use 5.006001; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; # See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence # the contents of the Makefile that is written. WriteMakefile( NAME => 'HTML::Element::Library', VERSION_FROM => 'lib/HTML/Element/', # finds $VERSION PREREQ_PM => { Array::Group => 1.00, File::Slurp => 9999.06, HTML::PrettyPrinter => 0.03, HTML::Tree => 3.19, List::Rotation::Cycle => 1.003, List::MoreUtils => 0.09, Params::Validate => 0.80, Scalar::Listify => 0.02, }, ($] >= 5.005 ? ## Add these new keywords supported since 5.005 (ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/HTML/Element/', # retrieve abstract from module AUTHOR => 'Terrence Brannon ') : ()), ); sub MY::postamble { q{ cleandist: FORCE make again; make cleanmanifest; make docs; make dist again: FORCE make clean; perl Makefile.PL; make pm_to_blib cleanmanifest: realclean FORCE rm MANIFEST ; perl Makefile.PL; touch MANIFEST; make manifest %.t: pm_to_blib FORCE make; perl -Iblib/lib $@ docs : README CHANGES README: lib/HTML/Element/ pod2text lib/HTML/Element/ > README CHANGES: lib/HTML/Element/Library/Changes.pod pod2text lib/HTML/Element/Library/Changes.pod > CHANGES }; }