]> iEval git - plack-app-gruntmaster.git/blob - Gruntmaster/HTML.pm
fixed "Page 1 of 0" in job log
[plack-app-gruntmaster.git] / Gruntmaster / HTML.pm
1 package Plack::App::Gruntmaster::HTML;
2 use v5.14;
3 use parent qw/Exporter/;
4 our @EXPORT = qw/render render_article/;
6 use File::Slurp qw/read_file/;
7 use HTML::Element::Library;
8 use HTML::TreeBuilder;
9 use POSIX qw//;
10 use Data::Dumper qw/Dumper/;
11 use Sort::ByExample
12 sorter => {-as => 'ct_sort', example => [qw/Running Pending Finished/], xform => sub {$_->{status}}};
14 my $optional_end_tags = {%HTML::Tagset::optionalEndTag, tr => 1, td => 1, th => 1};
16 sub ftime ($) { POSIX::strftime '%c', localtime shift }
17 sub literal ($) {
18 my ($html) = @_;
19 return '' unless $html;
20 my $b = HTML::TreeBuilder->new;
21 $b->ignore_unknown(0);
22 $b->parse($html);
23 HTML::Element::Library::super_literal $b->guts->as_HTML(undef, undef, $optional_end_tags);
24 }
26 sub HTML::Element::edit_href {
27 my ($self, $sub) = @_;
28 local $_ = $self->attr('href');
29 $sub->();
30 $self->attr(href => $_);
31 }
33 sub HTML::Element::iter3 {
34 my ($self, $data, $code) = @_;
35 my $orig = $self;
36 my $prev = $orig;
37 for my $el (@$data) {
38 my $current = $orig->clone;
39 $code->($el, $current);
40 $prev->postinsert($current);
41 $prev = $current;
42 }
43 $orig->detach;
44 }
46 sub HTML::Element::fid { shift->look_down(id => shift) }
47 sub HTML::Element::fclass { shift->look_down(class => qr/\b$_[0]\b/) }
49 sub HTML::Element::namedlink {
50 my ($self, $id, $name) = @_;
51 $name = $id unless $name && $name =~ /[[:graph:]]/;
52 $self = $self->find('a');
53 $self->edit_href(sub {s/id/$id/});
54 $self->replace_content($name);
55 }
57 my %page_cache;
58 for (<tmpl/*>) {
59 my ($tmpl, $lang) = m,tmpl/(\w+)\.(\w+),;
60 my $builder = HTML::TreeBuilder->new;
61 $builder->ignore_unknown(0);
62 $page_cache{$tmpl, $lang} = $builder->parse_file($_);
63 }
65 sub render {
66 my ($tmpl, $lang, %args) = @_;
67 $lang //= 'en';
68 my $meat = _render($tmpl, $lang, %args);
69 my $html = _render('skel', $lang, %args, meat => $meat);
70 if ($tmpl eq 'pb_entry') { # Move sidebar to correct position
71 my $builder = HTML::TreeBuilder->new;
72 $builder->ignore_unknown(0);
73 my $tree = $builder->parse_content($html);
74 $tree->fid('content')->postinsert($tree->fid('sidebar'));
75 $html = $tree->as_HTML(undef, undef, $optional_end_tags)
76 }
77 $html
78 }
80 sub render_article {
81 my ($art, $lang, %args) = @_;
82 $lang //= 'en';
83 my $title = read_file "a/$art.$lang.title";
84 chomp $title;
85 my $meat = read_file "a/$art.$lang", binmode => ':utf8';
86 _render('skel', $lang, title => $title , meat => $meat, %args)
87 }
89 sub _render {
90 my ($tmpl, $lang, %args) = @_;
91 my $tree = $page_cache{$tmpl, $lang}->clone or die "No such template/language combination: $tmpl/$lang\n";
92 $tree = $tree->guts unless $tmpl eq 'skel';
93 $tree->defmap(smap => \%args);
94 my $process = __PACKAGE__->can("process_$tmpl");
95 $process->($tree, %args) if $process;
96 $_->attr('smap', undef) for $tree->look_down(sub {$_[0]->attr('smap')});
97 $tree->as_HTML(undef, undef, $optional_end_tags);
98 }
100 sub process_skel {
101 my ($tree, %args) = @_;
