#!/usr/bin/perl -p # Swedish Chef filter. Bork Bork Bork! # Copyright 1999 by Joey Hess under the terms of the GNU GPL. # Note that the order of the commands in this program is very important! # Change 'e' at the end of a word to 'e-a', but don't mess with the word # "the". s{(\w+)e(\b)}{ if (lc($1) ne 'th') { "$1e-a$2" } else { "$1e$2" } }eg; # Stuff that happens at the end of a word. s/en(\b)/ee$1/g; s/th(\b)/t$1/g; # Stuff that happens if not the first letter of a word. s/(\w)f/$1ff/g; # Change 'o' to 'u' and at the same time, change 'u' to 'oo'. But only # if it's not the first letter of the word. tr/ou/uo/; s{(\b)([uo])}{ $1 . $2 eq 'o' ? 'u' : 'o' }eg; # Note that this also handles doubling "oo" at the beginning of words. s/o/oo/g; # Have to double "Oo" seperatly. s/(\b)O(\w)/$1Oo$2/g; # Fix the word "bork", which will have been mangled to "burk" # by above commands. Note that any occurence of "burk" in the input # gets changed to "boork", so it's completly safe to do this: s/\bburk\b/bork/; # Stuff to do to letters that are the first letter of any word. s/\be/i/g; s/\bE/I/g; # Stuff that always happens. s/teeun/shun/g; # this actually has the effect of changing "tion" to "shun". s/the/zee/g; s/The/Zee/g; tr/vVwW/fFvV/; # Stuff to do to letters that are not the last letter of a word. s/a(?!\b)/e/g; s/A(?!\b)/E/g; s/en/un/g; # this actually has the effect of changing "an" to "un". s/En/Un/g; # this actually has the effect of changing "An" to "Un". s/eoo/oo/g; # this actually has the effect of changing "au" to "oo". s/Eoo/Oo/g; # this actually has the effect of changing "Au" to "Oo". # Change "ow" at end of word to "oo". s/uv\b/oo\b/g; # Change 'i' to 'ee', but not at the beginning of a word, # and only affect the first 'i' in each word. s/(\b\w[a-hj-zA-HJ-Z]*)i/$1ee/g; # Special punctuation of the end of sentances but only at end of lines. s/([.?!])$/$1\nBork Bork Bork!/g;