]> iEval git - mindcoding-template-patches.git/blob - mindcoding-template/less/mixins.less
[mindcoding-template-patches.git] / mindcoding-template / less / mixins.less
1 //
2 // Mixins
3 // --------------------------------------------------
6 // Utilities
7 // -------------------------
9 // Clearfix
10 // Source: http://nicolasgallagher.com/micro-clearfix-hack/
11 //
12 // For modern browsers
13 // 1. The space content is one way to avoid an Opera bug when the
14 // contenteditable attribute is included anywhere else in the document.
15 // Otherwise it causes space to appear at the top and bottom of elements
16 // that are clearfixed.
17 // 2. The use of `table` rather than `block` is only necessary if using
18 // `:before` to contain the top-margins of child elements.
19 .clearfix() {
20 &:before,
21 &:after {
22 content: " "; /* 1 */
23 display: table; /* 2 */
24 }
25 &:after {
26 clear: both;
27 }
28 }
30 // WebKit-style focus
31 .tab-focus() {
32 // Default
33 outline: thin dotted #333;
34 // WebKit
35 outline: 5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color;
36 outline-offset: -2px;
37 }
39 // Center-align a block level element
40 .center-block() {
41 display: block;
42 margin-left: auto;
43 margin-right: auto;
44 }
46 // Sizing shortcuts
47 .size(@width; @height) {
48 width: @width;
49 height: @height;
50 }
51 .square(@size) {
52 .size(@size; @size);
53 }
55 // Placeholder text
56 .placeholder(@color: @input-color-placeholder) {
57 &:-moz-placeholder { color: @color; } // Firefox 4-18
58 &::-moz-placeholder { color: @color; } // Firefox 19+
59 &:-ms-input-placeholder { color: @color; } // Internet Explorer 10+
60 &::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: @color; } // Safari and Chrome
61 }
63 // Text overflow
64 // Requires inline-block or block for proper styling
65 .text-overflow() {
66 overflow: hidden;
67 text-overflow: ellipsis;
68 white-space: nowrap;
69 }
71 // CSS image replacement
72 //
73 // Heads up! v3 launched with with only `.hide-text()`, but per our pattern for
74 // mixins being reused as classes with the same name, this doesn't hold up. As
75 // of v3.0.1 we have added `.text-hide()` and deprecated `.hide-text()`. Note
76 // that we cannot chain the mixins together in Less, so they are repeated.
77 //
78 // Source: https://github.com/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/commit/aa0396eae757
80 // Deprecated as of v3.0.1 (will be removed in v4)
81 .hide-text() {
82 font: ~"0/0" a;
83 color: transparent;
84 text-shadow: none;
85 background-color: transparent;
86 border: 0;
87 }
88 // New mixin to use as of v3.0.1
89 .text-hide() {
90 font: ~"0/0" a;
91 color: transparent;
92 text-shadow: none;
93 background-color: transparent;
94 border: 0;
95 }
100 // --------------------------------------------------
102 // Single side border-radius
103 .border-top-radius(@radius) {
104 border-top-right-radius: @radius;
105 border-top-left-radius: @radius;
106 }
107 .border-right-radius(@radius) {
108 border-bottom-right-radius: @radius;
109 border-top-right-radius: @radius;
110 }
111 .border-bottom-radius(@radius) {
112 border-bottom-right-radius: @radius;
113 border-bottom-left-radius: @radius;
114 }
115 .border-left-radius(@radius) {
116 border-bottom-left-radius: @radius;
117 border-top-left-radius: @radius;
118 }
120 // Drop shadows
121 .box-shadow(@shadow) {
122 -webkit-box-shadow: @shadow; // iOS <4.3 & Android <4.1
123 box-shadow: @shadow;
124 }
126 // Transitions
127 .transition(@transition) {
128 -webkit-transition: @transition;
129 transition: @transition;
130 }
131 .transition-property(@transition-property) {
132 -webkit-transition-property: @transition-property;
133 transition-property: @transition-property;
134 }
135 .transition-delay(@transition-delay) {
136 -webkit-transition-delay: @transition-delay;
137 transition-delay: @transition-delay;
138 }
