%{ /* * Lex filter to transform plain English into Brooklyn English. * No racial or societal slurs are intended. For amusement only. * * Copyright 1986 by Daniel Klein. * * Reproduction permitted so long as this notice is retained. */ %} BW [ \t] SP [ \t] EW [ \t.,;!\?$] %% ".so ".*$ printf("%s", yytext); [ao]ther printf("%cdder", yytext[0]=='a'?'a':'u'); [Nn]othing printf("%cuttin'", yytext[0]); [Tt]hin printf("%cin", yytext[0]); [Tt]hir printf("%coi", yytext[0]); [Tt]h[ei] printf("%c%c", caseify('d'), yytext[yyleng-1]); [Tt]hat printf("%cat", caseify('d')); I'm{SP}going{SP}to printf("I'manna"); going{SP}to printf("gonna"); want{SP}to printf("wanna"); t{SP}you printf("tcha"); [Dd]id{SP}you{SP}[eaiou] printf("%c'j%c", yytext[0], yytext[yyleng-1]); [Dd]id{SP}you printf("%c'ja", yytext[0]); [Yy]ou printf("%cuh", yytext[0]); [Hh]ow{SP}are{SP}you printf("%cowahrya", yytext[0]); [Ww]ith printf("%cit'", yytext[0]); [Dd]on't printf("%coan", yytext[0]); ldn't | dn't printf("n't"); isn't printf("ain't"); er{EW} { printf("uh"); plastc(); } ing{EW} { printf("in'"); plastc(); } [Ww]ord | [Hh]eard | [BbGgLlPpSs]urg | [CcHh][eu]r[ntv] printf("%coi%c", yytext[0], yytext[yyleng-1]); [^Mm]mer[^aeiouhrs] printf("%cmoi%c", yytext[0], yytext[yyleng-1]); [Oo]re{EW} { printf("%cwh", caseify('a')); plastc(); } [Oo]r printf("%cwh", caseify('a')); [Oo]f printf("%chv", caseify('u')); tion printf("shun"); alk | our[st] | or[st] printf("awh%c", yytext[yyleng-1]); ause printf("awze"); [Oo]ff printf("%cwhf", caseify('a')); [Ss]tupid printf("%ctoopid", yytext[0]); {BW}under printf(" unner"); {BW}to{EW} { printf(" tuh"); plastc(); } [Aa]ctual printf("%cckshul", yytext[0]); negro printf("spade"); [Pp]uerto{SP}[Rr]ican printf("%cpic", caseify('s')); [Ii]talian printf("%creaser", caseify('g')); [Jj]ewish printf("%cew boy", yytext[0]); [Jj]ew printf("%cebe", caseify('h')); [a-z]":" { *(yytext+1) = ','; printf("%s like, uhh:",yytext); } [a-z]"?" { *(yytext+1) = ','; printf("%s or what?",yytext); } ! printf("! Okay?"); [a-z]"." { printf("%s", yytext);expletive();} %% plastc() { yyunput(yytext[yyleng-1], yytext); } caseify(c) char c; { if (yytext[0] <= 'Z') return (c - ' '); else return (c); } short count = 0; short which = 0; expletive() { if (count++ % 4 == 0) { switch (which++ % 5) { case 0: printf(" Okay?"); break; case 1: printf(" Right?"); break; case 2: printf(" Yuh got me so fahr?"); break; case 3: printf(" Ya' dig?"); break; case 4: printf(" Yuh with me?"); break; } } } main() { yylex(); } int yywrap() { return 1; }