yosys -p 'synth_ice40 -top top -blif $@' $<
%.asc: $(PIN_DEF) %.blif
- arachne-pnr -d $(subst hx,,$(subst lp,,$(DEVICE))) -o $@ -p $^ -P vq100
+ arachne-pnr -d $(subst hx,,$(subst lp,,$(DEVICE))) -o $@ -p $^ -P tq144
%.bin: %.asc
icepack $< $@
icetime -d $(DEVICE) -mtr $@ $<
prog: $(PROJ).bin
- ./iCEburn.py -e -v -w $<
+ iceprog $<
rm -f $(PROJ).blif $(PROJ).asc $(PROJ).bin
+# Generic iCEstick placement constraints file
-set_io OUT_R[0] 72
-set_io OUT_R[1] 69
-set_io OUT_R[2] 66
-set_io OUT_C[0] 87
-set_io OUT_C[1] 85
-set_io OUT_C[2] 82
-set_io OUT_C[3] 80
-set_io OUT_C[4] 78
-set_io OUT_C[5] 73
-set_io OUT_C[6] 71
-set_io OUT_C[7] 68
-set_io IND[0] 86
-set_io IND[1] 83
-set_io IND[2] 81
-set_io IND[3] 79
-set_io IN_R[0] 100
-set_io IN_R[1] 15
-set_io IN_R[2] 16
-set_io IN_R[3] 19
-set_io IN_C[0] 90
-set_io IN_C[1] 93
-set_io IN_C[2] 95
-set_io IN_C[3] 97
-set_io CLK 13
-set_io UART_TX 10
-set_io UART_RX 9
\ No newline at end of file
+# Red LEDs
+set_io LED[0] 99
+set_io LED[1] 98
+set_io LED[2] 97
+set_io LED[3] 96
+# Green LED
+set_io LED[4] 95
+# IrDA port
+#set_io RXD 106
+#set_io TXD 105
+#set_io SD 107
+# Pmod connector
+#set_io PIO1_02 78 # Pin 1
+#set_io PIO1_03 79 # Pin 2
+#set_io PIO1_04 80 # Pin 3
+#set_io PIO1_05 81 # Pin 4
+#set_io PIO1_06 87 # Pin 7
+#set_io PIO1_07 88 # Pin 8
+#set_io PIO1_08 90 # Pin 9
+#set_io PIO1_09 91 # Pin 10
+# Connector J1
+#set_io PIO0_02 112 # Pin 3
+#set_io PIO0_03 113 # Pin 4
+#set_io PIO0_04 114 # Pin 5
+#set_io PIO0_05 115 # Pin 6
+#set_io PIO0_06 116 # Pin 7
+#set_io PIO0_07 117 # Pin 8
+#set_io PIO0_08 118 # Pin 9
+#set_io PIO0_09 119 # Pin 10
+# Connector J3
+#set_io PIO2_17 62 # Pin 3
+#set_io PIO2_16 61 # Pin 4
+#set_io PIO2_15 60 # Pin 5
+#set_io PIO2_14 56 # Pin 6
+#set_io PIO2_13 48 # Pin 7
+#set_io PIO2_12 47 # Pin 8
+#set_io PIO2_11 45 # Pin 9
+#set_io PIO2_10 44 # Pin 10
+#set_io DCDn 1
+#set_io DSRn 2
+#set_io DTRn 3
+#set_io CTSn 4
+#set_io RTSn 7
+set_io UART_TX 8
+set_io UART_RX 9
+# SPI
+#set_io SPI_SCK 70
+#set_io SPI_SI 68
+#set_io SPI_SO 67
+#set_io SPI_SS_B 71
+# Configuration pins
+#set_io CDONE 65
+#set_io CRESET_B 66
+# 12 MHz clock
+set_io CLK 21
`include "processor_4.v"
-module top (input CLK, output [7:0] OUT_C, output [2:0] OUT_R, output [3:0] IN_C, input [3:0] IN_R, output [3:0] IND, output UART_TX, input UART_RX);
- wire [23:0] led;
- // Prescaler on the clock
- reg [24:0] counter = 0;
- always @ (posedge CLK) begin
- counter <= counter + 1;
- end
- // Handle the inputs
- reg [3:0] shift_in = 4'b1110;
- always @ (negedge counter[13]) begin