139 .transition-duration(@transition-duration) {
140 -webkit-transition-duration: @transition-duration;
141 transition-duration: @transition-duration;
142 }
143 .transition-transform(@transition) {
144 -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform @transition;
145 -moz-transition: -moz-transform @transition;
146 -o-transition: -o-transform @transition;
147 transition: transform @transition;
148 }
150 // Transformations
151 .rotate(@degrees) {
152 -webkit-transform: rotate(@degrees);
153 -ms-transform: rotate(@degrees); // IE9+
154 transform: rotate(@degrees);
155 }
156 .scale(@ratio) {
157 -webkit-transform: scale(@ratio);
158 -ms-transform: scale(@ratio); // IE9+
159 transform: scale(@ratio);
160 }
161 .translate(@x; @y) {
162 -webkit-transform: translate(@x, @y);
163 -ms-transform: translate(@x, @y); // IE9+
164 transform: translate(@x, @y);
165 }
166 .skew(@x; @y) {
167 -webkit-transform: skew(@x, @y);
168 -ms-transform: skewX(@x) skewY(@y); // See https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/4885; IE9+
169 transform: skew(@x, @y);
170 }
171 .translate3d(@x; @y; @z) {
172 -webkit-transform: translate3d(@x, @y, @z);
173 transform: translate3d(@x, @y, @z);
174 }
176 .rotateX(@degrees) {
177 -webkit-transform: rotateX(@degrees);
178 -ms-transform: rotateX(@degrees); // IE9+
179 transform: rotateX(@degrees);
180 }
181 .rotateY(@degrees) {
182 -webkit-transform: rotateY(@degrees);
183 -ms-transform: rotateY(@degrees); // IE9+
184 transform: rotateY(@degrees);
185 }
186 .perspective(@perspective) {
187 -webkit-perspective: @perspective;
188 -moz-perspective: @perspective;
189 perspective: @perspective;
190 }
191 .perspective-origin(@perspective) {
192 -webkit-perspective-origin: @perspective;
193 -moz-perspective-origin: @perspective;
194 perspective-origin: @perspective;
195 }
196 .transform-origin(@origin) {
197 -webkit-transform-origin: @origin;
198 -moz-transform-origin: @origin;
199 transform-origin: @origin;
200 }
202 // Animations
203 .animation(@animation) {
204 -webkit-animation: @animation;
205 animation: @animation;
206 }
208 // Backface visibility
209 // Prevent browsers from flickering when using CSS 3D transforms.
210 // Default value is `visible`, but can be changed to `hidden`
211 .backface-visibility(@visibility){
212 -webkit-backface-visibility: @visibility;
213 -moz-backface-visibility: @visibility;
214 backface-visibility: @visibility;
215 }
217 // Box sizing
218 .box-sizing(@boxmodel) {
219 -webkit-box-sizing: @boxmodel;
220 -moz-box-sizing: @boxmodel;
221 box-sizing: @boxmodel;
222 }
224 // User select
225 // For selecting text on the page
226 .user-select(@select) {
227 -webkit-user-select: @select;
228 -moz-user-select: @select;
229 -ms-user-select: @select; // IE10+
230 -o-user-select: @select;
231 user-select: @select;
232 }
234 // Resize anything
235 .resizable(@direction) {
236 resize: @direction; // Options: horizontal, vertical, both
237 overflow: auto; // Safari fix
238 }
240 // CSS3 Content Columns
241 .content-columns(@column-count; @column-gap: @grid-gutter-width) {
242 -webkit-column-count: @column-count;
243 -moz-column-count: @column-count;
244 column-count: @column-count;
245 -webkit-column-gap: @column-gap;
246 -moz-column-gap: @column-gap;
247 column-gap: @column-gap;
248 }
250 // Optional hyphenation
251 .hyphens(@mode: auto) {
252 word-wrap: break-word;
253 -webkit-hyphens: @mode;
254 -moz-hyphens: @mode;
255 -ms-hyphens: @mode; // IE10+
256 -o-hyphens: @mode;
257 hyphens: @mode;
258 }
260 // Opacity
261 .opacity(@opacity) {
262 opacity: @opacity;
263 // IE8 filter
264 @opacity-ie: (@opacity * 100);
265 filter: ~"alpha(opacity=@{opacity-ie})";
266 }
271 // --------------------------------------------------
273 #gradient {
275 // Horizontal gradient, from left to right
276 //
277 // Creates two color stops, start and end, by specifying a color and position for each color stop.
