use parent qw/Exporter/;
our $VERSION = '5999.000_013';
-our @EXPORT = qw/dbinit purge db user_list user_entry problem_list problem_entry contest_list contest_entry contest_has_problem job_list job_entry create_job standings update_status rerun_job take_job finish_job/; ## no critic (ProhibitAutomaticExportation)
+our @EXPORT = qw/dbinit purge db user_list user_entry problem_list problem_entry contest_list contest_entry contest_has_problem job_list job_entry create_job standings update_status rerun_job take_job finish_job open_problem/; ## no critic (ProhibitAutomaticExportation)
use JSON::MaybeXS qw/decode_json/;
purge '/us/' . $job->{owner};
+sub open_problem {
+ my ($contest, $problem, $owner, $time) = @_;
+ my $ct = contest_entry($contest);
+ return unless $ct->{id} && $time >= $ct->{start} && $time < $ct->{stop};
+ eval { db->insert(opens => {
+ contest => $contest,
+ problem => $problem,
+ owner => $owner,
+ time => $time}) };
my @PURGE_HOSTS = exists $ENV{PURGE_HOSTS} ? split ' ', $ENV{PURGE_HOSTS} : ();
my $ht = HTTP::Tiny->new;
Updates the job $job with the results in %results. If $private is
false, also updates the problem_status table.
+=item B<open_problem>(I<$contest>, I<$problem>, I<$owner>, I<$time>)
+Notes that I<$owner> has opened the problem I<$problem> of contest
+I<$contest> at time I<$time>. If the C<opens> table already contains
+this (I<$contest>, I<$problem>, I<$owner>) triplet, this function does
=head1 AUTHOR
$x = job_entry 7;
ok !defined $x->{result}, 'job_entry 7 has NULL result';
+open_problem qw/fc fca MGV/, contest_entry('fc')->{start} + 300;
$x = standings 'fc';
is_deeply $x, [
- {rank => 1, user => 'MGV', user_name => undef, score => 50, scores => [50]},
+ {rank => 1, user => 'MGV', user_name => undef, score => 80, scores => [80]},
{rank => 2, user => 'nobody', user_name => undef, score => 40, scores => [40]},
], 'standings fc';
+db->delete('opens', {contest => 'fc', problem => 'fca', owner => 'MGV'});