- shift_in <= { shift_in[2:0], shift_in[3] };
- end
- assign IN_C = shift_in;
- reg [15:0] buttons = 0;
- always @ (posedge counter[13]) begin
- case (shift_in)
- 4'b1110: begin
- buttons[0] <= !IN_R[0];
- buttons[4] <= !IN_R[1];
- buttons[8] <= !IN_R[2];
- buttons[12] <= !IN_R[3];
- end
- 4'b1101: begin
- buttons[1] <= !IN_R[0];
- buttons[5] <= !IN_R[1];
- buttons[9] <= !IN_R[2];
- buttons[13] <= !IN_R[3];
- end
- 4'b1011: begin
- buttons[2] <= !IN_R[0];
- buttons[6] <= !IN_R[1];
- buttons[10] <= !IN_R[2];
- buttons[14] <= !IN_R[3];
- end
- 4'b0111: begin
- buttons[3] <= !IN_R[0];
- buttons[7] <= !IN_R[1];
- buttons[11] <= !IN_R[2];
- buttons[15] <= !IN_R[3];
- end
- endcase
- end
- // Connect up the processor
- PROCESSOR cpu(.clk(CLK),//counter[20]),
- .led(led),
- .indicators(IND),
- .uart_tx(UART_TX),
- .uart_rx(UART_RX),
- .buttons(buttons));
- // Handle output stuff
- reg [7:0] out;
- reg [2:0] shift_out = 3'b001;
- always @ (posedge counter[7]) begin
- if (shift_out[2] == 1)
- out <= led[7:0];
- if (shift_out[0] == 1)
- out <= led[15:8];
- if (shift_out[1] == 1)
- out <= led[23:16];
- shift_out <= { shift_out[1:0], shift_out[2] };
+module top (input CLK, output [4:0] LED, output UART_TX, input UART_RX);
+ // Prescaler on the clock
+ reg [24:0] counter = 0;
+ always @ (posedge CLK) begin
+ counter <= counter + 1;
- assign OUT_R = shift_out;
- assign OUT_C = out;
+ // Connect up the processor
+ PROCESSOR cpu(.clk(counter[10]),
+ .led(LED),
+ .uart_tx(UART_TX),
+ .uart_rx(UART_RX));
module GC (input clk, input mclk, input [7:0] Ein, output [7:0] Eout, input [3:0] gcop, output [5:0] ostate, output step_eval);
reg [5:0] gostate = 6'o2;
reg [5:0] gnstate;
- reg [16:0] rom_output;
+ reg [15:0] rom_output;
reg [7:0] Ein_latched;
always @(posedge clk) begin
// Prescalar with default 16 bit division
module PRESCALER #(parameter BITS = 16) (input clk, output out);
reg [BITS-1:0] counter = 0;
- always @ (posedge clk) begin
+ always @ (posedge clk) begin
counter <= counter + 1;
assign out = counter[BITS-1];
`define INST_CAR 4'b1111
`define INST_CDR 4'b1101
-`define STORE_BUTTON buttons[8]
-`define CLEAR_BUTTON buttons[9]
-`define PC_INC_BUTTON buttons[10]
-`define PC_DEC_BUTTON buttons[11]
-`define PC_CLR_BUTTON buttons[12]
-`define ACCUM_CLR_BUTTON buttons[13]
-`define RUN_BUTTON buttons[14]
-`define EXECUTE_BUTTON buttons[15]
`define GCOP_NOP 4'd0
`define GCOP_CDR 4'd1
`define GCOP_CAR 4'd2
// This is a simple four bit accumulator machine. It is a Havard architecture with separate
// program and user memory address spaces.