102 $tree->content_handler(
103 title => $args{title},
104 content => literal $args{meat});
105 }
107 sub process_us_entry {
108 my ($tree, %args) = @_;
109 $tree->fid($_)->attr('href', "/$_/?owner=$args{id}") for qw/log pb/;
110 $tree->fid('track_user')->attr('data-user', $args{id});
111 my @solved = map { $_->{solved} ? ($_->{problem}) : () } @{$args{problems}};
112 my @attempted = map { !$_->{solved} ? ($_->{problem}) : () } @{$args{problems}};
114 my $pbiter = sub {
115 my ($data, $li) = @_;
116 $li->find('a')->namedlink($data);
117 };
118 $tree->fid('solved')->find('li')->iter3(\@solved, $pbiter);
119 $tree->fid('attempted')->find('li')->iter3(\@attempted, $pbiter);
120 $tree->fid('solved_count')->replace_content(scalar @solved);
121 $tree->fid('attempted_count')->replace_content(scalar @attempted);
123 my $ctiter = sub {
124 my ($data, $td) = @_;
125 $td->fclass('contest')->namedlink($data->{contest}, $data->{contest_name});
126 $td->fclass('score')->replace_content($data->{score});
127 $td->fclass('rank')->replace_content($data->{rank});
128 };
129 $tree->find('table')->find('tbody')->find('tr')->iter3($args{contests}, $ctiter);
130 }
132 sub process_us {
133 my ($tree, %args) = @_;
134 my $iter = sub {
135 my ($data, $tr) = @_;
136 $tr->fclass('user')->namedlink($data->{id}, $data->{name});
137 $tr->fclass($_)->replace_content($data->{$_}) for qw/solved attempted contests/;
138 };
139 $tree->find('tbody')->find('tr')->iter3($args{us}, $iter);
140 }
142 sub process_ct_entry {
143 my ($tree, %args) = @_;
144 $_->edit_href (sub {s/contest_id/$args{id}/}) for $tree->find('a');
145 $tree->fid('editorial')->detach unless $args{finished};
146 $tree->fid('links')->detach unless $args{started};
147 my $status = ($args{time} < $args{start} ? 'starts' : 'ends');
148 $tree->fclass('timer')->attr('data-stop', $status eq 'ends' ? $args{stop} : $args{start});
149 $tree->content_handler(
150 start => ftime $args{start},
151 stop => ftime $args{stop},
152 status => $status,
153 description => literal $args{description});
154 $tree->fid('ctcountdown')->detach if $args{time} >= $args{stop};
155 }
157 sub process_ct {
158 my ($tree, %args) = @_;
159 my $iter = sub {
160 my ($data, $tr) = @_;
161 $data->{$_} = ftime $data->{$_} for qw/start stop/;
162 $tr->hashmap(class => $data, [qw/name owner/]);
163 $tr->fclass('name')->namedlink($data->{id}, $data->{name});
164 $tr->fclass('owner')->namedlink($data->{owner}, $data->{owner_name});
165 };
166 $_->{status} = $_->{finished} ? 'Finished' : $_->{started} ? 'Running' : 'Pending' for @{$args{ct}};
167 $tree->find('tbody')->find('tr')->iter3([ct_sort @{$args{ct}}], $iter);
168 }
170 sub process_pb_entry {
171 my ($tree, %args) = @_;
172 $tree->fid('owner')->edit_href(sub{s/owner_id/$args{owner}/});
173 $tree->fid('job_log')->edit_href(sub{s/problem_id/$args{id}/});
174 $tree->fid('solution')->edit_href(sub{s/problem_id/$args{id}/});
175 $tree->content_handler(
176 statement => literal $args{statement},
177 level => ucfirst $args{level},
178 author => $args{author},
179 owner => $args{owner_name} || $args{owner});
180 if ($args{limits}) {
181 my @limits = (@{$args{limits}}, {format => 'Other', timeout => $args{timeout} });