278 // Color stops are not available in IE9 and below.
279 .horizontal(@start-color: #555; @end-color: #333; @start-percent: 0%; @end-percent: 100%) {
280 background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, @start-percent top, @end-percent top, from(@start-color), to(@end-color)); // Safari 4+, Chrome 2+
281 background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, color-stop(@start-color @start-percent), color-stop(@end-color @end-percent)); // Safari 5.1+, Chrome 10+
282 background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(left, @start-color @start-percent, @end-color @end-percent); // FF 3.6+
283 background-image: linear-gradient(to right, @start-color @start-percent, @end-color @end-percent); // Standard, IE10
284 background-repeat: repeat-x;
285 filter: e(%("progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='%d', endColorstr='%d', GradientType=1)",argb(@start-color),argb(@end-color))); // IE9 and down
286 }
288 // Vertical gradient, from top to bottom
289 //
290 // Creates two color stops, start and end, by specifying a color and position for each color stop.
291 // Color stops are not available in IE9 and below.
292 .vertical(@start-color: #555; @end-color: #333; @start-percent: 0%; @end-percent: 100%) {
293 background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left @start-percent, left @end-percent, from(@start-color), to(@end-color)); // Safari 4+, Chrome 2+
294 background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, @start-color @start-percent, @end-color @end-percent); // Safari 5.1+, Chrome 10+
295 background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, @start-color @start-percent, @end-color @end-percent); // FF 3.6+
296 background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, @start-color @start-percent, @end-color @end-percent); // Standard, IE10
297 background-repeat: repeat-x;
298 filter: e(%("progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='%d', endColorstr='%d', GradientType=0)",argb(@start-color),argb(@end-color))); // IE9 and down
299 }
301 .directional(@start-color: #555; @end-color: #333; @deg: 45deg) {
302 background-repeat: repeat-x;
303 background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(@deg, @start-color, @end-color); // Safari 5.1+, Chrome 10+
304 background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(@deg, @start-color, @end-color); // FF 3.6+
305 background-image: linear-gradient(@deg, @start-color, @end-color); // Standard, IE10
306 }
307 .horizontal-three-colors(@start-color: #00b3ee; @mid-color: #7a43b6; @color-stop: 50%; @end-color: #c3325f) {
308 background-image: -webkit-gradient(left, linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(@start-color), color-stop(@color-stop, @mid-color), to(@end-color));
309 background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, @start-color, @mid-color @color-stop, @end-color);
310 background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(left, @start-color, @mid-color @color-stop, @end-color);
311 background-image: linear-gradient(to right, @start-color, @mid-color @color-stop, @end-color);
312 background-repeat: no-repeat;
313 filter: e(%("progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='%d', endColorstr='%d', GradientType=1)",argb(@start-color),argb(@end-color))); // IE9 and down, gets no color-stop at all for proper fallback
314 }
315 .vertical-three-colors(@start-color: #00b3ee; @mid-color: #7a43b6; @color-stop: 50%; @end-color: #c3325f) {
316 background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(@start-color), color-stop(@color-stop, @mid-color), to(@end-color));
317 background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(@start-color, @mid-color @color-stop, @end-color);
318 background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, @start-color, @mid-color @color-stop, @end-color);
319 background-image: linear-gradient(@start-color, @mid-color @color-stop, @end-color);
320 background-repeat: no-repeat;
321 filter: e(%("progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='%d', endColorstr='%d', GradientType=0)",argb(@start-color),argb(@end-color))); // IE9 and down, gets no color-stop at all for proper fallback
322 }
323 .radial(@inner-color: #555; @outer-color: #333) {