-module PROCESSOR (input clk, output [23:0] led, output [3:0] indicators, input [15:0] buttons, output uart_tx, input uart_rx);
+module PROCESSOR (input clk, output [4:0] led, output uart_tx, input uart_rx);
// storage unit
reg [7:0] Ein;
wire [7:0] Eout;
reg running = 1;
- always @ (posedge `RUN_BUTTON) begin
- running <= !running;
- end
- // Generate running clock
- wire running_counter;
- PRESCALER #(.BITS(1)) scal0 (.clk(clk), .out(running_counter));
- wire running_clk = running & running_counter;
- // Handle execution
- wire execute_trigger;
+ // Generate eval and gc clocks
- SINGLE_TRIGGER trig0 (.clk(clk), .trigger_in(`EXECUTE_BUTTON), .trigger_out(execute_trigger));
- wire running_trigger;
- SINGLE_TRIGGER trig1 (.clk(clk), .trigger_in(running_clk), .trigger_out(running_trigger));
- wire gc_clock = (!running & execute_trigger) | running_clk;
+ reg gc_clock = 0;
wire eval_clock = !gc_clock & step_eval;
+ always @ (posedge clk)
+ gc_clock <= !gc_clock;
GC gc (.clk(gc_clock), .mclk(clk), .Ein(Ein), .Eout(Eout), .gcop(gcop), .ostate(ostate), .step_eval(step_eval));
// Handle halt
wire [3:0] next = pc + 4'b0001;
wire [3:0] prev = pc + 4'b1111;
- wire pc_prev_trigger;
- wire pc_next_trigger;
- wire pc_zero_trigger;
- SINGLE_TRIGGER trig3 (.clk(clk), .trigger_in(`PC_INC_BUTTON), .trigger_out(pc_next_trigger));
- SINGLE_TRIGGER trig4 (.clk(clk), .trigger_in(`PC_DEC_BUTTON), .trigger_out(pc_prev_trigger));
- SINGLE_TRIGGER trig5 (.clk(clk), .trigger_in(`PC_CLR_BUTTON), .trigger_out(pc_zero_trigger));
wire [3:0] newPc =
(inst == `INST_JP) ? argu :
(inst == `INST_JPZ) & (accum == 4'b0000) ? argu :
(inst == `INST_READ) & !fifo_re ? pc :
(inst == `INST_RDQ) & !reading_E ? pc :
(inst != `INST_HALT) ? next :
-/* !running & pc_zero_trigger ? 4'b00000 :
- !running & pc_next_trigger ? next :
- !running & pc_prev_trigger ? prev : */
always @ (posedge eval_clock) begin
hex_to_ascii h2a (.hex(accum), .ascii(uart_tx_byte));
- // 300-ish baud uart
- uart #(.CLOCK_DIVIDE(81)) uart (.clk(clk), .rx(uart_rx), .tx(uart_tx), .transmit(uart_tx_signal), .tx_byte(uart_tx_byte), .received(uart_rx_signal), .rx_byte(uart_rx_byte), .is_receiving(uart_is_receiving), .is_transmitting(uart_is_transmitting), .recv_error (uart_rx_error));
+ // 300 baud uart
+ uart #(.CLOCK_DIVIDE(5)) uart (.clk(clk), .rx(uart_rx), .tx(uart_tx), .transmit(uart_tx_signal), .tx_byte(uart_tx_byte), .received(uart_rx_signal), .rx_byte(uart_rx_byte), .is_receiving(uart_is_receiving), .is_transmitting(uart_is_transmitting), .recv_error (uart_rx_error));
// GC logic
always @ (posedge eval_clock) begin
assign led[4] = uart_rx_error;
assign led[5] = fifo_empty;
assign led[6] = fifo_full;
- assign led[7] = fifo_re;*/
+ assign led[7] = fifo_re;
assign led[7:4] = Ein[3:0];
assign led[3:0] = Eout[3:0];
// assign led[15:8] = programOut;
// assign led[15:8] = uart_rx_byte;
- assign led[15] = step_eval;
- assign led[14] = eval_clock;
assign led[13:8] = ostate;
assign led[19:16] = pc;
assign led[23:20] = accum;
- assign indicators = {1'b0, (!running & `EXECUTE_BUTTON) | running_clk, halt, running & !halt};
+ assign indicators = {1'b0, (!running & `EXECUTE_BUTTON) | running_clk, halt, running & !halt};*/
+ assign led[0] = eval_clock;
+ assign led[1] = uart_is_transmitting;
+ assign led[2] = uart_is_receiving;
+ assign led[3] = recv_error;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
4'd0: data <= 8'b0001_0110; // LDI 6
- 4'd1: data <= 8'b0110_1001; // JP 9
+ 4'd1: data <= 8'b0110_0010; // JP 9
4'd2: data <= 8'b0010_0001; // ADD 1
4'd3: data <= 8'b1001_0000; // WRITE
4'd4: data <= 8'b0110_0010; // JP 2
default: data <= 8'bxxxx_xxxx;
- assign out_data = data_out_reg;