182 @limits = map { sprintf '%s (%s)', @{$_}{qw/timeout format/} } @limits;
183 $tree->look_down(smap => 'timeout')->replace_content(join ', ', @limits);
184 }
185 if ($args{contest_stop}) {
186 $tree->fid('solution')->detach;
187 $tree->fid('solution_modal')->detach;
188 $tree->fid('score')->replace_content($args{value});
189 $tree->fid('countdown')->attr('data-stop' => $args{contest_stop});
190 } else {
191 $tree->fid('job_log')->edit_href(sub{$_ .= "&private=$args{private}"}) if $args{private};
192 $tree->fid('solution')->detach unless $args{solution};
193 $_->detach for $tree->fclass('rc'); # requires contest
194 $tree->fid('solution_modal')->replace_content(literal $args{solution});
195 }
197 $tree->look_down(name => 'problem')->attr(value => $args{id});
198 my $contest = $tree->look_down(name => 'contest');
199 $contest->attr(value => $args{args}{contest}) if $args{args}{contest};
200 $contest->detach unless $args{args}{contest}
201 }
203 sub process_sol {
204 my ($tree, %args) = @_;
205 $tree->content_handler(solution => literal $args{solution});
206 }
208 sub process_pb {
209 my ($tree, %args) = @_;
210 my $iter = sub {
211 my ($data, $tr) = @_;
212 $tr->set_child_content(class => 'author', $data->{author});
213 $tr->set_child_content(class => 'value', $data->{value}) if $args{args}{contest};
214 $tr->fclass('value')->detach unless $args{args}{contest};
215 $tr->set_child_content(class => 'level', ucfirst $data->{level});
216 $tr->fclass('name')->namedlink($data->{id}, $data->{name});
217 $tr->fclass('name')->find('a')->edit_href(sub {$_ .= "?contest=$args{args}{contest}"}) if $args{args}{contest};
218 $tr->fclass('owner')->namedlink($data->{owner}, $data->{owner_name});
219 $tr->find('td')->attr(class => $tr->find('td')->attr('class').' warning') if $data->{private} && !$args{args}{contest};
220 };
222 $tree->find('thead')->fclass('value')->detach unless $args{args}{contest};
224 $tree->find('tbody')->find('tr')->iter3([sort { $a->{value} <=> $b->{value} } @{$args{pb}}], $iter);
225 $tree->fid('open-alert')->detach unless $args{args}{contest};
226 }
228 sub process_log_entry {
229 my ($tree, %args) = @_;
230 $tree->fid('problem')->namedlink(@args{qw/problem problem_name/});
231 $tree->fid('owner')->namedlink(@args{qw/owner owner_name/});
232 $tree->fid('source')->namedlink("$args{id}.$args{extension}", sprintf '%.2fKB', $args{size}/1024);
233 if ($args{contest}) {
234 $tree->fid('contest')->namedlink(@args{qw/contest contest_name/});
235 $tree->fid('problem')->find('a')->edit_href(sub {$_.="?contest=$args{contest}"});
236 } else {
237 $tree->fid('contest')->left->detach;
238 $tree->fid('contest')->detach;
239 }
241 $args{errors} ? $tree->fid('errors')->find('pre')->replace_content($args{errors}) : $tree->fid('errors')->detach;
242 my $iter = sub {
243 my ($data, $tr) = @_;
244 $data->{time} = sprintf '%.4fs', $data->{time};
245 $tr->defmap(class => $data);
246 $tr->fclass('result_text')->attr(class => "r$data->{result}")
247 };
248 $tree->fclass('result_text')->replace_content($args{result_text});
249 $tree->fclass('result_text')->attr(class => "r$args{result}");
250 $args{results} ? $tree->fid('results')->find('tbody')->find('tr')->iter3($args{results}, $iter) : $tree->fid('results')->detach;
