Revision history for Perl extension WebService::Strike.
+0.006 2016-01-30T18:47+00:00
+ - Mark module as obsolete since the API was discontinued
+ - Disable the API-related tests
0.005 2016-01-2318:51+00:00
- Update for API V2.1
- Make torrent method die as the corresponding API call was removed
-WebService-Strike version 0.005
+WebService-Strike version 0.006
our @EXPORT = qw/strike strike_search strike_imdb/;
our @EXPORT_OK = (@EXPORT, 'strike_query');
-our $VERSION = '0.005';
+our $VERSION = '0.006';
our $BASE_URL = '';
use JSON::MaybeXS qw/decode_json/;
use warnings;
use parent qw/Class::Accessor::Fast/;
-our $VERSION = 0.005;
+our $VERSION = 0.006;
use JSON::MaybeXS qw/decode_json/;
use MIME::Base64;