324 background-image: -webkit-gradient(radial, center center, 0, center center, 460, from(@inner-color), to(@outer-color));
325 background-image: -webkit-radial-gradient(circle, @inner-color, @outer-color);
326 background-image: -moz-radial-gradient(circle, @inner-color, @outer-color);
327 background-image: radial-gradient(circle, @inner-color, @outer-color);
328 background-repeat: no-repeat;
329 }
330 .striped(@color: rgba(255,255,255,.15); @angle: 45deg) {
331 background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 100%, 100% 0, color-stop(.25, @color), color-stop(.25, transparent), color-stop(.5, transparent), color-stop(.5, @color), color-stop(.75, @color), color-stop(.75, transparent), to(transparent));
332 background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(@angle, @color 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, @color 50%, @color 75%, transparent 75%, transparent);
333 background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(@angle, @color 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, @color 50%, @color 75%, transparent 75%, transparent);
334 background-image: linear-gradient(@angle, @color 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, @color 50%, @color 75%, transparent 75%, transparent);
335 }
336 }
338 // Reset filters for IE
339 //
340 // When you need to remove a gradient background, do not forget to use this to reset
341 // the IE filter for IE9 and below.
342 .reset-filter() {
343 filter: e(%("progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled = false)"));
344 }
348 // Retina images
349 //
350 // Short retina mixin for setting background-image and -size
352 .img-retina(@file-1x; @file-2x; @width-1x; @height-1x) {
353 background-image: url("@{file-1x}");
355 @media
356 only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
357 only screen and ( min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
358 only screen and ( -o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1),
359 only screen and ( min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
360 only screen and ( min-resolution: 192dpi),
361 only screen and ( min-resolution: 2dppx) {
362 background-image: url("@{file-2x}");
363 background-size: @width-1x @height-1x;
364 }
365 }
368 // Responsive image
369 //
370 // Keep images from scaling beyond the width of their parents.
372 .img-responsive(@display: block;) {
373 display: @display;
374 max-width: 100%; // Part 1: Set a maximum relative to the parent
375 height: auto; // Part 2: Scale the height according to the width, otherwise you get stretching
376 }
380 // --------------------------------------------------
382 // Horizontal dividers
383 // -------------------------
384 // Dividers (basically an hr) within dropdowns and nav lists
385 .nav-divider(@color: #e5e5e5) {
386 height: 1px;
387 margin: ((@line-height-computed / 2) - 1) 0;
388 overflow: hidden;
389 background-color: @color;
390 }
392 // Panels
393 // -------------------------
394 .panel-variant(@border; @heading-text-color; @heading-bg-color; @heading-border;) {
395 border-color: @border;
397 & > .panel-heading {
398 color: @heading-text-color;
399 background-color: @heading-bg-color;
400 border-color: @heading-border;
402 + .panel-collapse .panel-body {
403 border-top-color: @border;
404 }
405 & > .dropdown .caret {
406 border-color: @heading-text-color transparent;
407 }
408 }
409 & > .panel-footer {
410 + .panel-collapse .panel-body {
411 border-bottom-color: @border;
412 }
413 }
414 }
416 // Alerts
417 // -------------------------
418 .alert-variant(@background; @border; @text-color) {
419 background-color: @background;
420 border-color: @border;
421 color: @text-color;
423 hr {
424 border-top-color: darken(@border, 5%);
425 }
426 .alert-link {
427 color: darken(@text-color, 10%);
428 }
429 }
431 // Tables
432 // -------------------------
433 .table-row-variant(@state; @background; @border) {
434 // Exact selectors below required to override `.table-striped` and prevent
435 // inheritance to nested tables.
436 .table > thead > tr,
437 .table > tbody > tr,
438 .table > tfoot > tr {
439 > td.@{state},
440 > th.@{state},
441 &.@{state} > td,
442 &.@{state} > th {
443 background-color: @background;
444 }
445 }
447 // Hover states for `.table-hover`
448 // Note: this is not available for cells or rows within `thead` or `tfoot`.
