This program is (c) 1994, Brent E. Edwards. Feel free to distribute the complete program world-wide. (Please do NOT break apart this text file from the program.) This program is under absolutely no warrantee of any kind. If you have any questions about this program, please send them to This program is dedicated to Conrad Wong. This program is catware. If you find it useful in any way, pay for this program by spending one hour petting one or several cats. =================================================== Purpose: This program places a very cute (and familiar to FurryMuck fans) accent to any text file. It is designed for UNIX systems. It requires cc, lex, and yacc to be in your path. Compiling: To compile on a UNIX system, type 'make' Running: To do a line-by-line translation of your text, type 'ky00te'. Control-D will halt the program. To convert a text file and display it on the screen, type 'ky00te < filename | more', where filename is the file to convert. To convert a text file and save it to a file, type 'ky00te < > filename.out', where is the file to convert and filename.out is the place to put it. You can also add an accent to the output of any program by typing ' | ky00te'. Petting the cat: Stroke with the furs, not against them. ==================================================== Program version information: Program version 1.00: 13 December 1994 Program version 1.10: 15 December 1994 Version 1.00 was a memory hog. Also, adds 'fur' and 'meow' to list of cat-ch phrases. Program version 1.11: 16 December 1994 With Tobias Kuhler's ( repeated suggestion, the program now only doubles (not triples) 'r' and no longer capitalizes fur. He also suggested the following improvements: at a, at the -> atta in a, in the -> ynna is a, is the -> yssa on a, on the -> onna with a, with the -> wyffa the -> da you -> ya and -> 'n with -> wyf to -> ta This version also no longer uses the same 'meow'; it switches between 'meow', 'mew', and 'mu' (weighted to the first). I've also added: lot of -> lotta is so -> yssa when -> w'en with -> wyf (when used to start a word) your -> yer not, n't -> na' The README file has been reorganized, and the dedication made explicit.