use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::MockTime ':all';
-use Test::More tests => 14;
+use Test::More;
use Test::WWW::Mechanize::PSGI;
use Gruntmaster::Data;
use JSON::MaybeXS qw/decode_json/;
use Log::Log4perl qw/:easy/;
-set_fixed_time 25;
+ eval {
+ dbinit 'dbi:Pg:dbname=gmtest'; 1;
+ } or plan skip_all => 'Cannot connect to test database (gmtest).'. "Error: $@";
+ plan tests => 22;
my $mech = Test::WWW::Mechanize::PSGI->new(app => do 'app.psgi');
-my $result;
-my $content;
+$mech->title_is('Gruntmaster 6000', 'title');
-sub get {
- my ($url, $expect_fail) = @_;
- my $param = $url =~ /[?]/ ? '&format=json' : '?format=json';
- $expect_fail ? $mech->get("$url$param") : $mech->get_ok("$url$param");
- $result = $mech->response->code;
- $content = $result == 200 ? decode_json $mech->content(decoded_by_headers => 1) : '';
+$mech->title_is('Problems', 'title');
+$mech->title_is('Problem in archive', 'title');
+$mech->title_is('Contests', 'title');
+$mech->title_is('Finished contest');
+$mech->title_is('Job log', 'title');
+$mech->title_is('Job 1', 'title');
+$mech->title_is('Users', 'title');
+# testdata.sql does not set name for users, therefore not checking title
+#$mech->title_is('Marius Gavrilescu', 'title');
+$mech->title_is('Standings', 'title');
-our $db = Gruntmaster::Data->connect('dbi:SQLite:dbname=:memory:');
-$db->users->create({id => 'MGV', admin => 1});
-$db->contests->create({id => 'fc', start => 10, stop => 20, name => 'Finished contest', owner => 'MGV'});
-$db->contests->create({id => 'rc', start => 20, stop => 30, name => 'Running contest', owner => 'MGV'});
-$db->contests->create({id => 'pc', start => 30, stop => 40, name => 'Pending contest', owner => 'MGV'});
-my @pbjunk = (
- name => 'Problem',
- generator => 'Undef',
- runner => 'File',
- judge => 'Absolute',
- level => 'beginner',
- value => 100,
- owner => 'MGV',
- statement => '...',
- testcnt => 1,
- timeout => 1
-$db->problems->create({id => 'fca', private => 0, @pbjunk});
-$db->problems->create({id => 'rca', private => 0, @pbjunk});
-$db->problems->create({id => 'pca', private => 0, @pbjunk});
-$db->problems->create({id => 'arc', private => 0, @pbjunk});
-$db->problems->create({id => 'prv', private => 1, @pbjunk});
-$db->contest_problems->create({problem => "${_}a", contest => $_}) for qw/fc rc pc/;
-sub problem_list () { [sort map {$_->{id}} @{$content->{beginner}}] }
-get '/pb/';
-is_deeply problem_list, [qw/arc fca/], '/pb/ has correct problems';
-get '/pb/?contest=pc', 1;
-is $result, 401, '/pb/?contest=pc returns 401';
-get '/pb/?contest=rc';
-is_deeply problem_list, [qw/rca/], '/pb/?contest=rc has correct problems';
-get '/pb/?contest=fc';
-is_deeply problem_list, [qw/fca/], '/pb/?contest=fc has correct problems';
-get '/us/';
-my ($mgv) = @{$content->{us}};
-is $mgv->{id}, 'MGV', 'first (and only) user is MGV';
-is $mgv->{admin}, 1, 'MGV is an admin';
-get '/ct/';
-my $pc = $content->{pending}->[0];
-my $rc = $content->{running}->[0];
-my $fc = $content->{finished}->[0];
-is $pc->{id}, 'pc', 'pc is pending';
-is $rc->{id}, 'rc', 'rc is running';
-is $fc->{id}, 'fc', 'fc is running';
+$mech->title_is('Editorial of Finished contest', 'title');