--- /dev/null
+package Data::Faker::Colour;
+use 5.014000;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use parent qw/Data::Faker/;
+use Convert::Color::HSLuv;
+our $VERSION = '0.001';
+sub new { bless {}, shift } # Don't call superclass constructor
+sub ir ($) { int rand $_[0] }
+sub colour {
+ shift; # drop $self
+ my $cnt = shift // 1;
+ my %args = @_;
+ my @ret;
+ for (1 .. $cnt) {
+ push @ret, [ir 256, ir 256, ir 256]
+ }
+ wantarray ? @ret : $ret[0]
+sub colour_hsluv {
+ shift; # drop $self
+ my @ret;
+ my ($cnt, $ch, $cs, $cl) = @_;
+ $cnt //= 1;
+ $ch //= -1;
+ $cs //= -1;
+ $cl //= -1;
+ for (1 .. $cnt) {
+ my ($h, $s, $l) = ($ch, $cs, $cl);
+ $h = rand 360 if $h < 0;
+ $s = rand 100 if $s < 0;
+ $l = rand 100 if $l < 0;
+ my @colour = Convert::Color::HSLuv->new($h, $s, $l)->rgb;
+ for (@colour) {
+ $_ = int (256 * $_);
+ $_ = 0 if $_ < 0;
+ $_ = 255 if $_ > 255;
+ }
+ push @ret, \@colour
+ }
+ wantarray ? @ret : $ret[0]
+sub to_hex {
+ my ($rgb) = @_;
+ sprintf "#%02x%02x%02x", @$rgb
+sub to_css {
+ my ($rgb) = @_;
+ sprintf 'rgb(%d,%d,%d)', @$rgb
+sub colour_hex { map { to_hex $_ } colour @_ }
+sub colour_css { map { to_css $_ } colour @_ }
+sub colour_hsluv_hex { map { to_hex $_ } colour_hsluv @_ }
+sub colour_hsluv_css { map { to_css $_ } colour_hsluv @_ }
+ *color = *colour;
+ *color_hsluv = *colour_hsluv;
+ *color_hex = *colour_hex;
+ *color_hsluv_hex = *colour_hsluv_hex;
+ *color_css = *colour_css;
+ *color_hsluv_css = *colour_hsluv_css;
+ for my $c (qw/colour color/) {
+ __PACKAGE__->register_plugin(
+ "${c}" => \&colour,
+ "${c}_hsluv" => \&colour_hsluv,
+ "${c}_hex" => \&colour_hex,
+ "${c}_hsluv_hex" => \&colour_hsluv_hex,
+ "${c}_css" => \&colour_css,
+ "${c}_hsluv_css" => \&colour_hsluv_css,
+ );
+ }
+=encoding utf-8
+=head1 NAME
+Data::Faker::Colour - Generate random colours
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Data::Faker::Colour;
+ local $, = ' ';
+ my $f = Data::Faker::Colour->new;
+ say 'Random colour: ', $f->colour_hex;
+ say 'Three random colours of 60% lightness: ',
+ $f->colour_hsluv_hex(3, -1, -1, 60);
+ say 'A colour with 70% saturation, in CSS format: ',
+ $f->colour_hsluv_css(1, -1, 70);
+ say '5 colours with hue 120 and lightness 45%: ',
+ $f->colour_hsluv_hex(5, 150, -1, 45);
+This module is a plugin for Data::Faker for generating random colours.
+It uses the HSLuv colour space to permit generation of colours with
+specific hue, saturation, or lightness values. One use case would be
+generating colour schemes.
+It is recommended to use this without Data::Faker, as Data::Faker does
+not currently pass arguments to methods.
+=item B<colour>([I<$cnt>])
+Generate I<$cnt> (default 1) random colours.
+Returns a list of 3-element arrayrefs, representing the R, G, and B
+components, each ranging 0-255.
+=item B<colour_hex>([I<$cnt>])
+As above, but returns a list of strings like C<#rrggbb>.
+=item B<colour_css>([I<$cnt>])
+As above, but returns a list of strings like C<rgb(r, g, b)>.
+=item B<colour_hsluv>([I<$cnt>, I<$H>, I<$S>, I<$L>])
+Generates I<$cnt> (default 1) random colours using the HSLuv colour
+space. You can specify your desired hue, saturation and/or lightness,
+and all generated colours will have that hue/saturation/lightness.
+Set I<$H>, I<$S>, I<$L> to a positive value to request a specific
+hue/saturation/lightness, or to -1 for a randomly chosen one. They all
+default to -1.
+=item B<colour_hsluv_hex>([I<$cnt>, I<$H>, I<$S>, I<$L>])
+=item B<colour_hsluv_css>([I<$cnt>, I<$H>, I<$S>, I<$L>])
+As above but with hex/css output.
+C<color> can be substituted for C<colour> in any of the methods above.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<Data::Faker>, L<Convert::Colour>, L<Convert::Colour::HSLuv>
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Marius Gavrilescu, E<lt>marius@ieval.roE<gt>
+Copyright (C) 2017 by Marius Gavrilescu
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.24.1 or,
+at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 8;
+BEGIN { use_ok('Data::Faker::Colour') }
+sub valid{
+ my $expected = shift;
+ return unless $expected == @_;
+ my $ret = 1;
+ for my $colour (@_) {
+ $ret &&= 0 <= $colour->[$_] && $colour->[$_] <= 255 for 0, 1, 2;
+ }
+ $ret
+note 'These tests only check if the generated colours are valid. They don\'t check whether the colours have the requested hue, saturation or lightness';
+my $f = Data::Faker::Colour->new;
+ok valid (1, $f->colour), 'colour';
+ok valid (5, $f->color(5)), 'color(5)';
+ok valid (1, $f->colour_hsluv), 'colour_hsluv';
+ok valid (200, $f->colour_hsluv(200, 10)), 'colour_hsluv(200, 10)';
+ok valid (200, $f->colour_hsluv(200, -1, 10)), 'colour_hsluv(200, -1, 10)';
+ok valid (200, $f->colour_hsluv(200, -1, -1, 10)), 'colour_hsluv(200, -1, -1, 10)';
+ok valid (2000, $f->colour_hsluv(2000, -1, 100, 40)), 'colour_hsluv(2000, -1, 100, 40)';