449 .table-hover > tbody > tr {
450 > td.@{state}:hover,
451 > th.@{state}:hover,
452 &.@{state}:hover > td,
453 &.@{state}:hover > th {
454 background-color: darken(@background, 5%);
455 }
456 }
457 }
459 // Button variants
460 // -------------------------
461 // Easily pump out default styles, as well as :hover, :focus, :active,
462 // and disabled options for all buttons
463 .button-variant(@color; @background; @border) {
464 color: @color;
465 background-color: @background;
466 border-color: @border;
468 &:hover,
469 &:focus,
470 &:active,
471 &.active,
472 .open .dropdown-toggle& {
473 color: @color;
474 background-color: darken(@background, 8%);
475 border-color: darken(@border, 12%);
476 }
477 &:active,
478 &.active,
479 .open .dropdown-toggle& {
480 background-image: none;
481 }
482 &.disabled,
483 &[disabled],
484 fieldset[disabled] & {
485 &,
486 &:hover,
487 &:focus,
488 &:active,
489 &.active {
490 background-color: @background;
491 border-color: @border;
492 }
493 }
494 }
496 // Button sizes
497 // -------------------------
498 .button-size(@padding-vertical; @padding-horizontal; @font-size; @line-height; @border-radius) {
499 padding: @padding-vertical @padding-horizontal;
500 font-size: @font-size;
501 line-height: @line-height;
502 border-radius: @border-radius;
503 }
505 // Pagination
506 // -------------------------
507 .pagination-size(@padding-vertical; @padding-horizontal; @font-size; @border-radius) {
508 > li {
509 > a,
510 > span {
511 padding: @padding-vertical @padding-horizontal;
512 font-size: @font-size;
513 }
514 &:first-child {
515 > a,
516 > span {
517 .border-left-radius(@border-radius);
518 }
519 }
520 &:last-child {
521 > a,
522 > span {
523 .border-right-radius(@border-radius);
524 }
525 }
526 }
527 }
529 // Labels
530 // -------------------------
531 .label-variant(@color) {
532 background-color: @color;
533 &[href] {
534 &:hover,
535 &:focus {
536 background-color: darken(@color, 10%);
537 }
538 }
539 }
541 // Navbar vertical align
542 // -------------------------
543 // Vertically center elements in the navbar.
544 // Example: an element has a height of 30px, so write out `.navbar-vertical-align(30px);` to calculate the appropriate top margin.
545 .navbar-vertical-align(@element-height) {
546 margin-top: ((@navbar-height - @element-height) / 2);
547 margin-bottom: ((@navbar-height - @element-height) / 2);
548 }
550 // Progress bars
551 // -------------------------
552 .progress-bar-variant(@color) {
553 background-color: @color;
554 .progress-striped & {
555 #gradient > .striped();
556 }
557 }
559 // Responsive utilities
560 // -------------------------
561 // More easily include all the states for responsive-utilities.less.
