use 5.014000; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; my @optionals = ( qw/Audio::FLAC::Header 0 Audio::Opusfile 0 MP3::Info 0 MP4::Info 0 Ogg::Vorbis::Header::PurePerl 0/, ); sub is_installed { my ($module) = @_; eval "require $module" } my @extra_prereqs; unless (grep \&is_installed, @optionals) { my $answer = ''; while (!$answer) { my $yn = lc prompt 'None of the optional dependencies are installed. Install all of them? (default: y) [y/n]', 'y'; $answer = $yn if $yn eq 'y' || $yn eq 'n'; } @extra_prereqs = @optionals if $answer eq 'y'; } WriteMakefile( NAME => 'App::MusicExpo', VERSION_FROM => 'lib/App/', ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/App/', AUTHOR => 'Marius Gavrilescu ', EXE_FILES => [ 'musicexpo' ], MIN_PERL_VERSION => 5.014, LICENSE => 'perl', SIGN => 1, PREREQ_PM => { qw/HTML::Template::Compiled 0 Memoize 0 DB_File 0/, @extra_prereqs }, META_MERGE => { dynamic_config => 1, resources => { repository => '' }, recommends => { @optionals }, } );