- local $TODO = $pbmeta->{todo} if exists $pbmeta->{todo};
note "Now testing problem $pbmeta->{name} ($pbmeta->{description})";
for my $source (<$problem/tests/*>) {
my $meta = LoadFile "$source/meta.yml";
if ($meta->{files}{prog}) {
- my $compiler = COMPILER->{$meta->{files}{prog}{format}};
+ my $format = $meta->{files}{prog}{format};
+ my $compiler = COMPILER->{$format};
skip "$compiler not found in path", 3 unless $ENV{GRUNTMASTER_VM} || which $compiler;
- local $TODO = $meta->{todo} if exists $meta->{todo};
+ skip "$format requires multiple processes. Set GRUNTMASTER_KILL_USER and GRUNTMASTER_SUDO to allow multiple processes.", 3 if !$ENV{GRUNTMASTER_KILL_USER} && $format eq 'JAVA' || $format eq 'GOLANG' || $format eq 'GCCGO';
$meta->{files}{prog}{content} = read_file "$source/$meta->{files}{prog}{name}";
$meta = merge $meta, $pbmeta;
+ local $TODO = $meta->{todo} if exists $meta->{todo};
note "Running $meta->{test_name} ($meta->{test_description})...";
my $savedcwd = getcwd;
chdir $tempdir;