251 $tree->fid('no_results')->detach if $tree->fid('results') || $tree->fid('errors');
252 }
254 sub process_log {
255 my ($tree, %args) = @_;
256 my $iter = sub {
257 my ($data, $tr) = @_;
258 $tr->fclass('id')->namedlink($data->{id});
259 $tr->fclass('problem')->namedlink($data->{problem}, $data->{problem_name});
260 $tr->fclass('problem')->find('a')->edit_href(sub{$_ .= '?contest='.$data->{contest}}) if $data->{contest};
261 $tr->fclass('contest')->namedlink($data->{contest}, $data->{contest_name}) if $data->{contest};
262 $tr->fclass('contest')->replace_content('None') unless $data->{contest};
263 $tr->fclass('date')->replace_content(ftime $data->{date});
264 $tr->fclass('source')->namedlink("$data->{id}.$data->{extension}", sprintf "%.2fKB %s", $data->{size}/1024, Plack::App::Gruntmaster::FORMAT_EXTENSION()->{$data->{format}});
265 $tr->fclass('owner')->namedlink($data->{owner}, $data->{owner_name});
266 $tr->fclass('result_text')->replace_content($data->{result_text});
267 $tr->fclass('result_text')->attr(class => "r$data->{result}");
268 $tr->find('td')->attr(class => $tr->find('td')->attr('class').' warning') if $data->{private};
269 };
270 $tree->find('table')->find('tbody')->find('tr')->iter3($args{log}, $iter);
271 $args{next_page} ? $tree->fclass('next')->namedlink($args{next_page}, 'Next') : $tree->fclass('next')->detach;
272 $args{previous_page} ? $tree->fclass('previous')->namedlink($args{previous_page}, 'Previous') : $tree->fclass('previous')->detach;
273 for my $cls (qw/next previous/) {
274 my $elem = $tree->fclass($cls);
275 next unless $elem;
276 delete $args{args}{page};
277 my $str = join '&', map { $_ . '=' . $args{args}{$_} } keys %{$args{args}};
278 $elem->find('a')->edit_href(sub{s/$/&$str/}) if $str;
279 }
280 $tree->fclass('current')->replace_content("Page $args{current_page} of $args{last_page}");
281 }
283 sub process_st {
284 my ($tree, %args) = @_;
285 $args{problems} //= [];
286 my $pbiter = sub {
287 my ($data, $th) = @_;
288 $th->attr(class => undef);
289 $th->namedlink(@$data);
290 $th->find('a')->edit_href(sub{s/$/?contest=$args{args}{contest}/});
291 };
292 $tree->fclass('problem')->iter3($args{problems}, $pbiter);
293 my $iter = sub {
294 my ($st, $tr) = @_;
295 $tr->set_child_content(class => 'rank', $st->{rank});
296 $tr->set_child_content(class => 'score', $st->{score});
297 $tr->fclass('user')->namedlink($st->{user}, $st->{user_name});
298 my $pbscore = $tr->fclass('pbscore');
299 $pbscore->iter($pbscore => @{$st->{scores}});
300 };
301 $tree->find('tbody')->find('tr')->iter3($args{st}, $iter);
302 }
304 sub process_ed {
305 my ($tree, %args) = @_;
306 $tree->content_handler(editorial => literal $args{editorial});
307 my $iter = sub {
308 my ($data, $div) = @_;
309 $div->set_child_content(class => 'value', $data->{value});
310 $div->set_child_content(class => 'solution', literal $data->{solution});
311 $div->fclass('problem')->namedlink($data->{id}, $data->{name});
312 };
313 my @pb = sort { $a->{value} <=> $b->{value} } @{$args{pb}};
314 $tree->fclass('well')->iter3(\@pb, $iter);
315 }
317 1;
318 __END__
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