4info,
- '.aac' => \&mp4info,
- '.m4a' => \&mp4info,
- '.opus' => \&opusinfo,
+my @optional_modules = (
+ [ 'Audio::FLAC::Header', \&flacinfo, '.flac' ],
+ [ 'MP3::Info', \&mp3info, '.mp3' ],
+ [ 'Ogg::Vorbis::Header::PurePerl', \&vorbisinfo, '.ogg', '.oga' ],
+ [ 'MP4::Info', \&mp4info, '.mp4', '.aac', '.m4a' ],
+ [ 'Audio::Opusfile', \&opusinfo, '.opus' ]
+my %info;
+for (@optional_modules) {
+ my ($module, $coderef, @extensions_handled) = @$_;
+ if (eval "require $module") {
+ $info{$_} = $coderef for @extensions_handled
+ }
+unless (%info) {
+ warn 'No tags-reading module detected. Install one of the following modules: ' . join ', ', map { $_->[0] } @optional_modules;
sub normalizer{
"$_[0]|".(stat $_[0])[9]
sub make_fragment{ join '-', map { lc =~ y/a-z0-9/_/csr } @_ }
+sub extensions_handled { keys %info }
sub run {
if ($cache) {
tie my %cache, 'DB_File', $cache, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0644; ## no critic (ProhibitTie)
my %files;
for my $file (@ARGV) {
my ($basename, undef, $suffix) = fileparse $file, keys %info;
+ next unless $suffix;
$files{$basename} //= [];
push @{$files{$basename}}, thaw scalar $info{$suffix}->($file);
use v5.14;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 37;
+use Test::More tests => 46;
use Scalar::Util qw/looks_like_number/;
use Storable qw/thaw/;
genre => 'Electro'
+my %handled = map { $_ => 1 } App::MusicExpo::extensions_handled;
sub test {
my ($format, $sub, $file) = @_;
- my $info = thaw $sub->($file);
- is $info->{format}, $format, "$format format";
- for (sort keys %data) {
- my $op = looks_like_number $data{$_} ? '==' : 'eq';
- cmp_ok $info->{$_}, $op, $data{$_}, "$format $_"
+ my ($ext) = $file =~ /(\..+)$/;
+ {
+ skip "Cannot handle $ext files (tag-reading module missing)", 9 unless $handled{$ext};
+ my $info = thaw $sub->($file);
+ is $info->{format}, $format, "$format format";
+ for (sort keys %data) {
+ my $op = looks_like_number $data{$_} ? '==' : 'eq';
+ cmp_ok $info->{$_}, $op, $data{$_}, "$format $_"
+ }
+ is $info->{file}, $file, "$format file";
- is $info->{file}, $file, "$format file";
test FLAC => \&App::MusicExpo::flacinfo, 'empty.flac';
test MP3 => \&App::MusicExpo::mp3info, 'empty3.mp3';
test Vorbis => \&App::MusicExpo::vorbisinfo, 'empty.ogg';
test AAC => \&App::MusicExpo::mp4info, 'empty4.aac';
+test Opus => \&App::MusicExpo::opusinfo, 'empty2.opus';
my $out;
open STDOUT, '>', \$out;
+my %handled = map { $_ => 1 } App::MusicExpo::extensions_handled;
+my $prefix = '<tr><td class="title"><a href="#silence-cellule" data-hash="#silence-cellule">Cellule</a><td class="artist">Silence<td class="album">L'autre endroit<td class="genre">Electro<td class="track">01/09<td class="year">2005<td class="formats">';
+my @lines;
+if ($handled{'.flac'} && $handled{'.ogg'}) {
+ push @lines, $prefix . '<a href="/music/empty.flac">FLAC</a> <a href="/music/empty.ogg">Vorbis</a> '
+} elsif ($handled{'.flac'}) {
+ push @lines, $prefix . '<a href="/music/empty.flac">FLAC</a> '
+} elsif ($handled{'.ogg'}) {
+ push @lines, $prefix . '<a href="/music/empty.ogg">Vorbis</a> '
+push @lines, $prefix . '<a href="/music/empty2.opus">Opus</a> ' if $handled{'.opus'};
+push @lines, $prefix . '<a href="/music/empty3.mp3">MP3</a> ' if $handled{'.mp3'};
+push @lines, '<td class="album">L'autre endroit<td class="genre">Electro<td class="track">1/9<td class="year">2005<td class="formats"><a href="/music/empty4.aac">AAC</a> ' if $handled{'.aac'};
+my $contents = join "\n", @lines;
-is $out, <<'OUT', 'output is correct';
+is $out, <<"OUT", 'output is correct';
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<table border>
-<tr><td class="title"><a href="#silence-cellule" data-hash="#silence-cellule">Cellule</a><td class="artist">Silence<td class="album">L'autre endroit<td class="genre">Electro<td class="track">01/09<td class="year">2005<td class="formats"><a href="/music/empty.flac">FLAC</a> <a href="/music/empty.ogg">Vorbis</a>
-<tr><td class="title"><a href="#silence-cellule" data-hash="#silence-cellule">Cellule</a><td class="artist">Silence<td class="album">L'autre endroit<td class="genre">Electro<td class="track">01/09<td class="year">2005<td class="formats"><a href="/music/empty2.opus">Opus</a>
-<tr><td class="title"><a href="#silence-cellule" data-hash="#silence-cellule">Cellule</a><td class="artist">Silence<td class="album">L'autre endroit<td class="genre">Electro<td class="track">01/09<td class="year">2005<td class="formats"><a href="/music/empty3.mp3">MP3</a>
-<tr><td class="title"><a href="#silence-cellule" data-hash="#silence-cellule">Cellule</a><td class="artist">Silence<td class="album">L'autre endroit<td class="genre">Electro<td class="track">1/9<td class="year">2005<td class="formats"><a href="/music/empty4.aac">AAC</a>