562 .responsive-visibility() {
563 display: block !important;
564 tr& { display: table-row !important; }
565 th&,
566 td& { display: table-cell !important; }
567 }
569 .responsive-invisibility() {
570 &,
571 tr&,
572 th&,
573 td& { display: none !important; }
574 }
577 // Grid System
578 // -----------
580 // Centered container element
581 .container-fixed() {
582 margin-right: auto;
583 margin-left: auto;
584 padding-left: (@grid-gutter-width / 2);
585 padding-right: (@grid-gutter-width / 2);
586 .clearfix();
587 }
589 // Creates a wrapper for a series of columns
590 .make-row(@gutter: @grid-gutter-width) {
591 margin-left: (@gutter / -2);
592 margin-right: (@gutter / -2);
593 .clearfix();
594 }
596 // Generate the extra small columns
597 .make-xs-column(@columns; @gutter: @grid-gutter-width) {
598 position: relative;
599 float: left;
600 width: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns));
601 // Prevent columns from collapsing when empty
602 min-height: 1px;
603 // Inner gutter via padding
604 padding-left: (@gutter / 2);
605 padding-right: (@gutter / 2);
606 }
608 // Generate the small columns
609 .make-sm-column(@columns; @gutter: @grid-gutter-width) {
610 position: relative;
611 // Prevent columns from collapsing when empty
612 min-height: 1px;
613 // Inner gutter via padding
614 padding-left: (@gutter / 2);
615 padding-right: (@gutter / 2);
617 // Calculate width based on number of columns available
618 @media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) {
619 float: left;
620 width: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns));
621 }
622 }
624 // Generate the small column offsets
625 .make-sm-column-offset(@columns) {
626 @media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) {
627 margin-left: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns));
628 }
629 }
630 .make-sm-column-push(@columns) {
631 @media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) {
632 left: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns));
633 }
634 }
635 .make-sm-column-pull(@columns) {
636 @media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) {
637 right: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns));
638 }
639 }
641 // Generate the medium columns
642 .make-md-column(@columns; @gutter: @grid-gutter-width) {
643 position: relative;
644 // Prevent columns from collapsing when empty
645 min-height: 1px;
646 // Inner gutter via padding
647 padding-left: (@gutter / 2);
648 padding-right: (@gutter / 2);
650 // Calculate width based on number of columns available
651 @media (min-width: @screen-md-min) {
652 float: left;
653 width: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns));
654 }
655 }
657 // Generate the medium column offsets
658 .make-md-column-offset(@columns) {
659 @media (min-width: @screen-md-min) {
660 margin-left: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns));
661 }
662 }
663 .make-md-column-push(@columns) {
664 @media (min-width: @screen-md) {
665 left: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns));
666 }
667 }
668 .make-md-column-pull(@columns) {
669 @media (min-width: @screen-md-min) {
670 right: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns));
671 }
672 }
674 // Generate the large columns
675 .make-lg-column(@columns; @gutter: @grid-gutter-width) {
676 position: relative;
677 // Prevent columns from collapsing when empty
678 min-height: 1px;
679 // Inner gutter via padding
680 padding-left: (@gutter / 2);
681 padding-right: (@gutter / 2);
683 // Calculate width based on number of columns available
684 @media (min-width: @screen-lg-min) {
685 float: left;
686 width: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns));
687 }
688 }
690 // Generate the large column offsets
691 .make-lg-column-offset(@columns) {
692 @media (min-width: @screen-lg-min) {
693 margin-left: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns));
694 }
695 }
696 .make-lg-column-push(@columns) {
697 @media (min-width: @screen-lg-min) {
698 left: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns));
699 }
700 }
701 .make-lg-column-pull(@columns) {
702 @media (min-width: @screen-lg-min) {
703 right: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns));
704 }
705 }
708 // Framework grid generation
709 //
710 // Used only by Bootstrap to generate the correct number of grid classes given
711 // any value of `@grid-columns`.
713 .make-grid-columns() {
714 // Common styles for all sizes of grid columns, widths 1-12
715 .col(@index) when (@index = 1) { // initial
716 @item: ~".col-xs-@{index}, .col-sm-@{index}, .col-md-@{index}, .col-lg-@{index}";
717 .col(@index + 1, @item);
718 }
719 .col(@index, @list) when (@index =< @grid-columns) { // general; "=<" isn't a typo
720 @item: ~".col-xs-@{index}, .col-sm-@{index}, .col-md-@{index}, .col-lg-@{index}";
721 .col(@index + 1, ~"@{list}, @{item}");
722 }
723 .col(@index, @list) when (@index > @grid-columns) { // terminal
724 @{list} {
725 position: relative;
726 // Prevent columns from collapsing when empty
727 min-height: 1px;
728 // Inner gutter via padding
729 padding-left: (@grid-gutter-width / 2);
730 padding-right: (@grid-gutter-width / 2);
731 }
732 }
733 .col(1); // kickstart it
734 }
736 .make-grid-columns-float(@class) {
737 .col(@index) when (@index = 1) { // initial
738 @item: ~".col-@{class}-@{index}";
739 .col(@index + 1, @item);
740 }
741 .col(@index, @list) when (@index < @grid-columns) { // general
742 @item: ~".col-@{class}-@{index}";
743 .col(@index + 1, ~"@{list}, @{item}");
744 }
745 .col(@index, @list) when (@index = @grid-columns) { // terminal
746 @{list} {
747 float: left;
748 }
749 }
750 .col(1); // kickstart it
751 }
753 .calc-grid(@index, @class, @type) when (@type = width) {
754 .col-@{class}-@{index} {
755 width: percentage((@index / @grid-columns));
756 }
757 }
758 .calc-grid(@index, @class, @type) when (@type = push) {
759 .col-@{class}-push-@{index} {
760 left: percentage((@index / @grid-columns));
761 }
762 }
763 .calc-grid(@index, @class, @type) when (@type = pull) {
764 .col-@{class}-pull-@{index} {
765 right: percentage((@index / @grid-columns));
766 }
767 }
768 .calc-grid(@index, @class, @type) when (@type = offset) {
769 .col-@{class}-offset-@{index} {
770 margin-left: percentage((@index / @grid-columns));
771 }
772 }
774 // Basic looping in LESS
775 .make-grid(@index, @class, @type) when (@index > 0) {
776 .calc-grid(@index, @class, @type);
777 // next iteration
778 .make-grid(@index - 1, @class, @type);
779 }
782 // Form validation states
783 //
784 // Used in forms.less to generate the form validation CSS for warnings, errors,
785 // and successes.
787 .form-control-validation(@text-color: #555; @border-color: #ccc; @background-color: #f5f5f5) {
788 // Color the label and help text
789 .help-block,
790 .control-label,
791 .radio,
792 .checkbox,
793 .radio-inline,
794 .checkbox-inline {
795 color: @text-color;
796 }
797 // Set the border and box shadow on specific inputs to match
798 .form-control {
799 border-color: @border-color;
800 .box-shadow(inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075)); // Redeclare so transitions work
801 &:focus {
802 border-color: darken(@border-color, 10%);
803 @shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075), 0 0 6px lighten(@border-color, 20%);
804 .box-shadow(@shadow);
805 }
806 }
807 // Set validation states also for addons
808 .input-group-addon {
809 color: @text-color;
810 border-color: @border-color;
811 background-color: @background-color;
812 }
813 }
815 // Form control focus state
816 //
817 // Generate a customized focus state and for any input with the specified color,
818 // which defaults to the `@input-focus-border` variable.
819 //
820 // We highly encourage you to not customize the default value, but instead use
821 // this to tweak colors on an as-needed basis. This aesthetic change is based on
822 // WebKit's default styles, but applicable to a wider range of browsers. Its
823 // usability and accessibility should be taken into account with any change.
824 //
825 // Example usage: change the default blue border and shadow to white for better
826 // contrast against a dark gray background.
828 .form-control-focus(@color: @input-border-focus) {
829 @color-rgba: rgba(red(@color), green(@color), blue(@color), .6);
830 &:focus {
831 border-color: @color;
832 outline: 0;
833 .box-shadow(~"inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075), 0 0 8px @{color-rgba}");
834 }
835 }
837 // Form control sizing
838 //
839 // Relative text size, padding, and border-radii changes for form controls. For
840 // horizontal sizing, wrap controls in the predefined grid classes. `<select>`
841 // element gets special love because it's special, and that's a fact!
843 .input-size(@input-height; @padding-vertical; @padding-horizontal; @font-size; @line-height; @border-radius) {
844 height: @input-height;
845 padding: @padding-vertical @padding-horizontal;
846 font-size: @font-size;
847 line-height: @line-height;
848 border-radius: @border-radius;
850 select& {
851 height: @input-height;
852 line-height: @input-height;
853 }
855 textarea& {
856 height: auto;
857 }
858 }
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